
  • 网络Yomiuri Shimbun;Yomiuri Newspaper
  1. 该校的公共事务部称,大家听闻《读卖新闻》的报道后都很吃惊,并表示对所谓的篡改成绩并不知情。

    The school 's public affairs department said officials were surprised by the Yomiuri Shimbun report and had no knowledge of the reported manipulation .

  2. 据《读卖新闻》报道,东京医科大学通过篡改考试成绩来让更多女生落选,从而将每个班的女生比例限制在30%左右。

    According to the Yomiuri Shimbun , the Tokyo school started to restrict the proportion of women in each class to about 30 % by manipulating test scores thereby failing more women .

  3. NHK和《读卖新闻》都拒绝就其编辑决策置评。

    Both NHK and the Yomiuri declined to comment on editorial decisions .

  4. 大量发行的报纸《读卖新闻》(yomiuri)的一项最新调查显示,菅直人与小泽一郎“难分上下”。

    The latest survey by the mass circulation Yomiuri newspaper showed Mr Kan and Mr Ozawa running " neck and neck " .

  5. 根据《读卖新闻》报道,益子修和相川哲郎两人预计将会在委员会通告结果后正式辞职。

    Masuko and Aikawa are expected to resign after the committee reports the results , according to the newspapers .

  6. 接受《读卖新闻》调查的受访者中,四分之一的人希望福田尽早下台。

    A quarter of those surveyed by the Yomiuri wanted Mr Fukuda to step down as soon as possible .

  7. 《读卖新闻》表示,甚至在上任第一年的议员中,菅直人与小泽一郎的支持率都不相上下。

    The Yomiuri said Mr Kan was matching Mr Ozawa 's support even among first-term " freshman " legislators .

  8. 根据最近的“读卖新闻”上的民意测验,半数日本民众对两党都不支持。

    According to a recent poll in the Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper , half of Japan 's public supports neither party .

  9. 路透社同样引用了《读卖新闻》的消息,说利用军事力量的计划已经被搁置了。

    The Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper , also cited by Reuters , said the plan to send the military had been shelved .

  10. 《读卖新闻》援引身份不明的消息人士的话称,自从该校录取的女生在2010年占比达到38%之后,校方就开始篡改考生成绩。

    Quoting unidentified sources , it said the manipulation started after the proportion of successful applicants who were women reached 38 % in 2010 .

  11. 根据《读卖新闻》报道,三菱董事长兼首席执行官益子修已对旗下部分经销商与零件制造商表达了辞职意向。

    Chairman and CEO Osamu Masuko has already told some affiliated dealers and partsmakers of his intention to resign , the Yomiuri daily said .

  12. 在访问团访问中国之后,洋基队将会访问东京,访问读卖新闻。

    Following the contingent 's visits in china , the Yankees will travel to Tokyo to meet with the senior management of the Yomiuri shimbun .

  13. 《读卖新闻》说,日本政府倾向于提高卷烟税,因为这受到的公众反对可能会少一些。

    The government is leaning toward increasing taxes on cigarettes as that 's likely to draw less objection from the public , the Yomiuri said .

  14. 读卖新闻称,旅游主管部门希望通过这些游客描述在日本经历的正面报告,帮助减轻国际社会上对来日本旅行的担忧情绪。

    Tourism authorities hope that positive reports from travelers about their experiences in Japan will help ease international worries about visiting the country , the newspaper said .

  15. 《读卖新闻》报道称,大约从2011年开始,东京医科大学就一直篡改女生入学考试成绩来限制学医女生的数量。

    The Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper said Tokyo Medical University had manipulated the entrance exam results of women since about 2011 to keep the female student population low .

  16. 日本读卖新闻日前报道称,日本旅游局计划为旅行者提供免费航班,计划来日旅游者可以通过提交在线申请,具体描述他们想去日本哪里旅游。

    The Japan Tourism Agency plans to ask would-be travelers to submit online applications for the free flights , detailing which areas of the country they would like to visit , the Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper said .

  17. 乘客们的英勇壮举恰巧被一位报社的摄影师用相机抓拍到了,他当时就在车站内,而且这张照片还被刊登在了日本最大的报刊《读卖新闻》上。

    The commuters ' heroic effort was captured on camera by a newspaper photographer who was in the station at the time , and the resulting photo was published in Japan 's largest daily newspaper , the Yomiuri .

  18. 正当保守派主流势力《读卖新闻》曾经长期支持的对象辩称日本已做出足够道歉时,渡边恒雄的团队接连挖出上世纪30、40年代日本灾难性的帝国主义冒险中,种种令人不安的事实。

    Just as the conservative mainstream that his paper had long backed was arguing that Japan had apologised enough , his team was busy digging up uncomfortable facts about the disastrous imperialist adventure of the 1930s and 1940s .

  19. 根据日本读卖新闻报导说井川庆这名左投手之前由洋基队以2600万美金竞标赢得优先议约权,他同意和纽约签下一纸五年2000万美金的合约。

    A report in japan 's Yomiuri Shimbun said Kei igawa , the left-hander whose negotiating rights were won by the Yankees with a posting bid of more than $ 26 million , had agreed to a five-year , $ 20 million deal with new york .