
  1. 希腊昨日屈从于市场压力,正式就一项旨在避免债务违约的300亿欧元贷款方案寻求咨询意见,从而在向欧元区伙伴国和国际货币基金组织(IMF)求助上迈出了重要一步。

    Greece capitulated to market pressure yesterday and took an important step towards a bailout from its eurozone partners and the International Monetary Fund as it formally sought consultations over a € 30bn loan package to stave off default .

  2. 与其完全通过提供附带条件的贷款方案来应对危机,imf现在希望预先商定资助计划,并根据相关国家的具体国情量身定制,目的是平息市场对于任何面临迫在眉睫的流动性紧缺的国家的紧张情绪。

    Instead of responding solely to crises with conditional loan packages , the IMF wants financing agreed in advance and specially tailored to individual countries . The aim would be to cool market nervousness over any nation facing an imminent liquidity crunch .

  3. o30%的手机采取了贷款方案,而不是补贴模式。

    o 30 % of those phones were financed , not subsidized

  4. 赋予妇女社会经济权利(例如,改善获得教育与小额贷款方案);

    Socio-economic empowerment of women ( e.g.improving access to education and microcredit schemes );

  5. 购房贷款方案的优化问题

    Optimization on Plan of Personal Housing Loan

  6. 大学生国家助学贷款方案设计

    Project Design for National Grant - in-aid

  7. 这个国家可同时与相关的地区货币基金谈判,得出一个贷款方案。

    The country would simultaneously negotiate with the relevant regional monetary fund for a loan programme .

  8. 针对高速公路项目,研究了利用优化决策模型进行贷款方案比选的方法。

    This paper studies an optimal decision making model of lending funds in highway project construction .

  9. 学生还款负担的轻重是衡量学生贷款方案是否科学合理的重要指标。

    The weigh of the student loan repayment burden indicates if the student loan scheme is reasonable .

  10. 我给你一个建议,针对富裕移民,美国政府可以作出担保的一个新的无利息贷款方案。

    I suggest to you a new US Government guaranteed interest free loan program for the wealthy immigrants .

  11. 有些人强调放贷方的掠夺,他们怂恿她给她好得不现实的借贷额度,提供她无限抵押贷款方案。

    Some people emphasize the predatory lenders who seduced her with too-good-to-be-true credit lines and incomprehensible mortgage offers .

  12. 适应高校扩张和收费提高之需要,香港地区的高等教育学生贷款方案经过三十多年的发展,已形成较为一个较为规范的多元化的学生贷款体系。

    After 30 years ? development , Hong Kong SAR government has formed an institutionalized and diversified student loans scheme .

  13. 世界银行认为,各发展活动的利益相关者的学习和能力建设,是其贷款方案成功的关键。

    The World Bank believes that learning and capacity building for all development stakeholders is vital to the success of its lending programs .

  14. 日本银行对遭受地震和海啸地区的银行实行延长六个月的贷款方案。

    The Bank of Japan ( BOJ ) has extended its loan scheme for banks operating in areas affected by the earthquake and tsunami by six months .

  15. 随着一些国家提出的将部分高等教育成本从政府转移到学生及其父母身上政策的实施,学生贷款方案的可适用性成为一个重要的问题。

    As countries promote policies that transfer some of the costs of higher education from governments to parents and students , the creation of workable student loan programs becomes important .

  16. 伴随全球高等教育的财政危机和成本回收政策的实施,大学生贷款方案逐渐成为高等教育的主要资助模式。

    Along with the global financial crisis of higher education and the implementation of the measures for recovering investment , the student loan is becoming the main mode to provide financial assistance to higher education .

  17. 为此,文章首先从借款人、贷款方案、贷款投向和风险缓释四个要素出发,构建了一套产品水平的信用评分模型的整体分析框架,并将该框架具体应用于个人住房贷款产品;

    For retail exposures , this paper firstly built an analytical framework for product-level credit scoring model , and by applying this framework to home mortgage loans , it built a hybrid scoring model for home mortgage loans which consists of a scoring card model and a Logistic model .

