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mánɡ zhòng
  • Grain in Ear—the 9th of the 24 solar terms;the day marking the beginning of the 9th solar term
芒种 [máng zhòng]
  • [Bearded Grain] 二十四节气之一,在6月5、6或7日

  1. 过了芒种,不可强种。

    Once the time of grain in ear passes , it will be no use planting .

  2. 芒种告诉人们小麦已经成熟了。

    The Grain in Ear tells people that the wheat has ripened .

  3. 芒种时节,江汉平原一片绿。

    Season of Grain in Ear , river Chinese Campagna a light green .

  4. 在芒种期间最好的食物是桑葚。

    The best food to eat during Grain in Ear period , is mulberry .

  5. 芒种,是麦类等有芒作物成熟的意思。

    Grain in Ear , is a Mount crops such as wheat mature meaning .

  6. 今天是芒种节,我在阳台上欣赏着自己栽种的豆类蔬菜。

    Grain in Ear Festival today , and I enjoy the balcony with its own beans planted vegetables .

  7. 在芒种期间,大麦、小麦等谷物都成熟了等待收割。

    During this period , crops like barley and wheat all get mature and are waiting to be harvested .

  8. 上海不种麦子,到了芒种时节,我们得抓紧栽插;

    Shanghai does not grow wheat , to the Grain in Ear season , we have to pay close attention to planting ;

  9. 第一届“芒种”上海中青年版画联展,半岛美术馆,上海,中国。

    The1st " Grain in Bar " Associated Printmaking Exhibition for Young and middle-aged Artists of Shanghai , The Peninsula Art Museum .

  10. 阳光大道-阳光大道芒种是表征麦类等有芒作物的成熟,是一个反映农业物候现象的节气。

    Grain in Ear is the characterization of wheat and other crops have matured Mountain , is a reflection of the solar term agricultural phenology .

  11. “芒种”这个节气在秦汉不仅可出现在夜半,而且每四年必定有一年出现在夜半。

    As for the day " grain in ear ", it could not only occur at midnight but must also have occurred at midnight every four years in the Qin and the early Han dynasties .