
  1. Marc真的假的Marc做助理做得很棒啊

    Marc ? Really ? Marc 's an amazing assistant .

  2. 汤姆:真的假的?那她喜欢他吗?

    Tom : really ? Well , does she like him ?

  3. 上面还有她的名字哦天呐真的假的

    Her name 's on there.Oh , my goodness.Stop it .

  4. 真的假的?有那么多鱼。

    Really ? There are a lot of fish here .

  5. 真的假的?但从小我妈没事都会叫我喝牛奶耶!

    Willie : Really ? But my mother would always tell me to drink milk !

  6. 真的假的你想怎么做跟他做监狱笔友吗

    Really ? How-how does that work ? You want to be prison pen pals ?

  7. 我们还在说真的假的吗?

    Are we still saying really ?

  8. 这只是好玩儿的游戏,一个搞笑的下午,可是,真的假的?

    This was all fun and games , an afternoon of amusement , but , really ?

  9. 你呀?现在?真的假的?

    You mean you and now ?

  10. 真的假的?我数学考试拿了A+。伙计,你是说真的吗?

    I got an A + on my math exam ! Dude , are you for real ?

  11. 真的假的你剩下的时间想用来讨论这个

    Really ? Is thaw how you want to use the rest of your time ? No. Right .

  12. 真的假的?我只知道芝加哥公牛队,还真不知道那儿风大。

    Are you for real ? I only know of the Chicago Bulls , not anything about it being windy .

  13. 真的假的能帮帮我吗我已经用尽那些“恭喜”了

    Really ? Can you help me ? ' Cause I 've run out of ways to say " congrats . "

  14. 这就对了漂染金发没有明显死因除了这些不知是啥的斑点真的假的

    Right then , dyed blonde hair , no obvious cause of death , except for these speckles , whatever they are .

  15. 所以说在你转发邮件之前先得问问自己:这是真的假的?我要让它成为事实吗?

    So before you hit SEND to forward e-mail , ask yourself : Do I know the item I 'm sharing is true , or do I just want it to be ?

  16. 所以,每当他在我耳边轻语:“你爱我,真的,假的?”我便告诉他:“真的。”

    So after , when he whispers , " You love me . Real or noe real " ” I tell him , " Real . "

  17. 请问:甲的牙是真的还是假的?

    Question : Are the man 's teeth real or not ?

  18. 他大发雷霆,不知是真的还是假的。

    He was consuming with indignation , real or feigned .

  19. 鲁道夫不能识别这珠宝是真的还是假的。

    Rudolph couldn 't tell whether the jewellery was real or not .

  20. 真的还是假的?擦得掉的吗?

    Is this real or what , can I rub it off ?

  21. 我不知道该证书是真的还是假的?

    I can 't tell if this certificate is good or not .

  22. 这个是真的还是假的?

    And also this one , true or bogus ?

  23. 那个故事是真的还是假的?

    Is that a true story or not ?

  24. 一旦你说的是真的还是假的。

    Once you say is true or false .

  25. “干吗要说什么真的,假的,关键是要面对现实。”

    " Why drag in sincerity ? A sense of reality is what is called for !"

  26. 这个机器人是真的还是假的?一位小影迷已经不敢确认了。

    Is it real or is it a fake ? One young fan is not so sure .

  27. 不管你认为它是真的还是假的对我来说真的没有关系。

    Whether you believe it 's true or not & it really didn 't matter to me .

  28. 这样就不可能勾画出世界的图像(真的或假的)。

    It would then be impossible to form a picture of the world ( true or false ) .

  29. 图像与实在一致或不一致;它是正确的或错误的;真的或假的。

    The picture agrees with reality or not ; it is right or wrong , true or false .

  30. 随着被扭曲的记忆被一再回忆,可能就很难判断这个记忆是真的还是假的。

    As the distorted memory is repeatedly recalled , it can be very difficult to tell is the memory is or isn 't real .