
jǐnɡ fú
  • police uniform
警服 [jǐng fú]
  • [police uniform] 警察穿的制服

  1. 一个身着警服身材魁梧的年轻人走了进来。

    A massive young man in police uniform came in .

  2. 突然,在警察局里他吃惊的看见穿警服的那三个人。

    Suddenly , he is surprised to see the three men in police uniform in the police station .

  3. 军官要求警察都穿警服。

    The officer expected the policemen to wear police uniforms .

  4. 美国执法部门消息人士告诉CNN记者威尔森的枪上发现了布朗的血迹。同样在出事的巡逻车和警服上也发现了血迹。

    U.S. law enforcement sources told CNN Brown 's blood was found on the Wilson 's gun , inside Wilson 's patrol car and on his uniform .

  5. 穿上你的警服,今天你为我开车。

    So get your uniform on . you 're driving me today .

  6. 你不穿漂亮警服来我几乎都认不出你了。

    Almost didn 't recognize you without that cute uniform .

  7. 报道说,有警察已经迫不及待的想尝试一下这种新式警服。

    Some police say they are eager to try out the new uniforms .

  8. 今天怎么不穿警服?

    Why aren 't you in your uniform today ?

  9. 报告说他是穿着警服失踪的。

    Reports indicate he went missing wearing his uniform .

  10. 身穿警服的警长打开一张大比例地图。

    The uniformed superintendent unfolded a large-scale map .

  11. 绑架者都穿着警服,开着警车。

    The kidnappers were all wearing Police uniforms and drove up in police vehicles .

  12. 那两个人身上穿着警服。

    Two people wearing police uniforms .

  13. 镜头:李冰冰警服、肩章、手铐都齐了,和真的差不多。

    Lens : Li3 Bing Bing the Jing , epaulet , handcuffs all together , with really about .

  14. 在恶劣的气候条件和特殊的操作场合,良好的可视性是一个非常重要的性能,对于消防服和警服来讲这一点尤其重要。

    Visibilit in bad weather conditions and special-operation conditions is an important feature especially for fire fighter and police clothing .

  15. 近日,荷兰女警察们对发放给她们的新衬衫抱怨连天,因为这款新警服太过透明,以至于能清楚地显露出她们穿在里面的胸罩。

    Women police officers in the Netherlands have complained about being issued with see-through blouses as part of their uniforms .

  16. 自杀式爆炸者身穿警服,一直在走廊中等到参加会议的达乌德将军和其他人出现。

    The suicide bomber was wearing a police uniform and waiting in a corridor as General Daud and others emerged from a meeting .

  17. 这身警服是那年的?英国人造假水平太低了,呵呵。

    Which year is it when the police wore that uniform ? Brits don 't seem to know how to fake , hahaha .

  18. 在这部电视剧中,(扮演苏格兰场警察的)演员被允许穿着真正的警服和能够承受外部压力的防弹背心。

    The show had permission from Scotland Yard to dress its actors in real uniforms and stab-proof vests bearing the force 's crest .

  19. 还有不同肤色和信仰的人们穿上军装警服,不顾安危,将自由的福祉传承;

    Heroes of every color and creed who wear the uniform and risk their lives to keep pass on those blessings of liberty ;

  20. 他们捆绑了一名民警,并抢走他的警服,杀害了另一名民警,在逃跑过程中还打伤两人。

    They tied up one officer and stole his uniform , killed another officer , and stabbed two others on their way out .

  21. 德克萨斯埃尔帕索分校的教授坎佩尔说,联合会的成员经常描述绑架者身穿警服或是军服。

    University of Texas at El Paso professor Howard Campbell says association members have often described abductors as being in police or military uniforms .

  22. 同时,衣着也是一种标志,军装、警服、白大褂、笔挺的商务套装也都时刻传递着权威的讯息。

    Clothing is also a signifier , with army uniforms , police officer uniforms , white lab coats and even smart business suits conveying authority .

  23. 虽然也有可能是绑架者盗用警服或是军服然后化装成警察或是军人,但是,坎佩尔说,墨西哥人有理由对此表示怀疑。

    While it is possible that kidnappers have obtained uniforms and can masquerade as police or soldiers , Campbell says Mexicans have good reason to be skeptical .

  24. 郭军在阻挡民警进店时,卡住其中一名民警的脖子,又撕拽其警服,并威胁、辱骂。

    Guo police into the shop in the block , stuck one of the police 's neck , and pulled their uniforms torn and threats , verbal abuse .

  25. 通过实验手段对警服在对人的认知中产生的影响进行了研究。结果证明,警服对人的认知会产生重要影响,而且这种影响与穿着者的性别有关。

    This study showed that the uniforms the policemen wear may have a significant impact on their cognition , and impact is different for the male and the female .

  26. 所以你该知道穿上那身警服不意味着保证每个人的安全你每救一个人就有一个人你救不了

    So you should know , putting on that suit does not make everybody safe . For every person you save , there 's gonna be somebody you can 't.

  27. 旨在增添警察工作吸引力的其他措施包括:在教育和医疗方面为警察及其家属提供支持,发放不太突出军事风格的新警服,以形成警察自身的特色。

    Other measures to make the job more appealing have included buoying up schools and health services for police and their families and introducing a less military-style uniform to give officers a distinct identity .

  28. 孙岩感觉对方像一名潜逃的嫌犯,便立即穿上警服赶回所里调取网上照片逐一查阅。

    Sun Yang felt that opposite party looks like the suspect who flees , then immediately puts on the police uniform to hurry back in the institute the accent to take on-line picture to consult one by one .