
  • 网络primitive Buddhism;Original Buddhism;Early buddhism
  1. 原始佛教正法律的法理学研究

    A Jurisprudential Study on the Right Dharma and Vinaya of Early Buddhism

  2. 原始佛教本体和非本体因素的互动

    The Interaction of Noumenal and Non - noumenal Factors In Primitive Buddhism

  3. 佛陀的音乐观与原始佛教艺术

    Buddha 's Views of Music and Early Buddhist Arts

  4. 佛教的教义十分复杂,但大体可分为原始佛教、小乘佛教和大乘佛教三大类。

    In general , the doctrines can be divided into three categories : Original Buddhism , Hinayana Buddhism , and Mahayana Buddhism .

  5. 当时寺院僧尼的经商行为也较之前代更普遍,形式更多样,更加堂而皇之而不顾及原始佛教教义的约束。

    At that time , the business run by the monks was even commoner than before with various forms and without the bounds of the doctrines of original Buddhism .

  6. 天台智融冶了原始佛教的义理传承与中土文化的表述方式:“三千”,是佛理智性的推演;“一念三千”,则是浑融无痕、不可思议的组合。

    Primeval Buddhism has been integrated into the expression of Chinese culture in Tiantai Zhiyi ideology . " three thousand " is deduced from wisdom of buddhism , while " yinian sanqian " is a perfect and incredible combination .

  7. 原始佛教法是遵循自然法由佛陀所制定并且为世俗法所承认的,中国佛教法的效力渊源来自于两部分,一是佛教内部立法权的确立,此为佛教法立法权的继承。

    The primitive Buddhist law is formulated by the Buddha who followed the natural law and acknowledged by the state law . The power of the Chinese Buddhist law origins from two parts : First is the establishment of the internal legislative power which inherits from the primitive Buddhist law .

  8. 略论西夏的原始宗教与佛教的关系

    A Brief Analysis of the relations of Xixia 's Primitive Religions to Buddhism

  9. 大乘佛教的观点超出了原始的小乘佛教的巴利文的观念,这是在我们刚才的简短讨论中提到的。

    This Mahayana view was probably developed out of the ideas found in the original Theravada Pali texts , to which we have just referred in our brief discussion .

  10. 在传统聚落原始规划思想中,凝聚着古代百越文化、傣族村社文化、原始宗教文化和佛教文化等内涵。

    Specifically , the architecture shows the influences of ancient Baiyue culture , the Dai village , primitive religions , and Buddhism .