
We hope the EU will properly deal with the cases of PV products and wireless telecommunication equipments , uphold the larger interests of China-EU economic relations and the principle of trade liberalization .
To practice the sustainable development principle , the liberalization of trade may have not only the active influences but also the negative influences .
With economic growth , the problem of environmental pollution faced by human-being is becoming more and more serious . International trade is cited as one of the reasons why the environmental quality is deteriorating , and even the principles of international trade liberalization is subjected to suspicion .
The multilateral trade negotiation of Uruguay Round reached general agreement on trade in services in 1993 , confirmed the multilateral principle and frame of service trade towards liberalization , which makes interna - tional service trade development get a brand-new room .
This is because the development and function of the border trade are in agreement with the aim and basic principles of trade liberalism of the WTO .