
zhì nénɡ ɡuān xi
  • mass-energy relation
  1. 基于功能原理导出新的相对论质能关系

    The Derivation of Mass-Energy Relation in Relativity Based on the Principle of Work-Energy

  2. 爱因斯坦箱子与质能关系

    Einstein · albert einstein 's box and mass-energy relation

  3. 从理想实验出发导出质能关系式

    Derivation of the Formula of Mass-energy Equation Through an Ideal Experiment

  4. 质能关系的存在表明在化学变化中质量不是守恒的,实际上是质能的守恒。

    In fact , mass and energy as a whole is constant .

  5. 新时代的标志之一&爱因斯坦质能关系式

    One of the signs of new era-einstein mass-energy relation

  6. 原子核转变过程中的质能关系

    Mass-Energy Relation During the Course of Nuclear-Transformation

  7. 质能关系式的另一推导方法

    Another Deductive Approach for the Mass-Energy Formula

  8. 爱因斯坦质能关系式乐于助人和关心他人。/适应能力和幽默感。/乐观和友爱。

    Einstein massenergy relatio A : Helpfulness and caring / Adaptability and sense of humor / Cheerfulness and friendliness .

  9. 质能关系对于分析和研究原子核转变过程起重要作用。

    Thus come to the conclusion that the mass-energy relation is very important for us to analysis and study nuclear transformation .

  10. 本文由位相不变性导出了质能关系式及质速关系式,不同于传统教材中的方法,既简单又便于学生接受。

    This paper , from phase non-changeability , deduced the mass-energy relation formula and mass-velocity relation formula , different from conventional method in the textbooks , which are simple and easily accepted by the students .

  11. 通过讨论已有质速关系的方程形式,给出质速关系的等效极坐标方程及其Binet方程,进而给出质速关系及质能关系的几个较为具体的方程形式,包括超光速运动形式。

    By discussing the existent equations of mass-velocity relation , the equivalent polar coordinate equation and its Binet equation of the mass-velocity relation are given , and the expressions of the mass-velocity relation and mass-energy relation are given too , which include the forms of superluminal motion .