Some banks are offering homeowners who are behind on mortgage payments cash in exchange for selling the home in a short sale .
Comment : In greater Miami , including Fort Lauderdale and West Palm Beach , one-quarter of mortgages are90 days past due or worse .
Almost three percent of commercial mortgages were reported at least ninety days late between April and June . That was double a year earlier .
This will often be attractive to people who are behind on their mortgage payments and are facing an imminent foreclosure . The banking system crisis in the U.S. largely began after subprime mortgages were made to homebuyers with poor credit records .
Financial institutions in the banking industry may classify their loans to small enterprises based on the overdue time , risk features and guarantee factors of borrowers and by refereeing to the risk classification matrix for overdue days of loans to small enterprises .
The Implementation of ALS Delinquency Operation Using Mainframe Technology Initial Discussion of Restructuring of Credit Loans
But these count only overdue interest and the overdue portion of loan principal ; under international definitions , NPLs may be three or four times higher .
Now , lenders are struggling to retrieve their advances but many defaulters are reluctant to pay because they believe their debts will be written off if they hold out long enough .
One in 10 homeowners in the Cleveland metro area was 90 days past due or in foreclosure in the fourth quarter , according to the Mortgage Bankers Association .