
qiān xùn
  • humble;humility;modesty;modest;unassuming
谦逊 [qiān xùn]
  • [modest;unassuming] 不自大或不虚夸

  • 他十分谦逊;也不爱出风头

谦逊[qiān xùn]
  1. 他太谦逊,不愿意邀功。

    He was too modest to claim the credit .

  2. 他态度谦逊。

    He is modest in his behaviour .

  3. 她的第一次失败使她很早便懂得了谦逊。

    Her first defeat was an early lesson in humility .

  4. “对不起。”她谦逊地说。

    ' Sorry , ' she said humbly .

  5. 他以他一贯的谦逊态度接受了奖励。

    He accepted the award with characteristic modesty .

  6. 他是个腼腆谦逊的人。

    He was a shy , self-effacing man .

  7. 我讨厌虚伪的谦逊。

    I hate false modesty .

  8. 安迪是个谦逊而且彬彬有礼的绅士。

    Andy was a humble , courteous and gentle man .

  9. 他们女儿的死使他学会了谦逊。

    Their daughter 's death had taught him humility

  10. 他的谦逊值得赞扬,因为他做的食物品质之高显而易见。

    His modesty does him credit , for the food he produces speaks for itself

  11. 他谦逊地说,念中学时他曾经是游泳冠军。

    He had been , he said modestly , swimming champ at high school .

  12. 别人会告诉你她有趣、聪明又热情,谦逊得过了头。

    Others will tell you that she is modest to a fault , funny , clever and warm .

  13. 许多名人都很谦逊。

    Many famous people are surprisingly humble .

  14. 他为人谦逊,毫无骄矜之态。

    He is modest , and never puts on airs .

  15. 在大会上,那位老教授出人意料地谦逊。

    The old professor was surprisingly humble at the meeting .

  16. 他是位非常谦逊的人。

    He is a very modest person .

  17. 他知识丰富,但总是保持谦逊的态度。

    He 's a man of great knowledge , but he always maintains an attitude of modesty .

  18. 这位爱虚荣者就谦逊地举起帽子向小王子致意。

    The conceited man raised his hat in a modest salute .

  19. 你这样不知谦逊,我不能再和你生活下去了。“

    You are so immodest that I can 't live with you any longer . "

  20. 他是个很谦逊的人。

    He 's a very modest man .

  21. 谦逊并不会导致胆怯

    Self-effacement did not lead to timidity .

  22. 亚利桑那州立大学(ArizonaStateUniversity)管理学教授戴维·沃德曼表示,领导者可以既自恋,又谦逊。

    Leaders can be both self-obsessed and humble , claims David Waldman , a management professor at Arizona State University .

  23. 比如,在向公司上级发送电子邮件“要求(request)”开会时,她自认为措辞非常谦逊有礼——可问题恰恰就出在“要求”一词。

    She thought she was being very deferential when she sent emails to her senior colleagues to " request " a meeting .

  24. 告诉这个卑鄙的家伙,MBA代表没有经验、灵魂、不懂得谦逊、一无是处的混蛋(MeansBuggerAll)。

    Tell the scumbag that MBA stands for Means Bugger All without experience , soul and humility .

  25. 中日谦逊表达之比较从QFD的中文译名谈起

    A Comparison between Chinese and Japanese Expressions of Modesty

  26. 该公司表示是根据“HEART”标准(即谦逊、高效、应变、卓越和透明)衡量员工表现,却给销售代表规定了严格的任务额。

    The company says it evaluates its employees on " HEART " - an anodyne acronym for " humble , effective , adaptable , remarkable and transparent " - but holds its sales reps to strict quotas .

  27. 在我遇见的中国CEO中,一些成就显著的人士待人接物比较谦逊。

    Among Chinese CEOs that I 've met , some of the notably successful ones are also relatively humble in their style of interaction with others .

  28. 库克说,惠普和微软就我们工程人员和客户对Vista的看法进行了一些直言不讳的讨论……微软人员聆听了这些,表现得更为谦逊。

    Mr. Cook says H-P and Microsoft ' had some brutally honest discussions with what our engineers and customers thought of Vista .... They listened and were much more humble . '

  29. 真理的谦逊还有一种反对观点:正如我们在Pilate对基督教的态度中所看到的,这是一种对真理的贵族式的漠视。

    This modesty in truth-seeking has still another phase : and that is the genteel indifference to truth , as we see it in Pilate 's conversation with Christ .

  30. Leech的礼貌原则弥补了合作原则的不足,它包括得体准则、慷慨准则、赞扬准则、谦逊准则、赞同准则和同情准则。

    Politeness principle of Leech , which makes up for the weakness of cooperative principle , is composed of tact maxim , generosity maxim , approbation maxim , modest maxim , agreement maxim and sympathy maxim .