
tān tú
  • seek;hanker after;covet;prefer to
贪图 [tān tú]
  • [covet;prefer to;seek;hanker after] 极力希望得到

  • 贪图小利

贪图[tān tú]
  1. n.原罪他认为贪图他人的财物是有罪的。

    sin He thinks it 's a sin to covet other 's properties .

  2. 他认为贪图他人的财物是有罪的。

    He thinks it 's a sin to covet other 's properties .

  3. 她对他感兴趣完全是为了贪图金钱。

    She 's interested in him for purely mercenary reasons .

  4. 他们暗示说我之所以提议改革是贪图金钱,想谋取私利。

    They suggest that my motives for proposing reform are self-serving and mercenary .

  5. 那个独裁者贪图权力。

    The dictator was greedy for power .

  6. 他一生贪图肉体上的舒适享受。

    His life was devoted to the pleasure of the flesh .

  7. 他贪图凉快,着了凉。

    He wanted to cool off , but ended up catching a chill .

  8. 她很贪图权力。

    She was greedy for pow è r.

  9. 许多人都贪图禄位。

    Many people are greedy of office .

  10. 他很富有,但他还想贪图更多的钱。

    He is rich , but he is still avid of more money .

  11. 不要贪图虚荣,彼此惹气,互相嫉妒。

    Let us not become vainglorious , provoking one another , envying one another .

  12. 医院在病人护理工作上不应该贪图便宜、走捷径,这样做非常恶劣!

    Hospitals shouldn 't cut corners when it comes to patient care - that would be awful !

  13. 霍光的妻子霍显,是个贪图富贵的女人,她想把自己的小女儿成君嫁给刘询做皇后,就乘许娘娘有病的机会,买通女医下毒害死了许后。

    Hankering after wealth and rank , Huo Guang 's wife Huo Xian tried to make her youngest daughter Chengjun the queen of Lin Xun . So , taking the opportunity of the queen 's illness , Huo Xian bribed4 a woman doctor who poisoned the queen to death .

  14. 贪图舒服和享受学不好英语的。

    Seeking for comforts and enjoyment cannot give you good english .

  15. 他们所得愈多,贪图就更大。

    And the more they get , the more they want .

  16. 不要贪图财富,这些东西最终也会消逝。

    Don 't go for wealth ; even that fades away .

  17. 贪图权力、财货与女色,是其腐败的主要表现。

    It was manifested by seeking power riches and women .

  18. 你娶我姊姊倘只为了贪图财富。

    If you did wed my sister for her wealth .

  19. 有的贪图享乐动物不惜任何代价。

    And some are pleasure seeking animals at any cost .

  20. 他没有上进的理想,也没有贪图享受的奢望。

    He had no forwardly idea or desire for enjoyment .

  21. 我们贪图邻居的产业称之为雄心。

    We have coveted our neighbor 's possessions and called it ambition .

  22. 我们不应当贪图安逸,追名逐利。

    We mustn 't seek after comfort , personal fame and gains .

  23. 人们越是富有越是贪图钱财。

    The richer people are , the greedier they are for money .

  24. 不可贪图你邻居的妻子。

    You shall not covet your neighbor 's wife .

  25. 贪图享乐使人堕落。

    The love of pleasure leads men into vices .

  26. 我贪图您的什么呢?

    What do I expect or want from you ?

  27. 就像吗啡鬼一样,他对贪图安乐上了瘾。他是个吗啡瘾者,深受吗啡中毒之害。

    Like the morphine fiend , he was becoming addicted to his ease .

  28. 他的前妻是个很贪图享受的人。

    His ex-wife was a very Bourgeois person .

  29. 我未曾贪图一个人的金,银,衣服。

    I have coveted no man 's silver , or gold , or apparel .

  30. 有人也许会说我嫁给他是贪图他的金钱和地位。

    It is said that I marry him for his money and social status .