
  • 网络Hoisting and Conveying Machinery;Lifting the transport machinery
  1. 起重运输机械的新设计计算方法

    New methods of calculation in design of hoisting and conveying machinery

  2. 国外起重运输机械标准基本情况

    Overall status of hoisting and conveying machinery standards overseas

  3. 北京起重运输机械研究所冯冬梅北京时林公司尹建民摘要:介绍了一个将VISUALBASIC和OPC成功应用于散粮运输系统的实例。

    This paper covers a successful application of Visual Basic and OPC in bulk grain conveying system .

  4. 根据起重运输机械制造的特点,提出了起重运输机械制造企业实施CIMS技术的方法及CIMS应用工程的方针。

    Considering the specific characteristics of materials handling equipment , principle and methods to implement CIMS in materials handling equipment manufacturers ( MHEMs ) are proposed .

  5. 介绍了可靠性、优化设计、有限元法和CAD技术在起重运输机械中的应用情况,探索了存在的主要问题并展望了其发展前景

    This paper presents the current situation of application of reliability design , optimization design , finite element analysis and CAD to material handling machinery and discusses key problems encountered as well as development perspective of these technologies

  6. BZZ系列全液压转向器具有操作轻便、转向灵活、安装布置方便等诸多优点,在工程机械、农业机械、起重运输机械、矿山机械等领域应用广泛。

    Because many merits of the BZZ series hydraulic redirector with operation handiness , turning agile , installment arrangement convenience and so on , by extensive application in the project machinery , the farm machinery , the hoist transport machinery , the mining machinery and such .

  7. 起重运输机械齿轮箱故障不解体诊断技术

    Integral default diagnosis technology of gearbox for hoisting and conveying machinery

  8. 起重运输机械液压系统的酸洗维护与保养

    Acid rinsing maintenance of hydraulic pipes in hoisting and conveying machinery

  9. 国家起重运输机械质量监督检验中心

    State Crane and Carriage Machinery Quality Supervision and Inspection Center

  10. 《起重运输机械》期刊论文的统计与分析

    Statistics and analysis of articles published in HOISTING AND CONVEYING MACHINERY magazine

  11. 起重运输机械用钢丝绳的选型与使用寿命

    Type Selecting and Service Life of Wire Rope for Crane and Transport

  12. 起重运输机械应用无线遥控技术的研究与实践

    The Research and practice of wireless Remote control for Crane

  13. 本实用新型涉及起重运输机械中的轨道。

    The utility model relates to a track for a hoist-transporting machine .

  14. 散状物料输送机械是起重运输机械中广泛应用的一种形式。

    Scattered material conveying machinery is one important composing part of elevating machinery .

  15. 起重运输机械差速器的模糊优化设计

    Fuzzy Optimum Design On Differential Mechanism Of Handling Machinery

  16. 起重运输机械产品研发过程管理之我见

    Hoisting and conveying machinery research and development Management Process

  17. 论未来军用起重运输机械的发展趋势

    Development trend of military material handling equipment

  18. 介绍了起重运输机械起升机构差速器的模糊优化设计方法。

    The paper introduces the fuzzy optimum design method on differential mechanism of handling machinery .

  19. 该设备是起重运输机械领域的又一产品。

    Bridge erecting equipment is a new kind of product in hoisting and conveying industry .

  20. 起重运输机械广泛地应用在国民经济建设的各个领域。

    Hoisting and conveying machinery is widely used in the various fields of national economic construction .

  21. 起重运输机械有着悠久的发展历史,其应用极为广泛。

    The craning conveyance machine has got a long developed history , its application is extremely extensive .

  22. 现代设计理论与方法在起重运输机械中的应用和展望

    Application and development perspective of state of the art design theories and methods in material handling machinery

  23. 在自然条件因素、技术因素、社会经济及其他影响因素方面对起重运输机械选址问题进行了分析。

    In the economic , technical , environmental and social factors to lifting the mechanical addressing the question was analysed .

  24. 臂架式盘式制动器是一种新型的主要适用于起重运输机械的制动装置。

    The arm disc brake is a new type of braking device which is mainly used on hoisting and conveying machinery .

  25. 本文通过对钢轨平移设备控制系统的设计研究完成了工业自动化控制的一种具体实现,为新型的起重运输机械的进一步研究提供的非常具有价值的参考和实验经验。

    The research provided very valuable reference and experiment experience to the further study for new type of hoisting and conveying machinery .

  26. 由于起重运输机械生产涉及资金大,周期长,一旦出现投资失误,将会造成无法弥补的损失。

    The lifting of the transport mechanism of capital in production , period , if you invest , will cause irreparable damage .

  27. 火电施工企业的动产设备以机械设备为主,其中大型起重运输机械是重点。

    More of the chattel in the Thermal Power Construction Enterprise are machine plants , the emphases of them are hoist & transport machines .

  28. 概述气垫悬浮技术和装置的主要工作原理、结构组成、设计要点及其在起重运输机械方面的应用。

    This paper presents operation , structural composition and design method of air-cushion floating devices , as well as application in hoisting and conveying machinery .

  29. 近几年国家大力发展经济,极大地促进了起重运输机械的发展,形成了比较完善的研发和生产体系。

    In recent years the country to develop the economy has greatly promoted the development of the lifting of the machinery , the research and production system .

  30. 军用起重运输机械作为部队仓库、港口、码头以及站台等场所的重要起重设备,其技术性能直接关系和影响到后勤保障的整体效能。

    Military material handling equipment , as important lifting appliances in military warehouse , harbor , dock and platform etc , its property affects army logistics management efficiency .