
  1. 然而,3月底,一项约占有三分之一财政贷款的协议到期,将会增加政府关闭的可能性。

    Then , at the end of March , a resolution that finances roughly a third of the government expires , raising the possibility of a government shutdown .

  2. 根据英超联赛规则,俱乐部不得财政贷款活动或是拥有其他俱乐部的股份,但这些规则不适用于非英格兰球队。

    According to Premier League rules , clubs are not allowed to engage in financial loan payments or own shares in other clubs but these rules do not apply to clubs outside of England .

  3. 寻找财政援助贷款和奖学金来帮助你的教育和其他方面的开支。

    Find financial aid and scholarship programs to help pay for your education and other expenses .

  4. 本文主要分析了投资、消费、价格、财政、贷款和外贸等七个内生因素对河北省经济周期波动的影响。

    This paper analyzes investment , consumption , price , finance , loan , foreign trade that affect Hebei economic period fluctuation .

  5. 将来的纳税人也可能会为此欣慰:因为在现行制度下,大概会有30-40%的财政部贷款无法收回。

    Future taxpayers might be thankful too : the Treasury is set to lose 30-40 % of the money lent under the current arrangements .

  6. 然后,通过扩展的柯布&道格拉斯生产函数建立多元回归模型,验证:固定资产投资中的财政、贷款、外资和自筹的资金差异直接导致了各地区经济增长率的差异。

    Then , through the expansion of O ' Brien - Douglas production function of the establishment of multivariate regression model , validation : the financial investment in fixed assets , loans , foreign investment and self-funding led directly to the regional differences in economic growth .

  7. 对于越来越多的财政问题,贷款只是权宜之计,不是解决方法。

    The loan was a palliative , not a cure , for ever-increasing financial troubles

  8. 本部分主要对沈阳市十二五时期财政、国内贷款、利用外资、自筹资金和其他五个渠道潜力进行挖掘。

    This part mainly explores the five channels potential of finance , domestic loans , foreign investment , self-financing and the other .

  9. 然而,在地方政府财政吃紧,贷款需求疲弱给银行带来利润压力的情况下,此类援助不会是它们很愿意提供的。

    But with local government finances running thin and bank profits under pressure from weak loan demand , they could do without this kind of bailout .

  10. 国外对中小企业资金援助的方式主要包括:税收优惠、财政补贴、贷款援助、风险投资和开辟直接融资渠道等。

    Nowadays financing patterns of small-and-medium-sized enterprises overseas mainly involve tax preference , finance subsidy , loan aid , venture capital investment as well as opening direct financing channel .

  11. 由于财政部必须贷款给学生付学费,而且并非所有毕业生都会还清债务,国家便不但限制了大学收费的数额,同时也限制了大学录取学生的数量。

    Because the Treasury must lend students the funds to pay their fees and because not all graduates clear their debts , the state limits not only how much universities charge but also how many students they can admit .

  12. 这将要求来自于财政部以及通过贷款减记方式提供的风险资金。

    It will demand risk capital from Treasury and via haircuts on loans .

  13. 中国相对原始的金融基础结构使运用货币和财政政策调整金融贷款举步维艰。

    China 's fairly primitive financial infrastructure makes it difficult to fine-tune credit through monetary and fiscal policy .

  14. 案例正文简介了世界银行贷款的性质和特点,描述了广东省财政厅世界银行贷款办公室管理全省世界银行贷款项目的做法、经验与教训。

    Guangdong Provincial Office for World Bank Projects In the case , the characteristic and application procedures of the World Bank loans introduced .

  15. 坚持低成本、易于取得和净增效益的原则,并对高校在财政贴息、银行贷款、教育债券发行、租赁、自然性融资等方面的负债筹资方式进行可行性分析。

    Then analyzes the feasibility to methods of liability financing in universities : discount financing 、 bank loaning 、 issuing education-bond 、 leasehold 、 spontaneous financing .

