
diào chá
  • investigate;examine;inquire into;look into;survey;ascertain;check;inquiry;research;examination;study;canvass
调查 [diào chá]
  • [investigate;inquire into;survey;ascertain;check] 进行了解;考查

  • 现场调查

  • 彻底调查一桩罪行

调查[diào chá]
  1. 警察用绳子将街道圈起来调查事故。

    Police roped off the street to investigate the accident .

  2. 已成立了一个独立机构调查这件事。

    An independent body has been set up to investigate the affair .

  3. 调查人员正试图重现撞车时的情形。

    Investigators are trying to reconstruct the circumstances of the crash .

  4. 这个调查是研究计划的一部分。

    The survey formed part of a larger programme of research .

  5. 政府同意成立一个调查委员会。

    The government agreed to set up a committee of inquiry .

  6. 政府已承诺对这次灾难进行全面调查。

    The government has promised a full investigation into the disaster .

  7. 最近的调查反映民意有了出人意表的变化。

    A recent poll suggests some surprising changes in public opinion .

  8. 参加问卷调查的所有人中有四分之一没有表示明确意见。

    A quarter of all the people surveyed were don 't-knows .

  9. 这项调查显示,英国人的幽默是首屈一指的。

    In the survey the Brits come out tops for humour .

  10. 这个研究项目对400名毕业生的事业发展情况进行跟踪调查。

    The research project involves tracking the careers of 400 graduates .

  11. 委员会的调查结果将于星期五公布。

    The findings of the committee will be published on Friday .

  12. 到目前为止警方的调查毫无结果。

    So far , the police investigation has drawn a blank .

  13. 对死亡原因进行了调查。

    An inquest was held to discover the cause of death .

  14. 这项新证据排除了继续调查的必要。

    This new evidence obviates the need for any further enquiries .

  15. 事故后调查委员会立即召开了会议。

    A Board of Inquiry was convened immediately after the accident .

  16. 投诉调查期间,这位警员被暂停职务。

    The police officer was suspended while the complaint was investigated .

  17. 调查结果分为截然不同的两组。

    The results of the survey fell into two distinct groups .

  18. 主持调查此案的警员已被撤下。

    The officer leading the investigation has been taken off the case .

  19. 警察已完成对这次事故的调查。

    The police have completed their investigations into the accident .

  20. 警方正在调查一位年轻女子的失踪案。

    Police are investigating the disappearance of a young woman .

  21. 警方目前正在调查这起案件。

    The crime is presently being investigated by the police .

  22. 政府要求对事故进行调查。

    The government has ordered an investigation into the accident .

  23. 这是一篇优秀的调查研究报道。

    The article was an excellent piece of investigative journalism .

  24. 各家报纸纷纷退避,不敢调查详情。

    The newspapers have shied away from investigating the story .

  25. 回复调查的人中60%同意这项建议。

    60 % of the respondents agreed with the suggestion .

  26. 警察已开始对这桩命案进行调查。

    The police have opened an investigation into the death .

  27. 调查显示,准备搬家的人口比想象的要多。

    The survey implies more people are moving house than was thought .

  28. 警方正根据他被谋杀的假定展开调查。

    The police are working on the supposition that he was murdered .

  29. 警方通过调查已经排除了两名嫌疑犯。

    The police have eliminated two suspects from their investigation .

  30. 委员会的调查结果将于今天公布。

    The findings of the commission will be published today .