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mào yì shùn chà
  • favorable balance of trade;positive trade balance;trade surplus
  1. 该国的贸易顺差增加到165亿美元。

    The country 's trade surplus widened to 16.5 billion dollars .

  2. 享有贸易顺差的国家不会面临货币升值的压力。

    Countries enjoying surpluses will be under no pressure to revalue their currencies .

  3. 一如美国银行(BANKOFAMERICA)所指出的,中国第三季度净资本流出只有区区110亿美元,远低于贸易顺差加上外商直接投资两者相加的1080亿美元。

    As Bank of America notes , net capital outflows in the third quarter were a paltry $ 11bn versus a trade surplus plus foreign direct investment of $ 108bn .

  4. 贸易顺差的降幅甚至更大;今年可能会降至GDP的4%以下,同样不足上一次峰值水平的一半。

    The trade surplus has declined even more ; this year it will likely be below 4 per cent of GDP , again less than half its recent peak .

  5. 吉尔摩表示:如今,资金外流已开始抵消贸易顺差和外商直接投资(FDI)的影响,这是一个可喜的现象。

    Mr Gilmore says : There are now capital outflows that are beginning to offset the trade surpluses and FDI [ foreign direct investment ] , which is encouraging .

  6. 正常情况下,贸易顺差会造成升值压力,因为企业会卖出美元,买进人民币,香港渣打银行(StandardChartered)外汇策略师EddieCheung说。

    Normally the trade surplus creates appreciation pressure as corporates sell dollars and buy renminbi , says Eddie Cheung , forex strategist with Standard Chartered in Hong Kong .

  7. 为了避免人民币升值,中国央行不得不买进足够的外汇,以抵消贸易顺差、外国直接投资(FDI)以及热钱流入人民币资产所造成的影响。

    To prevent the renminbi appreciating , the central bank has to buy enough foreign currency to offset the trade surplus , foreign direct investment ( FDI ) and foreign money going into renminbi assets .

  8. 大宗商品出口大国也无力通过扩大进口降低顺差。沙特、利比亚和委内瑞拉在2002年至2007年期间,贸易顺差占GDP比例平均达到了两位数水平。

    The big commodity exporting nations have a similar inability to absorb enough imports to reduce their surpluses – double-digit percentages of GDP on average between 2002 and 2007 for Saudi Arabia , Libya and Venezuela .

  9. 6月份外汇储备增长额不及贸易顺差与外国直接投资(fdi)两项数据之和,这可能表明,在人民币升值速度较年初有所放缓的形势下,投机资本实际上正在流出中国。

    The June increase is less than the combined trade surplus and foreign direct investment figures , which could indicate that China actually saw an outflow of speculative funds at a time when currency appreciation was slower than earlier in the year .

  10. 不列颠哥伦比亚省省长简蕙芝(ChristyClark)说,贸易顺差将会略有反弹,但是只要我们能有好几个市场,就不会只依赖一个市场。

    The balance of trade will bounce around a bit , but as long as we have several markets , we won 't be captive to one , ' said British Columbia Premier Christy Clark .

  11. 我预计贸易顺差会继续缩小,在今年的某个时候,比如3月份,甚至可能转为逆差,法国巴黎银行(BNPParibas)高级经济学家彭垦(KenPeng)说。

    I expect the trade surplus to continue to shrink and that at some point this year , say March , it could even turn to a deficit , said Ken Peng , senior economist at BNP Paribas .

  12. 只要欧洲央行(ECB)对整个欧元区的需求疲软持容忍态度,同时核心成员国尤其是德国继续积累巨额贸易顺差,较脆弱的成员国就几乎不可能逃脱破产的厄运。

    So long as the European Central Bank tolerates weak demand in the eurozone as a whole and core countries , above all Germany , continue to run vast trade surpluses , it will be nigh on impossible for weaker members to escape from their insolvency traps .

  13. 我国去年有很大的国际贸易顺差。

    We had a very favourable international trade balance last year .

  14. 中国贸易顺差意外较窄,主要是由于进口的强劲增长。

    The surprisingly narrow surplus was largely due to import strength .

  15. 中国对美国的巨额双边贸易顺差证明不了什么。

    China 's large bilateral trade surplus with America proves nothing .

  16. 中国的贸易顺差为303.5亿美元。

    China 's trade surplus stood at US $ 30.35 billion .

  17. 贸易顺差可谓积习难改。

    Trade surpluses are a habit that is hard to break .

  18. 应对持续贸易顺差之最优途径:扩张消费需求

    Stimulating Consumption Is the Best Way to Cope With Trade Surplus

  19. 现实的说法是他们拥有庞大的贸易顺差。

    The reality is they have a huge trade surplus .

  20. 我们有4亿人民币的贸易顺差。

    We have a trade surplus of ¥ 400 million .

  21. 但中国的贸易顺差仍继续上升。

    But China 's trade surplus has continued to rise .

  22. 如果是这样的话,贸易顺差将在下个月趋于稳定。

    If so , the trade surplus should stabilise in coming months .

  23. 今年7月的贸易顺差达到244亿美元。

    In July , the surplus hit 24-point-four billion dollars .

  24. 贸易顺差是经常项目顺差的来源。

    The trade surplus is the main source of current .

  25. 韩国对外贸易顺差的88%来自中国;

    88 % the surplus of trade of Korea owing to China ;

  26. 惟一的办法是增加国内需求,从而减少贸易顺差。

    The only way is to boost domestic demand to cut trade surplus .

  27. 对不起,我们在高科技产品的贸易顺差在小布什的第一任期内已结束了。

    Sorry.U.S.trade surpluses in advanced technology products ended in Bush 's first term .

  28. 我国贸易顺差的成因及变动趋势&基于东亚产品内国际分工的新视角

    Chinese Current Trade Surplus is Aroused by the Intra-product Specialization in East Asia

  29. 但是,各方关注的主要焦点是贸易顺差。

    But the main focus is on the surplus .

  30. 官员以中国贸易顺差收窄的例子来证明这一观点。

    As evidence , they point to the country 's shrinking trade surpluses .