
  • 网络Tarbes;Taboo;tabb;tabou
  1. 语言塔布是任何一个文化社团或群体中普遍存在的语言现象,被看作是约束和调控人类行为的神圈,其价值非同凡响。

    Linguistic taboo is a universal linguistic phenomenon in all cultures .

  2. 语言的“塔布”导致了语言的灵物崇拜。

    The language taboo leads to its worship .

  3. 冷却塔布水器的优化设计

    Optimized design for rotary distributor in cooling tower

  4. 她刚刚在胡安·塔布街左转了

    She hooked a left on Juan Tabo ,

  5. 应该把塔布抓起来。

    Someone ought to get hold of tabb .

  6. 警方说,塔布和车上的另一位乘客抱怨墨杰明开车太鲁莽。

    Taboh and another passenger were complaining that Mujerm was driving recklessly , police said .

  7. 弗洛伊德关于宗教起源的心理根源之探索&读《图腾与塔布》

    Frend s Research on the Mental Source of Religious Origin & Reading Totem and Taboo ;

  8. 从英汉语的塔布现象看语言的模糊性

    To See the Necessity of the Fuzzy Language From the phenomenon of Taboo of English and Chinese