- 网络Load rate;Load factor;Load ratio

Determination of the load Rate K of Mechanical Vibration on Human Body
On the basis of theory analysis of treating domestic sewage by using surface aeration technique , this article tests the influence to the domestic sewage treatment by turning speed , pH valve of aeration impeller , sludge settlement ratio and . sludge load rate .
The Maintenance of X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer under the Circumstance of High Load Factor
Thermal Degradation Kinetics of Chlorinated Natural Rubber at Constant Heating Rate ③ heating load rate ;
The prediction of day average load power based on ANFIS
Finally , five different load ratios of water-cooling vapor compression chiller and air source Heat Pump system were optimized with optimization box in MATLAB . After the optimization , the air-conditioning system 's energy consumption drops obviously ;
The equivalent standard pollution loading rate of COD , TN and TP was separately 6.67 % , 60.78 % and 32.55 % , which indicated that the water was polluted seriously by nitrogen .
The P content of soil solution and groundwater below 1 3m soil horizon is in a safe level under the operation condition of the low hydraulic loading rate and the longer remaining time .
The experiments with same dusty loading rate and with close particle velocities were performed at both subsonic and supersonic flowfield , respectively .
Or the treatments for wetting 16 hours and drying 128 hours in winter , all gained higher hydraulic loading rates .
Volumetric loading rate of baffled reactor reached 2.8 kg COD / ( d · m ~ 3 ) .
Organic loading rate ( OLR ) is an important engineering control parameter for operating anaerobic digestion system . Controling the OLR is often by adjusting the HRT for particular wastewater treatment .
Most part of NH ~ + _4-N is nitrified and the removal rate of NH ~ + _4-N is linear with the surface loading rate .
Two essential operational parameters of ( ASBR ) - fill time and organic loading rate were discussed for their effects on the process performance through orthogonal tests .
Under normal temperature , the influences of loading rate and outlet reflux at steady operation were investigated when hybrid anaerobic reactor ( HAR ) was adopted to treat domestic wastewater .
Average volume load rate 、 average sludge load rate and the effluent value of BOD5 / COD of a Submerged-flat Membrane Bioreactor ( MBR ) and a Conventional Activated Sludge process ( CAS ) which were used in the treatment of municipal wastewater were compared .
Studied the starting of combined anaerobic reactor treating antibiotics pharmaceutical wastewater , concludes from test results that organic loading rate reaches 7.2 kgCOD / ( m ~ 3 · d ), and the average COD removal rate is greater than 75 % in a short period of time ;
In addition , the effect of the cooling capacity upon energy efficiency ratio of the system is also obtained under different loading rate . Finally , the results of system energy optimization of central air-condition based on different algorithms are compared .
For compressors and pumps with capacity less than 50 kW or with load factor of 90 percent , it is not recommended to use speed-governing devices .
The practical treatment capacity of municipal wastewater was 63 m 3 / day by using artificial rapid infiltration treatment system . The hydraulic and organic loading rates ( BOD 5 ) were 208 m / a and 15 kg / m 2 · a , respectively .
Station of estimation method of rate of capacity load of boiler
Annual load rate grey forecast of middle small sized hydropower station
Factors influencing air-conditioning cooling load rate distribution in high-rise office buildings
Quantitative analysis between load factor and coal consumption of electricity supply
Control tactics for enhancing real average load rate of the unit
Preliminary Analysis of the Processing Burden Rates of Our Refineries
Countermeasures of High Load Rate of Power Supply in Enterprises
Calculation of Maximum Efficiency and Best Load Factor of Double Column Transformer
And an approximately constant mass loading rate for a set rainfall intensity .
Through example , we introduced measure and calculate method of load rate .