- 网络Fiscal Multiplier

If the fiscal multiplier is 1.6 , as President Barack Obama 's Council of Economic Advisers has estimated , we get a free government project and a larger private sector .
The economists Dawn Holland and Jonathan Portes have pointed out one other reason why the fiscal multiplier is unusually high at the moment : everyone is pursuing austerity at the same time .
This is because fiscal multipliers are particularly high in such circumstances , as the International Monetary Fund has argued .
The International Monetary Fund started a debate on the multiplier last year , culminating in a recent paper by Olivier Blanchard and Daniel Leigh , explaining why economic forecasts have been so persistently wrong during the crisis .
Consider the fiscal multiplier , a measure of the effects of government stimulus .
Fiscal multipliers are certainly fun .
It remarks , for example , that fiscal multipliers in a balance sheet recession may be lower than in normal recessions .
I would expect the multiplier to become smaller as the economy returns to normal , but that has not happened yet , and will probably not happen for a while .
Just how large the multiplier will be this year is difficult to say exactly and may vary across countries , but it is certainly higher now than before the crisis .
If you make unrealistically optimistic assumptions about the size of the fiscal multiplier , the global economy and the impact of structural reform on growth , you can make any debt disappear on paper .
Second , it has been , and continues to be , official policy that countries must heap one austerity programme on top of another if they miss nominal deficit targets – which they do because they keep underestimating the fiscal multiplier .
There are relatively rigorous models that explain the interaction of interest rates with consumption and inflation expectations but the fiscal multiplier is so enigmatic that experts cannot agree when it is positive ( pushes up growth ) or negative ( slows down output ) .
From the simple IS-LM Model , We can get a multiplier formula of financial policies .
Through an econometric analysis of real economic data , this paper advances our understanding of consumption and investment behavior in China and then examines its IS-LM model , providing a foundation for measuring its fiscal policy multiplier .
The conclusion is that , as a method of analysis , the IS-LM-BP Model is suit to China , the multiple of fiscal policy is larger than that of monetary policy ;
In the model of ISLM , we redraw the fiscal multiplier function , denoting that crowd-out effect anti-acts the multiplier effect , due to the rate of interest . A Study on FDI 's Crowd - out Effect on China 's Domestic Investment
Chapter four is about fiscal expenditure multiplier .
At last , the model in this article confirms the important parameters , such as the financial policy multiplier , and so on .
Neither of them could provide reasonable basis for their views . This is due to the limitations of investment multiplier model and its extended pattern ? the fiscal policy multiplier model .
The IMF has produced evidence that negative fiscal multipliers have indeed been larger than expected since the start of the financial crisis , which has coincided with interest rates falling close to zero and economies stuck in liquidity traps .
A Study on Theoretical Multiplier of the Fiscal Policy in China and Its Actual Multiplier Effects
The latest evidence is that in a downturn the multiplier effect of fiscal tightening can lead to deeper recession , making it even harder to cut the deficit .
According to keynes'theoretics about national income deciding , estimates the IS & LM economy model , the investment function , consume function and interest rae function of my country and figures out long multipliers and short multipliers .
The execution of the policy means of cancel the agricultural tax , pass the conduction mechanism of the financial policy and financial policy multiplier effect , make the total social demand or supply change , compatible with the goal that the policy of the government expects to be realized .
That is , expansionary fiscal policy leads to economic growth through the multiplier , but it would also increase interest rates , which might inhibit the investment of private enterprises .
Chapter 5 describes the Multiplier Effect 、 Encouragement and Discouragement Effect 、 Society Effect of fiscal policy with the help of case and comparison .