
  • 网络Norbu;Nobu;Noble
  1. 诺布在电话里向我解释了。

    Bob explained it to me on the phone .

  2. 亲属们则声称,这支枪是诺布自己的。

    Relatives said the gun belonged to Noble .

  3. 已知的世界上最深的洞穴是格勒诺布附近的古弗尔贝尔杰。

    The deepest known cave in the world is the Gouffre Berger near Grenoble .

  4. 诺布:我觉得是珍妮。

    Nobu : I think it 's Jeanine .

  5. 诺布当场死亡。

    Noble died at the scene .

  6. 或在公园里观赏莎翁剧,去诺布甚至不能点中国菜

    or watch Shakespeare in the Park , or go to Nobu , or order Chinese .

  7. 社区租户协会会员李金枝(音译)在唐人街和诺布山交界处的租房内住了34年。

    CTA member Lee Gum Gee rented an apartment onthe border of Chinatown and NobHill for 34 years .

  8. 3个孩子--其中一个13岁,还有诺布10岁和5岁的两个女儿,跑出去寻求帮助。

    Three children - a 13-year-old , along with Noble 's 10-year-old and 5-year-old daughters - ran for help .

  9. 据《圣路易斯邮报》报道,警方表示,这名两岁的儿童意外枪击了27岁的达里奥·诺布的颈部。

    The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that police say the 2-year-old accidently shot 27-year-old Darrion Noble in the neck .

  10. 诺布:我以为只要我这些天不接她电话,她就会领会我的意思。

    Nobu : I figure if I don 't take her calls for a few more days , she 'll get the message .

  11. 诺布的表妹斯蒂芬妮·史密斯表示,当诺布不像往常一样将自己放进浴缸时,该幼童哭喊着要爸爸。

    His cousin , Stephanie Smith , says the toddler asked for Noble when he wasn 't around to put the boy in the bathtub as he used to .

  12. 在诺布暂停一天,遂即挥手指向熙雍女儿山,耶路撒冷的山岗。

    It is yet day enough , to remain in Nobe : he shall shake his hand against the mountain of the daughter of Sion , the hill of Jerusalem .