  16. 所以,还有很大的空间可以施行更加激进的财政政策,如果贷款额和国内的消费的增长不增加也要维持现有的水平。

    As a result , there is abundant room for more aggressive fiscal policies , continuance if not expansion of credit , and domestic growth in consumption .

  17. 中国的铜消费今年已出现快速增长,因为中国的财政刺激方案及贷款快速增长,共同推动着经济复苏。

    Already China 's consumption of copper has risen rapidly in 2009 , as the fiscal stimulus plan and rapid lending growth combine to drive a recovery .

  18. 城市基础设施建设资金来源包括政府财政投资、银行贷款、发行股票和债券以及利用现代融资手段进行项目融资等。

    The resource of the urban infrastructure construction consists of government investment , bank loans , stocks and securities and project financing based on the modern financing means .

  19. 我国目前缺乏支持高技术产业发展的资本市场和成熟的风险投资体系,对高技术产业发展的资金支持更多地还是依靠财政拨款和银行贷款来完成。

    Our high-tech industry development is lack of supporting by capital market and mature venture capital . It is mainly provided funds by budget allocations and bank loans .

  20. 由于公租房初期投资大且回收期长的特点,使得公租房的资金来源单一,仅依赖财政资金和银行贷款,市场参与度低,而资金正是制约公租房建设发展的瓶颈。

    Because of the large initial investment and the long payback time in running public rental housing , the ratio of market participation is low and the funds source is single .

  21. 然而,轨道交通建设成本高昂,票箱收入一般仅能弥补运营成本,建设资金主要来自各级政府财政资金和银行贷款,轨道交通项目的巨额投资,无疑进一步加重了地方政府的债务负担。

    However , the cost of URT is very high . Ballot box revenue can only compensate for operating costs . The construction funds mainly come from government funds and bank loans .

  22. 发达国家在促进公众参与上多是采用税收优惠、财政补贴、抵押贷款、减排基金等手段,多种手段结合使用,收到了很好的节能减排效果。

    Developed countries in the promotion of public participation use tax concessions , financial subsidies , mortgages , and other means of mitigation funds , combined with various means , received a good energy saving effect .

  23. 如美国透过联邦和州政府财政扶持、实施贷款贴息,鼓励高校运用市场手段融资,发行高校教育债券和彩票,成立教育基金会、鼓励社会捐赠,增加高校收入,化解高校贷款危机。

    Take the United States for instance , the federal and state governments encourage colleges to make full use of the market mechanism to collect more funds by issuing educational bonds and lotteries , establishing educational foundation , and encouraging social donation .

  24. 目前政府自己来源主要靠地方财政收入和银行贷款,融资渠道单一,特别是当前监管部门对地方融资平台的风险日益关注,为地方政府融资戴上了紧箍咒。

    Now depends mainly on their own local government revenues and bank loans , financing a single channel , in particular , the current regulatory platform for the risk of local financing the growing concern of local government financing put a magic spell .

  25. 城市土地储备制度的运行必须以连续的资金流为保证,但是传统的融资渠道,如财政拨款和银行贷款已不能满足当前城市土地整理及开发中巨大的资金需求。

    A constant cash flow supported the operation of urban land reserve syetem . Fiscal supports from government and commercial bank loans , two traditional financial channels , could not meet the enormous fund demands in the current urban land readjustment and development endeavor .

  26. 农一师天山雪米业公司作为农一师稻米产业的龙头企业,需要有效利用国家政策和吸引外资,争取获得国家财政补贴和低息贷款,为扩大稻米产业化规模解决资金困难。

    TianShan Snow Rice Company is an advanced enterprise of rice industrialization in the First Division . The company should try to gain finance allowance 、 low interest loan and attract foreign capital through favorable policy of country , then use the finance to extend the scale of rice industrialization .

  27. 包括,建立财政借款制度、财政贴息制度、贷款损失准备金制度以及资本金补充制度等。

    Such as , set up the fiscal loan system , fiscal interest deduction system , loan loss provisions system and capital increasing system .