
  1. 在这个代码示例中,e不是一个可调用委托,而是表达式树。

    In this code sample , e is not a callable delegate . Rather , it 's an expression tree .

  2. Roo将调用委托给Maven来运行测试,因此performtests等同于mvntest命令。

    Roo delegates the call to Maven to run the tests , so therefore , perform tests is equivalent to a mvn test command .

  3. 本例中,当数据从NSURLConnection中返回,它调用委托对象并通知它数据已准备好被解析并可以显示给用户。

    In this case , when the data is returned from the NSURLConnection it calls the delegate object and informs it that the data is ready to be parsed so that it can be displayed to the user .

  4. 调用委托前总是判断它是否为空。

    Always check a delegate for null before invoking it .

  5. 在代理中对方法的调用委托到下面相应的对象中。

    The method invocations on the proxy are delegated to the underlying objects .

  6. 对规则引擎的实际调用委托给一个简单的规则会话。

    The real invocation of the rule engine is delegated to a simple rule session .

  7. 例如,代理类可以把方法调用委托其他任何对象,甚至是处理程序本身。

    For example , the proxy class could delegate the method invocation to any other object or even handle it itself .

  8. 要了解调用委托将会执行任意代码,这可能会造成安全性、正确性和兼容性方面的问题。

    Do understand that by calling a delegate , you will be executing arbitrary code , which might have security , correctness , and compatibility repercussions .

  9. 当解析数据时,会调用委托方法;这一步中,要决定哪些数据要忽略,哪些数据放入条目数组中。

    As the data is parsed , the delegate methods are called ; this step is where you decide which data to ignore and which data to put into the items array .

  10. 从根本上来说,它将大部分VFS调用都委托给一个专用的守护进程来处理。

    Basically it delegates most of the VFS calls to a specialized daemon that handles them .

  11. 然后可以单独调用每个委托。

    Each delegate could then be invoked separately .

  12. 调用该委托实例时,该实例会接着调用该事件处理程序方法。

    When the delegate instance is called , it in turn calls the event handler method .

  13. 这样,方法便可以将一个委托作为参数来接受,并且以后可以调用该委托。

    This allows a method to accept a delegate as a parameter , and call the delegate at some later time .

  14. 参数,但不推荐将其用于多路广播事件委托中,因为无法确定要调用哪个委托。

    Parameter , it is not recommended to use it with multicast event delegates because there is no way to know which delegate will be called .

  15. Execute方法用该池中的对象调用给定的委托,并且确保在该委托完成之后将检索到的对象返回到该池中。

    The execute method invokes the given delegate with an object from the pool , and ensures that the retrieved object is returned to the pool after the delegate completes .

  16. 最先出现其调用列表的委托。

    The delegate whose invocation list comes first .

  17. 值,非托管代码使用该值来调用基础托管委托。

    Value that can be passed to unmanaged code , which in turn can use it to call the underlying managed delegate .

  18. 也就是说,通过一个委托,你可以开始一个方法调用然后当委托在一个独立的线程中执行它的方法的时候迅速返回。

    That is , through a delegate , you can begin invocation of a method and then return immediately while the delegate executes its method in a separate thread .

  19. 该代码使用私有方法从池中检索对象,并且调用所提供的委托。

    This code uses the private methods to retrieve an object from the pool and call the provided delegate .

  20. 当应用程序记录某个事件时,控件通过调用该事件的委托引发事件。

    When an event is recorded by the application , the control raises the event by invoking the delegate for that event .

  21. 这意味着,不管何时你使用相应的HttpServletRequest或HttpSession方法调用,Shiro都会将这些调用委托给内部的原生会话API。

    This means that whenever you call a corresponding HttpServletRequest or HttpSession method call , Shiro will delegate these calls to its internal native Session API .

  22. 调用处理程序类还会把方法调用委托到真正的实现类,以便处理核心业务逻辑。

    The invocation handler class will also delegate method calls to a real implementation class in order to process the core business logic .

  23. 它首先验证方法调用的方法参数,然后把方法调用委托给实现类。

    It will first validate method parameters upon a method invocation and then delegate the method call to the implementation class .