
gǔ shén xīng
  • ceres
谷神星[gǔ shén xīng]
  1. “黎明号”将花一年时间绕灶神星运行,然后前往矮行星谷神星(Ceres)。

    Dawn will spend one year orbiting Vesta , then travel to the dwarf planet Ceres .

  2. 在环绕灶神星的轨道运行一年后,“黎明”号将飞向矮行星谷神星(Ceres)。

    After a year in orbit around Vesta , Dawn will travel on to the dwarf planet Ceres .

  3. 后来到1801年,谷神星被发现。

    and then in 1801 , the object Ceres was discovered .

  4. 他建议叫它谷神星。

    He suggested the name ceres .

  5. 一年后,“黎明号”将驶向谷神星,并将于2015年进入轨道。

    After a year , Dawn will move on to Ceres , where it will arrive in2015 .

  6. 几年后,其他天文学家发现更多离太阳同样远、像谷神星的小天体。

    Within a few years , other astronomers discovered more small objects at about the same distance from the sun as Ceres .

  7. 嗯,那么,谷神星是第一个也是在同一距离发现的天体里面最大的行星。

    Um , and so , Ceres was the first and is the largest of what became many objects discovered at that same distance .

  8. 据国家航空航天局介绍,灶神星和谷神星因它们截然不同的性质而被选为这一飞行任务的研究对象。

    Vesta and Ceres were chosen as the study subjects for this mission , according to NASA documents , because of their very different natures .

  9. 一年后,黎明号探测器将离开灶神星的轨道,计划在2015年到达谷神星,它是小行星带中唯一一颗比灶神星大的小行星。

    After a year of studying Vesta , Dawn is scheduled to leave orbit and , in2015 , approach the only asteroid-belt object that is larger : Ceres .

  10. 灶神星很像地球和太阳系内部其他多岩石的行星,而谷神星似乎更像遥远行星的冰冷卫星。

    Vesta is like Earth and the other rocky planets of the inner solar system , while Ceres appears to be more similar to the icy moons of the distant planets .

  11. 土星的卫星土卫一和太阳系最大小行星谷神星也被认为拥有次表层海洋,但科学家尚不能确定这两颗星球上的海洋有多大。

    Mimas , a moon of Saturn , and Ceres , the largest asteroid in the Solar System , are also thought to have subsurface oceans - but scientists aren 't yet sure how big each one might be .