
  • 网络Loan terms;MORTGAGE TERM;Loan Modification;Policy loan provision;Loan Contingency
  1. 世界银行(worldbank)高级官员昨日称,世行和其它国际援助机构可以与中国进行合作,为非洲开发项目提供融资,但双方在贷款条款和条件方面仍存在很大分歧。

    The World Bank and other aid agencies can co-operate with China to finance development projects in Africa but big differences remain over lending terms and conditions , senior officials warned yesterday .

  2. 事实上,保尔森当时面临不能为雷曼纾困的强大政治压力,这才是对他的约束,而不是《联邦储备法》(federalreserveact)1991年修正案中的非银行贷款条款。

    The truth is that Mr Paulson was under intense political pressure not to bail out Lehman and that this , not the letter of the 1991 amendment to the Federal Reserve Act on the terms of non-bank loans , was the constraint .

  3. 他们计划重新设定对东京之星银行的贷款条款。

    They plan to reset the terms of their loan to the bank .

  4. 写一页纸的文章讨论租赁条款和贷款条款。

    Write a one page paper discussing the leasing terms and the loan terms .

  5. 贷款条款要求克莱斯勒在今年3月份之前证明其生产能力。

    The loan terms require Chrysler to show it can be viable by March .

  6. 必须修改抵押贷款条款,以适应房屋业主的还款能力。

    The terms of mortgages need to be adjusted to the homeowners ' ability to pay .

  7. 也可以指延期支付利息、修改贷款条款等。

    It can mean some type of moratorium on interest payments , and the restructuring of loan terms .

  8. 次贷危机的一个主要成因,就是借贷人不了解贷款条款。

    A main cause of the mortgage crisis is that borrowers did not understand the terms of their loans .

  9. 除了可能修改部分有问题的抵押贷款条款外,该计划最终将令市面上的抵押贷款发放数量增加。

    In addition to potentially revising terms of some troubled mortgages , the plan could eventually make more mortgages available .

  10. 贷款条款尚不清楚,恒大地产也未回复要求置评的电话或电子邮件。

    Terms of the loans aren 't clear , and Evergrande didn 't respond to calls or emails for comment .

  11. 他还称,根据签署的贷款条款,每年12.5%的企业增值税率是不会改变的。

    He said that under the terms of the deal there would be no change to the country's12.5 percent corporation tax rate .

  12. 由国际金融机构资助并通过根据贷款条款进行的国际招标授予的建设项目;

    Construction projects financed by international financial organisations and awarded through international tendering process in accordance with the provisions of the loan agreement ;

  13. (几乎没人会这样做,但这一改革将让房屋所有者获得更多议价权,让银行自愿修改贷款条款。)

    ( Few will do so , but the change would give homeowners more bargaining power to get lenders to voluntarily alter the terms . )

  14. 因此没有人支持(抵押贷款条款)修改计划,因为它们产生了道德风险(而且在某种意义上,它们被视为非美国的,与资本主义精神相悖)。

    Thus modification schemes were disliked , because they created moral hazard ( and , in a sense , were deemed un-American , counter to the capitalist spirit ) .

  15. 但是,在调停时,双方可以同意对贷款条款作出调整,减少月付款,并决定以一个稍低的价格出售房屋或是终止房贷。

    But at a mediation the two sides can agree to adjust the loan , reduce the monthly payments or decide to sell the house at a lower price and terminate the mortgage .

  16. 第二,创造新的刺激机制,以使贷方和借方修改冒着违约和没收危险的次级贷款条款。

    The second thing we are gonna do under this plan is we will create new incentives , so that lenders work with borrowers to modify the terms of sub-prime loans at risk of default and foreclosure .

  17. 虽然我不喜欢跟在苛刻的银行贷款条款制约下苦苦经营的企业有牵连,但这样的企业有一个好处:企业经理人被迫就过高的成本、不必要的费用和大手大脚的开支做艰难的决定。

    While I dislike being involved in companies which labour under tough bank covenants , they do have one benefit : they force managers to take hard decisions about excessive costs , unneeded overhead , and lavish spending .

  18. 毕竟,银行家的到访比皇帝更有用,因为银行家会带来更多钱;而当来访的这位银行家是中国人时,贷款条款很可能会更慷慨。

    A banker , after all , is a more useful visitor than an emperor , as bankers give out more money . And when the visiting banker is Chinese , the terms are likely to be more generous , too .

  19. 与此同时,英国央行(BOE)周四将概括说明计划如何调整向银行的日常贷款的条款。

    Meanwhile , the Bank of England will outline on Thursday how it plans to change the conditions it sets on its everyday lending to banks .

  20. 欧盟(EU)与IMF联手为葡萄牙提供的780亿欧元(合1100亿美元)纾困计划的条款已得到商定,而官员们要在几周后才必须就是否调整希腊贷款的条款作出决定。

    The terms of a € 78bn ( $ 110bn ) joint EU-IMF bail-out for Portugal have already been agreed and it is likely to be some weeks before officials must decide whether or not to adjust the Greek loan terms .

  21. 按照15年期贷款的条款,中铝本来将需要支付的利率,仅比基准的银行间6个月期libor(伦敦银行间贷款利率)高90个基点,即不到一个百分点。

    Under the terms of the 15-year loans , Chinalco would have been required to pay just 90 basis points , or less than 1 percentage point , above the benchmark six-month LIBOR , the London interbank lending rate .

  22. 品诚梅森律师事务所开发了一个可以读取并分析贷款协议条款的程序。

    Pinsent Masons has developed a programme that reads and analyses clauses in loan agreements .

  23. 偿还贷款的条款定得很宽。

    The repaymeyt provisions are generous .

  24. 银行具有依据企业会计信息质量、利用贷款合约条款来保护自身利益的意愿。

    The banks intend to protect their interests by the quality of companies accounting information and loan agreement .

  25. 按照希勒教授的构想,住房按揭贷款的条款应当包括“预先计划的债务重组”。

    If Prof Shiller had his way , home mortgage deeds would contain " pre-planned debt workouts " .

  26. 香港提供贷款的条款与条件与其他双边贷款人的相同。

    The terms and conditions of Hong Kongs facility are the same as that for other bilateral creditors .

  27. 第一,北京方面已经选择不公开具体细节:我们既不知道贷款的条款,也不知资金的用途。

    First , Beijing has chosen to be opaque : we know neither the terms of the loans nor the uses of the money .

  28. 贷款的条款没有披露,但丹格特说,根据其中一个条款,如果他还款过快,就要交一笔罚金。

    Terms of the $ 3.3 billion loan weren 't disclosed , though he said it includes a penalty if he repays the banks too quickly .

  29. 法庭没有权力下令银行更改贷款的条款或是强迫房主继续支付贷款。

    Courts have no authority to order a bank to change the terms of a loan or compel a homeowner to continue making payments on a home .

  30. 美国联邦住房管理部门决定简化程序,让房利美和房地美这两大房贷融资公司修改违约贷款的条款,给借贷者提供更好的条件,避免房屋被收回。

    The Federal Housing Administration , or FHA , is streamlining the process under which two mortgage giants can modify delinquent loans to give borrowers more favorable terms in hopes of avoiding default .