
  • static universe
  1. 爱因斯坦认为,皆大欢喜的结果就是一个静态宇宙,几乎所有人都认为他们生活在这样一个宇宙中,其中的几何形态完全由物质决定。

    The happy result , Einstein thought , was a static universe of the type nearly everybody believed they lived in and in which geometry was strictly determined by matter .

  2. 这就是人们熟知的静态宇宙理论。

    This was known as the Steady State theory .

  3. 德西特静态宇宙模型

    De Sitter static model

  4. 然而在最近几十年里,静态宇宙模型在科学界已经让步于一种更难理解的观点,认为宇宙中充满着暴力。

    In recent decades , however , the Steady State model of the universe has yielded in the scientific mind to an even more difficult idea , full of cosmic violence .

  5. 在尝试将相对论的基本理论运用到宇宙构造中的时候,爱因斯坦在方程中加入了代表“宇宙常数”的一项,因为他认为,为了得到静态宇宙,需要加上这一项来代表制衡引力的一种斥力。

    In trying to apply his general theory of relativity to the structure of the universe , Einstein threw into his equation a term representing a " cosmological constant , " because he believed he needed to represent a repulsive force that would counter the attractive force of gravity in order to represent the universe as static .

  6. 因为爱因斯坦当时认为他需要建构一个静态的宇宙,因此引入一个假想的宇宙参数来平衡物质间的重引力。

    Because Einstein thought he needed to model a static universe , he introduced his " cosmological fudge factor " to balance the attractive gravity of matter .

  7. 爱因斯坦即是一个好的榜样,他在企图建立一个静态的宇宙模型时引入了宇宙常数,他称此为一生中最大的错误。

    A good example of this was Einstein , who called the cosmological constant , which he introduced when he was trying to make a static model of the universe , the biggest mistake of his life .