- 名trade policy

An agreement on many aspects of trade policy was in sight
A Study on the Transparency of Trade Policy in the WTO System
His free-trade policies aroused suspicion among Tory stalwarts
It examines how the decision to quit gold or to cleave to it affected trade policies .
To respect the local custom of the buying country is one important aspect of China 's foreign policy .
The Influence of WTO Trade Policies to China 's Trade Policies on Forestry Products
So we regard sugar price change as respond to WTO trade policy . 2 .
The trade policy review mechanism is a very important part of WTO . It is significant to China .
WTO Anti-dumping Agreement ( ADA ) has tremendous impact on its members ' trade policy making and implementation .
The openness and transparency of the US trade regime have been key contributing factors to the efficiency that characterizes the US economy .
In the basis of obeying the rules of WTO , which foreign trade policy China should choose to meet with the challenge after joining the WTO ?
Trade Policy Selection in Bilateral FTA Negotiation : An Analysis on Synthesized Indexes in Negotiation Subject
Foreign trade policy of all countries follows the principle of national benefit . The implementation of WTO rules is established on the basis of objective difference of national benefit .
The Research on the NAFTA Trade Policy for Agricultural Products
For these new changes of trade policies , we must have sober understand knowledge , research deeply and make the most of the regulations of WTO to take scientific countermeasures for our legality rights and economic safety .
Chapter Three theoretically analyzes the effect that has been produced by implementing the trade policy for agricultural products in the past ten years .
The WTO shall administer the Trade Policy Review Mechanism ( hereinafter referred to as the " TPRM ") provided for in Annex 3 to this Agreement .
Entering into WTO Will be China 's opening for the second time , which will make a long influence on the trade policy , interest policy and capital moving policy in our country which will influence the macro fiscal policy 's effect .
Part II elaborates those factors influencing their competitiveness relating to on-going competition situations in the world market , the accession of China into WTO , trading policies and production means of enterprises , thus to analyze the competition environment these Chinese enterprises are bearding ;
Trade Policy Review Mechanism ( TPRM ), Trade Negotiation Mechanism and Dispute Settlement Mechanism ( DSM ) are three mechanisms that ensure the smoother operation of WTO multilateral trading system .
Part 3 introduce the practice that china in face with the trade policy review . First introduce the transition review then the all-around review , and then raise some specific suggestions in the light of the countermeasures towards the challenge that china 's trade policy faced with .
On the one hand , this chapter gives the empirical analysis of the impacts on the economic relationship among the three countries by implementing the trade policy in NAFTA .
For helping to understand deeply the impact of China 's entering WTO on its domestic market , this paper applied the theory of game and differential technology to analyze the social effects of trade policies ' adjustment and horizontal mergers under different trade modes in open economy environment .
Munemitsu Hirano , director for international trade policy negotiations at the Ministry of agriculture , forestry and fisheries , said Japan might not be guaranteed stable food supplies as a result of its investment efforts .
Full reports shall describe the trade policies and practices pursued by the member or members concerned , based on an agreed format to be decided upon by the tprb .
Comparative Advantage and Strategic Adjustment of Chinese Agricultural Products Trade Policies
The policies of supporting were based on strategic trading policy .
The Analytical Research on Implementing the Strategic Trade Policy in China
On necessity and possibility of implementing strategic trade policy in China
International R & D Rivalry , Capital Structure and Strategic Trade Policy