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  • Grain Rain
谷雨 [gǔ yǔ]
  • [Grain Rain] 二十四节气之一,在四月19、20或21日

  • 谷雨之日,萍始生。--《时训》

  • 鸟弄桐花日,鱼翻谷雨萍。--《李群玉诗集.三月五日陪裴大夫泛长沙东湖》

谷雨[gǔ yǔ]
  1. 谷雨到来时常常会有什么问题?

    What problem do we have when Grain Rain comes ?

  2. 谷雨:降雨明显增长,促使谷类作物生长发育。

    Grain Rain : Rainfall increases obviously and impels cereal crops to grow .

  3. 改进三峰谷雨流计数法在爆破震动损伤评价中的应用

    Application of an improved three-points rain flow counting method to the evaluation of blasting damage

  4. 谷雨表示从此雨水增多,对五谷的生长很有好处。

    The Grain Rain indicates that from that day , there will be more rainfall , which is beneficial to the growth of crops .

  5. 禹的葬地就在绍兴的大禹陵,每年谷雨都要举行隆重的祭禹大典。

    The buried place of Yu was in Great Yu Cemetery in Shaoxing , and solemn Yu Worship Ceremony is held in solar terms of Corn Rain each year .

  6. 谷雨一到,农家就要投入饲养春蚕的大战,所以,清明至谷雨这段时间正好闲着,又值风和日丽,正好行乐。

    Guyu one that spring silkworm breeding farm to be invested in war , therefore , Qingming to Guyu just idle period , was also a bright and sunny , just merry .

  7. 谷雨节前后播种,叶面积系数与单株生产力协调一致达最佳,玉米产量最高,既能抗夏旱又能避伏旱;

    Sowing seeds about April 20 , the coefficient of leaf area assort with the productivity of single plant , the yield of maize is tallest , and can resist and avoid the drought ;

  8. 通过原始雨林与砂仁种植群落的比较,分析了在西双版纳地区沟谷雨林林下种植砂仁对沟谷雨林群落种类组成、结构、外貌和动态,以及幼树个体生长的影响。

    By comparing the community characteristics between primeval rain forest and planted Amomum , the influence of Amomum planted in ravine rain forest on the species composition , structure , physiognomy and dynamics of the forest , and its juvenile growth were studied .