
cè yàn
  • test;quiz;examination;examine;trial run;try out
测验 [cè yàn]
  • [test] 用一定的标准和方法进行检验、考查

  • 经过测验的最适合这些角色的演员

测验[cè yàn]
  1. 所有候选者都要参加一次小测验。

    All candidates will be required to take a short test .

  2. 所有候选者都要参加一个小测验。

    All candidates will be required to take a short test .

  3. 政府可以从最近的民意测验中找回信心。

    The government can take heart from the latest opinion polls .

  4. 测验的成绩将反馈给各学校。

    Test results will be fed back to the schools .

  5. 在民意测验中保守党的支持率落后于工党。

    The Conservatives are trailing Labour in the opinion polls .

  6. 你们有一个小时的时间来完成这次测验。

    You 're allowed an hour to complete the test .

  7. 他现在要苦苦等待两个月才能拿到测验结果。

    He now faces an agonizing two-month wait for the test results .

  8. 上星期测验的答案在第81页。

    The solution to last week 's quiz is on page 81 .

  9. 两名候选人在民意测验中势均力敌。

    The two candidates are in a dead heat in the polls .

  10. 他们在民意测验中遥遥领先。

    They are comfortably ahead in the opinion polls .

  11. 摩利公司的民意测验显示,有68%的人反对这一禁令。

    A MORI poll showed that 68 % of people opposed the ban .

  12. 这些测验使年纪较大的人受到歧视。

    The tests discriminate unfairly against older people .

  13. 儿童在7、11和14岁时要接受核心课程的测验。

    Children are tested on core subjects at ages 7 , 11 and 14 .

  14. 他认为民意测验毫无用处而不予考虑。

    He dismissed the opinion polls as worthless .

  15. 我在学业能力倾向测验中得了1050分。

    I scored 1 050 on the SAT.

  16. 我在同事中很快做了一个民意测验看有多少人赞同。

    I took a quick straw poll among my colleagues to see how many agreed .

  17. 测验由心理学家评分。

    The tests are scored by psychologists .

  18. 他们在等待民意测验的结果,然后再决定下一步行动。

    They are waiting for the results of the opinion polls before deciding their next move .

  19. 从民意测验来看,他似乎胜券在握。

    Judging by the opinion polls , he seems to be succeeding

  20. 他在民意测验中已升至第二位。

    He has risen to second place in the opinion polls .

  21. 民意测验显示该欧盟条约已在丹麦获得支持。

    Polls show that the European treaty has gained support in Denmark

  22. 工党在民意测验中仍然领先。

    Labour are still in the lead in the opinion polls .

  23. 选举舞弊的指控出现后,这次投票测验受到了广泛质疑。

    The poll was widely discredited after allegations of ballot rigging .

  24. 最近的民意测验预测竞争将会非常激烈。

    The latest opinion polls are predicting a very close contest

  25. 英国政府确实十分重视法国的民意测验。

    Downing Street is taking the French opinion polls very seriously indeed .

  26. 他在民意测验中的支持率正一点点攀升。

    He is edging ahead in the opinion polls .

  27. 最近的一次民意测验显示两个主要政党难分高下。

    The latest polls indicate that the two main parties are neck and neck

  28. 民意测验并不能对选举结果进行可靠预测。

    Opinion polls are an unreliable predictor of election outcomes

  29. 今天发表的一项独立民意测验表明民众对政府的不满正与日俱增。

    An independent opinion poll published today shows growing discontent with the government .

  30. 以下所印的是1993年“脑力足球”小测验的答案。

    Below are printed the answers to the Brain of Soccer 1993 quiz .