
tān shuì
  • be fond of sleep
  1. 现在看来,这只唐宁街的家猫Larry因为太过贪睡而失去了主人的宠爱。

    Now it seems Larry the Downing Street moggy has had one cat nap too many for his owner 's liking .

  2. 根据ThePeople网站的报道,此次事件的导火索是在周四时,首相在唐宁街10号的书房里发现一只老鼠在溜达而Larry却在椅子上贪睡。

    The breaking point came on Thursday when the Prime Minister found Larry asleep on his chair in his Number 10 study as a mouse ran across the room , according to The People .

  3. 内置贪睡功能按钮,呵护都市青年生活习惯;

    Snooze function built-button , the living habits of urban youth care ;

  4. 这是对你的惩罚,你这个贪睡虫!

    That will be your punishment , you greedy sleeper !

  5. 关键的一点是不要睡过头或去按闹钟上的“贪睡”功能键。

    A key is not to oversleep or use the snooze button .

  6. 贪睡与损失:你有必要知道

    Snooze and Lose : The Need to Know

  7. 这款产品是该公司生产的一系列“贪睡神器”的最新设计。

    It is the latest in a line of so called ' snooze accessories ' .

  8. 关掉贪睡按钮。

    Lay off the snooze button .

  9. 约翰是个贪睡的人。

    John is a sleepy head .

  10. 但是,如果您的宝宝越来越贪睡了,或者在一般不睡觉的时候睡着了,可能他正在成长。

    But if your baby is sleeping more or napping at weird times , maybe he or she is just growing .

  11. 同样的,准时的人不会按下闹钟的贪睡按钮他们会准时起床。

    On a similar note , punctual people don 't press the snooze button they get up when they 're supposed to .

  12. 研究人员发现,婴儿“贪睡”的时期,总的来说身体都有成长更快的苗头,同时体重和脂肪增加。

    The researchers found that periods where infants slept more overall corresponded with growth spurts and also a gain in weight and body fat .

  13. 我最近特别贪睡,一睡就不愿意起来的,特别是下午。

    Recently , I am addicted in sleeping , I don 't want to get up as long as I have a rest , especially at afternoon .

  14. 我抬头看看表,感觉秒针越走越慢,我想时间老人一定贪睡,忘记拨钟了吧。

    I look at the table , feel the second hand more walk more slowly , I think time man must sleep , forget dial the clock now .

  15. 根据生产商的介绍,这款名叫“直立睡眠器”的贪睡支架可以让使用者“在车里和飞机上身体保持直立状态也能享受舒适睡眠”。

    According to manufacturers , The UpRight Sleeper , allows the user a ' peaceful slumber while sitting up straight in a car , train or plane ' .

  16. 你通过赖床贪睡争取到的这额外10分钟其实会有助于让头脑轻缓地醒过来,而不是让它猛地一下子清醒过来。

    The extra 10 minutes you get by snoozing can actually help to gently awaken the mind , rather than jolt it back to wakefulness , ' he says .

  17. 他看守的人是瞎眼的,都没有知识,都是哑吧狗,不能叫唤。但知作梦,躺卧,贪睡。

    His watchmen are blind : they are all ignorant , they are all dumb dogs , they cannot bark ; sleeping , lying down , loving to slumber .

  18. 谢天谢地,我们并不是要出海,而是沿着一道木制码头停泊了下来。自从离开那个令人贪睡的小村庄过后,这是我们见到的第一座人类建筑。

    Thankfully , we don 't head out to sea but moor alongside a wooden jetty , the first man-made structure we 've seen since leaving the sleepy village .

  19. 贪睡支架可以灵活进行调整,可适用于各种不同的头部形状和尺寸,后面还有一根肩带可以将佩带者的背部和座椅固定在恰当位置。

    It moves around to accommodate different head shapes and sizes , and a back strap is fitted between the wearer 's back and seat to keep everything in place .

  20. 一个懒惰的人永远不会得到欢乐,一个贪睡的人永远不会得到知识。一个为外物所累的人永远不会得到解脱而一个暴力的人永远不会得到怜悯。

    An idle person can never be happy and sleepy person can never aquire knowledge . A person with attachments cannot acquire renunciation and he who is violent cannot acquire compassion . ( 167 )