  18. 上个星期,参议院拒绝了向汽车制造商提供几十亿美元短期贷款的方案。

    Last week , the Senate rejected a multi-billion dollar package of bridge loans to carmakers .

  19. 解决这些冲突将会费时太久,因而无法在救援计划中添加一个抵押贷款修改方案。

    It would take too long to work out the conflicts to include a mortgage modification scheme in the rescue package .

  20. 对于家庭债务,美国已经实行了按揭贷款重组方案,但这些做法被广泛认为并不成功。

    In the case of household debt , the US has implemented programmes for mortgage restructuring but these are not widely seen as successful .

  21. 其次,从市场定位、营销模式、风险分析、风险管理四方面入手,探讨了目前主流的中小企业贷款解决方案。

    Secondly , market positioning , marketing models , risk analysis , risk management , four aspects of the current mainstream of small business loans solutions .

  22. 华中科技大学的贷款资助方案是基本合理的,但也存在重叠和漏缺现象。

    The scheme subsidized student Loan is reasonable by and large in Huazhong University of Science and Technology , but some needy-students are subsidized repeatedly and some eligible recipients are lost .

  23. 芬兰、荷兰和斯洛伐克等债权国的主流政治人物表示,在希腊纾困之后,他们不可能再投票支持一项为意大利提供贷款的方案,否则选民就会倒戈,转而支持极端主义政党。

    Mainstream politicians in creditor nations such as Finland , the Netherlands and Slovakia say that , after the Greek bail-out , they could not possibly vote for a further package of loans for Italy the voters would revolt and turn to the political extremes .

  24. 第六部分对我国住房抵押贷款证券化方案作了一个较为简单的设计。

    In the sixth part , we design a simple project for our nation 's securitization of housing mortgage loan .

  25. 他说,上星期市场剧烈波动,可怕的后果赫然成形,政府匆忙拿出这份收购房屋贷款坏帐的方案。

    He said markets wildly gyrated last week and dire consequences loomed as the government scrambled to come up with a plan to shore up bad housing related loans .

  26. 学生资助需要有效整合才能真正实现教育机会公平,进一步说明中国高校迫切需要科学合理的贷款资格判定方案。

    Only effectively integrate student subsidized can the higher education chance achieve equalization , and illuminate thoroughly that Chinese universities or colleges need urgently a more reasonable scheme for determinant the eligible recipients .

  27. 第二章主要描述了两个试点城市商业银行的微小贷款业务信贷管理方案的调研总结,包括现状介绍、组织模式、贷款相关制度的建立和完善、业务流程和未来的发展和风险。

    Chapter Two describes a summary of two commercial bank micro-credit management programs conducted in two small cities , including the introduction of current status , organization design , the establishment and improvement of the lending system , business workflow , future developments and risks .

  28. 因此建立一个准确、高效的预测模型,对贷款企业或个人信用进行评估,确定一套行之有效的贷款解决方案,降低不良贷款率是金融机构面临的一个全新课题。

    So it is a new issue of finance institution that establishing a correct and effective forecast model which evaluates the enterprise or individual credit and confirm a kind of effective settle scheme and reduce bad loan rate .

  29. 为迅速响应项目、按风险级别划分的投资贷款项目和基于成果的投资贷款项目提供支持,以此整合各种投资贷款方案,实现方案合理化;

    Consolidating and rationalizing the menu of IL options by providing rapid response projects , IL projects differentiated by risk and results-based IL ;

  30. 在这部分里,首先对股票质押贷款作了界定,同时介绍了目前我国股票质押贷款的相关法律规定,这是本文讨论股票质押贷款风险管理解决方案的法律基础。

    Then , this article analyzes the risks of stock mortgage loan and provides some basis principles to manage those risks .