
  • 网络Balfour;Belfort;Belford
  1. 为什么《华尔街之狼》对贝尔福特如此纵容?

    Why is The Wolf of Wall Street so soft on Belfort ?

  2. 在接受采访时,迪卡普里奥表示,虽然影片要描写贝尔福特口碑不佳的生活方式,但他并未因此退缩。

    In ainterview , DiCaprio said he didn 't chicken out about portraying Belfort 's less-than-savory lifestyle .

  3. 年英国外交部长发表了贝尔福宣言(BalfourDeclaration)赞成在巴勒斯坦建立一个犹太人的民族国家。

    In1917 the British Foreign Secretary issued the Balfour Declaration that favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people .

  4. 为了孩子的幸福,杰基邀伊莎贝尔进行了一次长谈。人最终会入土,他所有的思想也将随之而消亡(A.J.贝尔福)

    For the well being of her children , Jackie has a conversation with Isabel . Man will go down into the pit , and all his thoughts will perish ( A.J. Balfour )

  5. 浅析魏兹曼在推动《贝尔福宣言》发表上的特殊作用

    Chaim Weizmann 's Special Role in Issuing the Balfour Declaration

  6. 此信后被称为《贝尔福宣言》。

    " The letter was referred to as the " Balfour Declaration .

  7. 而贝尔福是鲍勃最喜爱的侄子。

    Balfour was ' Bob 's " favorite nephew .

  8. 反之,这部电影用贝尔福特自己的方式呈现了他的形象,把道德说教留给了观众。

    Instead , it presents him much as he 'd present himself , and leaves the moralising to the viewer .

  9. 在1886年,英国首相•加斯科•塞西尔(索尔兹伯里勋爵)任命亚瑟•贝尔福为爱尔兰布政司;

    In 1886 , Prime Minister Robert Gascoyne-Cecil ( Lord Salisbury ) surprisingly made Arthur Balfour Chief Secretary of Ireland ;

  10. 如果该项目批准通过,那么将会在今年夏天正式推出。贝尔福表示。现在该项目已经引起了极大的兴趣。

    If approved the program is expected to launch in the summer , but Balfour said that the listing has already gathered significant interest .

  11. 55名科学工作者将和徳平厚夫妇一起从贝尔福来到德克萨斯,帮助秦博士工作。

    Dr Chin will be assisted by some 55 other scientists from the Belfer , who are making the journey to Texas with her and her husband .

  12. 其中有冷峻的史实,如书中一篇评论阐述了1917年英国贝尔福宣言背后种种令人不解的动机是如何为以巴冲突埋下了第一个隐患;

    They include hard-boiled history , such as a review of how the confused motives of the British government's1917 Balfour Declaration first laid the ground for the conflict .

  13. 《贝尔福宣言》是庄严之举,是给我前述那种处境的那个民族、古老民族的一项许诺。

    It was a solemn act , a promise given to a people , an ancient people , which finds itself in the position which I have described .

  14. 一想到贝尔福特靠欺诈客户发了大财,并因此锒铛入狱,现在竟然通过贩卖自己的行骗故事来赚钱,她就恶心不已。

    She hates the idea that Belfort got rich from conning clients , went to jail for it , and now is again making money by selling the story of how he did it .

  15. 贝尔福法国东北部具有战略意义的城市,在贝尔福山峡的制高点上,位于孚日山脉与侏罗山脉之间,控制着通往法国、德国和瑞士的陆上通道。人口51206。

    A city of northeast France commanding the strategic Belfort gap between the Vosges and the Jura mountains , thus dominating the land approaches from france , germany , and switzerland . population , 51206 .

  16. 然而,无论斯科塞斯和贝尔福特有多么相像,贝尔福特依然是个放浪形骸的骗子——这就是电影要体现的主题。

    But whatever the similarities between Mr Scorsese and Belfort , the latter was still nothing more than a dissolute swindler - and that 's about all the film has to say on the matter .