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  • loading dose
  1. 罗比卡因背景输注下有或无吗啡负荷剂量对硬膜外PCA效应影响的比较

    A comparison of patient-controlled epidural analgesia with and without loading dose morphine after gynaecological surgery under background infusion ropivacaine

  2. PCA组用药为50μg/ml的芬太尼,单次剂量25μg,锁定时间6分,不给病人负荷剂量。

    The 50 μ g / ml fentanyl was used in group PCA with 25 μ g / ml per single dose at 6 minutes interval and no loading dose was administered .

  3. 术中负荷剂量曲马多对术后吗啡PCA效果的影响

    Sparing effect of tramadol on the PCA morphine analgesia in postoperative patients

  4. PCIA选择负荷剂量+维持剂量+PCIA给药模式(持续注射2ml/h,PCA剂量0.5ml/15min)。

    The model of administration was loading dose plus maintaining dose subjected to PCIA ( 2 ml / h , 0.5 ml / 15 min ) .

  5. 结果所有患者在给咪达唑仑负荷剂量后,RS从1级下降至3~5级,达到很好的镇静要求,且在维持量下能保持良好的镇静水平,有效率100%;

    Results RS of all patients decreased from grade 1 to grades 3 - 5 after administration of the loading dose . All patients got a calm state and kept it under the maintenance dose .

  6. 目的研究妇科手术后病人在罗比卡因(Rop)不同背景剂量输注下,有或无吗啡(Mor)负荷剂量对硬膜外PCA效应的影响。

    Objective To study the analgesic effects of patient controlled epidural analgesia ( PCEA ) with and without loading dose morphine after gynaecological surgery under background infusion of ropivacaine .

  7. 目的评价负荷剂量的抗肿瘤坏死因子α单克隆抗体infliximab治疗强直性脊柱炎(AS)的临床疗效和安全性。

    Objective To evaluate the efficacy and safety profile of a loading regimen of the anti-TNF α antibody infliximab in ankylosing spondylitis ( AS ) .

  8. D组:0.15%罗哌卡因+曲马多(3mg/ml)。PCEA参数设置:负荷剂量6ml,单次剂量3ml,锁定时间30分钟,持续剂量2ml/h。

    PCEA parameters were a loading dose of 6ml , a bolus dose of 3ml , a lockout interval of 30 min and continuous infusion of 2ml / h.

  9. PCEA参数设置:负荷剂量4mL,单次剂量3mL,锁定时间50min,持续剂量1.5mL/h。

    The PCEA parameters of loading dose 4 mL , single 3 mL , locking the time in 50 minutes and continuous infusion with 1.5 mL / hour were setup .

  10. 方法择期腹部手术患者50例,手术结束后随机分为两组:对照组术毕静脉注射芬太尼0.1mg为负荷剂量后接PCA泵,泵内药物为芬太尼1.2mg、氟哌利多5mg,100ml·48h-1;

    Methods 50 patients undergoing scheduled abdominal surgery were randomly devided into two groups . In control group ( fentanyl 1 . 2 mg + droperidol 5 mg / 100 ml ), the loading dose was fentanyl 0.1 mg prior to the PCA ;

  11. 参数设置:负荷剂量2ml,持续输注剂量1ml,单次给药剂量1ml,锁定时间5min,每4小时最大限量30ml。

    PCA setting : Loading dose of 2 ml , continuous dose of 1 ml / h , bolus dose of 1 ml / h , lockout time 5 mins , and 4 hours limit of 30 ml were set .

  12. 高负荷剂量氯吡格雷具有何效果。

    The application of high-loading-dose of Clopidogrel is attracting more and more attention .

  13. 不同负荷剂量氯吡格雷治疗急性冠脉综合征的临床应用研究

    Clinical study on comparison of different loading-dose of clopidogrel on acute coronary syndrome

  14. 以不同负荷剂量的铁饲料喂养正常生长发育期的大鼠,研究过量铁补充对机体生长发育的影响、某些营养素在机体内营养代谢的变化。

    Rats in normal growth period were fed with the feeds of different iron dosages .

  15. 不同钙负荷剂量对大鼠生长及钙铁锌水平影响

    Effect of different calcium load on growth and lever of Ca , Fe , Zn in rats

  16. 负荷剂量的氯吡格雷在急性心肌梗死直接支架术中的应用

    The effects of loading dose clopidogrel in preventing direct coronary stenting complication with acute myocardial infarction patients

  17. 长期使用氯吡格雷的病人在给予负荷剂量时可以显著增强血小板聚集抑制作用。

    Patients on long-term therapy with clopidogrel experience significant additional incremental inhibition of platelet aggregation when given a loading dose .

  18. 推荐的首二日标准负荷剂量为5mg。

    It has been recommended that the standard " loading " dose for the first two days should be 5 mg .

  19. 3通过延长负荷剂量的输注时间可降低低血压和心动过缓等心血管不良事件的发生率,避免严重并发症的发生。

    Dexmedetomidine can lessen the occurrence of Cardiovascular adverse events just as hypotention and bradycardia by prolong the time of loading dose to prevent severe complications .

  20. 输入选定的维持量(d)后,电子表格显示任何时间的血药浓度、达坪分数、负荷剂量等。

    After inputting selected dose , the E-table displayed plasma drug concentration at any time after the administration , fractional number of reaching plateau , loading dose , etc.

  21. 各组分别于起始负荷剂量减量时测血药浓度,清晨服药前测谷浓度,服药后5.5h测定峰浓度。

    The concentration of Amiodarone was determined after the administration of the initial loading dose and after the dose was cut down . The valley concentration was determined before the administration of Amiodarone in early morning and the peak concentration was determined 5.5 hours after administration .

  22. ED的MPF和MF在频率、角度和重量负荷高剂量组均较低剂量组低,组间比较,差异有显著性(P<0.05,P<0.01);

    MPF and MF of ED were lower at higher dose levels of frequency , angle and weight , the difference was significant ( P < 0.05 , P < 0.01 ) .

  23. 结论染汞剂量与汞体负荷存在剂量反应关系;

    ConclusionThere was dose-effect relationship between the exposed levels of mercuric chloride and the mercury concentration in body .

  24. 方法13只开胸犬用冠状动脉缩窄器造成冠状动脉左旋支不同程度的狭窄,进行双嘧达莫负荷试验,首剂量为0.56mg/kg,4min后追加0.28mg/kg。

    Methods Several grades of constriction on left circumflex coronary artery ( LCX ) were produced in 13 open-chest canine models . Dipyridamole was added in two steps , first 0.56 mg / kg , then 0.28 mg / kg after four minutes .