
  1. 维基媒体基金会执行董事苏珊•加德纳(SueGardner)表示她想打破横亘在阅读和编辑之间的“心理障碍”,读者参与编辑完善一篇文章就像是阅读后自然而然的拓展活动了。

    Sue Gardner , executive director of the Wikimedia Foundation , says she wants to break down the " psychological barrier " between reading and editing , so that improving an article feels like a natural extension of reading it .

  2. 关于读者参与图书馆管理的构想

    Imagination on Readers ' Joining in Management of Library

  3. 读者参与高校图书馆文献采访及其质量控制

    Reader 's Participation in Book Acquisition Work and Its Quality Control for University library

  4. 你的读者参与度高吗?

    How much have you engaged your reader ?

  5. “读者参与作品”理论则启示教师要为幼儿提供创造性表现的机会。

    " reader participation " encourages teachers to provide chances for children 's creative performance .

  6. 许多博客作者鼓励读者参与讨论,并在他们的网站上添加评论。

    Many bloggers encourage readers to engage in the discussion and to add comments to their sites .

  7. 第四,英文论文作者更期待读者参与到研究中。

    Fourth , English RA writers are comparatively more ready to invite collaborative efforts from readers than Chinese RA writers .

  8. 新小说的“新”可以概括为三个方面:注重写物、迷宫式的情节、零度写作与读者参与。

    The antiromans are new in three aspects : emphasis on objects , labyrinthic plots , zero-degree writing and readers participation .

  9. 翻译接受过程是译文读者参与价值创造、实现价值的过程。

    The reception of translation is a process in which target readers participate in the creation of values and realizes values .

  10. 阅读,特别是对文学作品的阅读,实际上是一种创造,是读者参与作品的再创造过程,同时,作为一种文化,包含着作者、读者的价值取向、时空情绪和民族情结。

    Reading , especially reading literature , is a sort of creation , moreover , a re-creation process which readers participate in .

  11. 这项作业的目的是要以生动的语言叙述个人的经验并且鼓励读者参与到你们的写作当中。

    The aim of this exercise is to narrate an individual experience in vivid language and motivate the reader to engage with your writing .

  12. 读者参与了新诗的接受,并且对新诗的发展起着推动或阻碍的重要作用。

    Readers take part in the reception of new poetry and play and important role in accelerating or stopping the development of new poetry .

  13. 图书馆应从各个部门的职能出发,选择读者参与图书馆的具体方式。

    The library should adopt different concrete modes of library 's management with readers ' participation according to the function of each section of the library .

  14. 当作者使用对话扩展资源时,对话空间打开,作者邀请读者参与讨论。

    When the writer uses the dialogic expansion resources , the dialogic space is open . The writer invites the putative readers into discussion with him .

  15. 二者在确定性与不确定性的结合、重视虚与空白的生发作用以及强调读者参与的多元化阐释方式上,存在相通之处。

    The two concepts have some similarities in that they both lay emphasis on the combination of certainty and uncertainty , the generating function of " xu " and blankness and multiple interpretations by readers .

  16. 从图书馆文化的视角探讨读者参与管理的理论依据和现实意义。英国妇女参与管理研究现状及启示

    This paper discusses the theoretical basis and realistic significance of readers ' participation in management from the perspective of library culture . The Present Status of British Women 's Participation in Management and the Revelations There from

  17. 从分析当前编辑决策的现状入手,阐述了读者参与的必要性和可行性,以及读者参与的方式,并提出设想。

    From analyzing the current actuality of editing decision making , it expatiated both the necessity and feasibility of readers participating editing decision making , the manner of participating . And it put forward some ideas towards it .

  18. 把期待视野、审美经验、读者参与、第二文本等接受美学概念引入思想政治教育,能增强思想政治教育的接受效果。

    The anticipation field of vision , the esthetic experience , the readers participate in , the second text and so on accepts esthetics concept introduction thought political education . It can strengthen the thought political education to accept the effect .

  19. 叙事营造出的自足语境避免了诗歌中抒情成分的过度自指,也使诗歌能够驾驭更为广阔的题材,还能够吸引更多阶层的读者参与。

    Since narrative constructs a self-contained context , it is capable of preventing the lyrical element from the over self-referential , and making poetry competent to cover a wide variety of literary materials and attract a multiple levels of readership to participate .

  20. 预防违章行为要加强对新生进行入馆教育和规章制度建设,减少违章行为要提高馆员素质、拓展服务功能和读者参与管理。

    To guard against and lessen the violations , it is necessary to reinforce library entrance education to the freshmen , strengthen the construction of regulations , improve the quality of librarians and extend the service function and readers participating the management as well .

  21. 在购入途径中,除传统订购、邮购、采编选购、复制外,还可采取回收教职工和学生书籍扩充藏书量,通过专家和读者参与式的现场采购提高藏书质量;

    During the process of book and periodical purchase , recycle the used publications from the faculties , staffs and students is a good way to promote library collection , and the readers / experts participating in on-spot book purchase is an effective way to improve the collection quality .

  22. 共有超过十万名读者参与了该旅游杂志的这项活动,评选出了最喜爱的城市、酒店、景点、岛屿、航班、航线、计划旅游目的地,以及连续第四年进行评选的世界最友好城市。

    More than 100000 readers responded to the travel magazine 's reader survey of favorite cities , hotels , resorts , islands , airlines , cruise lines , future travel destinations and , for the fourth year in a row , reader opinions of the world 's friendliest cities .

  23. 翻译是原文作者,译者,读者共同参与的多边互动的信息传递活动。

    Translation is an interactive information transference activity participated together by original writer , translator and reader .

  24. 阅读过程是一个读者积极参与意义产生的过程。

    READER Reading , thus , is no longer a passive action but an active production of meaning .

  25. 商标名是一个未完成的召唤结构,其意义的阐释有赖于读者的参与。

    A brand name is an uncompleted appealing structure and the interpretation of its meaning relies on readers'participation .

  26. 接受美学认为,一部文学作品的历史生命如果没有读者的参与是不可想象的。

    According to Reception Aesthetics , the historical life of a literary work is unthinkable without the active participation of the readers .

  27. 接受美学认为,一个文本的实现完全取决于其读者的参与和接受。

    According to the reception theory , it is the reader who plays a decisive role in the realization of the text .

  28. 在他们看来,读者的参与是文学文本发展的内在动力和潜在因素。

    They regard the reader 's participation as an inner driving force and an underlying factor of literary text 's evolution in meaning .

  29. 阅读是需要读者积极参与的、动态的心理过程,它是把文字转换成意义并将新信息与已有认识系统相结合的过程。

    It is a dynamic activity , a process of translating printed letters into meanings and incorporating the new meanings into existing cognitive systems .

  30. 作者创作的目的不仅要引起读者的参与,因为这只是浅层次的,更要引发读者对社会的思考和认识。

    The creation of the purpose is not only to the reader , Because this is shallow layers , more will cause of social thought and readers .