
  • 网络ctc;centralized traffic control
  1. 调度集中系统进路搜索的研究与设计

    Research and Design of Route Search in CTC

  2. 分散自律调度集中系统和计算机联锁系统已经被越来越多地安装使用。

    Decentralized and Autonomous CTC System and Computer interlocking System have been installed and used widely .

  3. 美国铁路调度集中系统对我国铁路发展CTC的启示

    Inspirations of U.S. Railway Centralized Dispatching System on Developing CTC in China Railways

  4. DMIS系统中调度集中系统的网络安全防护问题

    Protection Question on Network Safety of CTC System in DMIS

  5. 分散自律调度集中系统(CTC)分析与设计研究

    Analysis and design research on CTC

  6. 由于DMIS系统的迅速发展,调度集中系统及微机联锁的网络安全防护将越来越引起人们的高度关注。

    Due to the rapid expansion of the DMIS system , the network safety protection will arise more and more attention .

  7. 本文简单地介绍了调度集中系统(CTC)联锁试验中数据的测试方法,并分析了常见的错误。

    The paper briefly introduces the interlocking data testing method for centralized traffic control system ( CTC ) and analyzes the common errors found in the data .

  8. DD-4型调度集中系统设计中的若干问题

    Some problems considered in designing type DD-4 centralized traffic control system

  9. 在计算机技术、通信技术、信号技术高度发达以及DMIS系统成功实施的基础上建立的分散自律调度集中系统中,调度中心服务系统占有举足轻重的地位。

    The CTC system is built on what is based on Computer Technology , Communication Technology and Signal Technology , and also based on the DMIS system successfully running .

  10. DD-4型调度集中系统是为天津附近行车指挥自动化系统试验区段设计的,系统既要用于计算机控制还要用于人工控制。

    Type DD-4 centralized traffic control system is designed for the computer aided CTC system of the test section near Tianjin . It is a system used for manual control as well as computer control .

  11. 微机化调度集中系统同步运行的自律问题

    Autonomy in the Synchronization of Micro Computerized Centralized Traffic Control System

  12. 调度集中系统中双机热备机制的实现

    Research and Realization of Hot Standby for Centralized Traffic Control System

  13. 新一代分散自律调度集中系统

    Intelligent Autonomous Decentralized Traffic Control System New Generation of Decentralized Autonomous CTC

  14. FZt&CTC型分散自律调度集中系统研制

    Development of FZt - CTC Autonomous & Decentralized CTC system

  15. 郑徐线分散自律调度集中系统研究

    Study on De-centralized and Autonomous Centralized Traffic Control System in Zhengzhou-Xuzhou Railway Line

  16. 智能型自律分散调度集中系统研究

    Intelligent Autonomous Decentralized Traffic Control System

  17. 随着我国铁路调度集中系统的不断建设,系统的安全性问题日益突出,对于系统安全问题的研究,不仅关系到铁路的安全运营,更关系到铁路行业的安全形象。

    With the continual development of centralized traffic control system in China , the safety of system is becoming more crucial .

  18. 分散自律调度集中系统作为行车调度指挥的技术手段,实现列车与调车作业的集中控制;

    Besides , we separate Autonomic CTC as technical method of traffic control , realized centralized control of train and shunting operation ;

  19. 新一代调度集中系统经过多年的研究和应用实践在我国已经投入使用。

    The new generation of CTC has underwent many years research and application practices and has been put into use in China .

  20. 秦沈客运专线调度集中系统是一个分布式协同工作的安全信息广域网。提出分布式协同工作的原理。

    The CTC system of the QinhuangdaoShenyang dedicated passenger line is a safety Wide Area Network ( WAN ) of a distributed type and works in coordination .

  21. 把一个应用于分散自律调度集中系统中的网络监控系统,完整的展现给了读者。最后,本文对整个网络监控系统从设计到实现做了详细的总结。

    Also this paper shows the whole net monitor system to the reader completely . Finally , this paper summarizes the net monitor system from design and realization .

  22. 并针对现今的技术状况和分散自律调度集中系统的发展现状,结合实际对应用于分散自律调度集中系统的网络监控系统进行了展望。

    And according to the instance of the technology and CTC system , combining the actuality , we showed the expectation to the net monitor system in the CTC system .

  23. 调度集中系统应做到以调度集中为核心,通过对铁路运输调度指挥工作流程进行优化处理,实现运输调度指挥的自动化、现代化。

    Dispatching centralized system shall focus on dispatching centralization and optimize the working flow of railway transportation and dispatching to realize the automation and modernization of transportation , dispatching and commanding .

  24. 介绍了FZt&CTC型分散自律调度集中系统的研制过程,并对系统设计原则、系统概念以及模拟仿真系统的构建进行了比较详细的描述。

    This paper introduces the development process of FZt-CTC autonomous & decentralized CTC system , and gives detailed description for the design principle and concept of the system , and construction of analog simulation system .

  25. 我国新一代分散自律调度集中系统的网络通信协议采用的是TCP/IP,这种协议在客户端增多的情况下,不能保证通信的实时性。

    The new generation Decentralized Autonomous CTC System of our country adopts TCP / IP network communication protocol . Under the condition , real-time property of communication can not be guaranteed when the client keep increasing .

  26. 结合分散自律调度集中系统具体结构,详细描述分散自律调度集中系统的综合防雷设计方案,提出实际可行的分散自律调度集中中心及车站系统防雷设计。

    Combine the configurations of decentralized autonomous CTC system , it clearly describes general lightning-protection scheme of decentralized autonomous CTC system and puts forward the practical and feasible lightning-protection design of decentralized autonomous CTC center and station systems .

  27. 随着新一代调度集中系统在我国既有客货混跑线路上的应用,传统的调度模式发生了很大的改变,不仅提高了既有线路的通行能力,还减轻了调度人员的劳动强度。

    As the new generation of CTC system in our country has be applied on mixed passenger and freight running line , the traditional scheduling model has changed a lot , not only improved the capacity of existing line , but also reduced the intensity of dispatcher .

  28. 描述了将专家系统理论应用于分散自律调度集中系统的车站自律机的设计,给出了自律机专家系统的知识库、推理机的构架及原理,并介绍了自律机知识库自学习机制。

    This article describes how to apply the theory of expert system to design station autonomous controlling machine in distributed and autonomous CTC system , gives the architecture and principle of knowledge base and inference engine of the expert system of the machine and also introduces its self-learning mechanism .

  29. 调度集中仿真系统数据结构的研究

    Research of the Data Structure for Centralized Traffic Control Simulation System

  30. 铁路调度集中控制系统

    Centralized railway traffic control system