
  • 网络Nokia Smartphone
  1. 在赫尔辛基西北部一家诺基亚智能手机设备厂所在地萨洛(Salo),1200名员工中的一位问鲍尔默:“这是不是意味着我们都会拿到Xbox?”鲍尔默回答会的。

    In Salo , a Nokia smartphone facility northwest of Helsinki , Mr Ballmer was asked by one of 1200 staff : " Does this mean we all get Xboxes ? " He said they would .

  2. 在你的诺基亚智能手机上,保护你个人私密的数据和照片。

    Protect your confidential data and photos on your Nokia smartphone !

  3. 在美国,Android手持设备的销量现在高于诺基亚智能手机和黑莓。

    Android handsets now outsell Nokia smartphones and the BlackBerry in the US .

  4. 他为诺基亚智能手机选择了Windows智能手机操作系统,放弃了内部开发的系统,也拒绝使用谷歌(Google)快速发展的安卓(Android)系统。

    He selected the Windows smartphone operating system for Nokia smartphones , abandoning internally developed options and shunning Google 's fast-growing Android software .

  5. Symbian是诺基亚智能手机所选择的平台。

    Symbian is our platform of choice for Nokia smartphones .

  6. 据研究公司StrategyAnalytics统计,诺基亚智能手机去年第三季度的全球市场份额为4%,远低于2011年第一季度的23%。

    Nokia 's share of global smartphone volumes touched 4 % in the third quarter of last year , down from 23 % in the first quarter of 2011 , notes Strategy Analytics .

  7. 诺基亚智能手机业务负责人哈洛(JoHarlow)说,未来几个月公司将继续研发基于Windows系统的手机。

    Jo Harlow , Nokia 's head of smart devices , said the company will continue evolving its Windows phones in the months to come .

  8. 移动钱包:每个使用苹果、Android或诺基亚智能手机的用户都希望手机支付能成为现实。

    Mobile Wallets : If you could use your cell phone as a credit card , would you ? Everyone from Apple and Google to Nokia want to make that a reality and tap into the mobile payments market .

  9. 不过,诺基亚智能手机的销量目前尚未撼动苹果和三星的主导地位。

    However , sales have so far struggled to dent the dominance of Apple and Samsung .

  10. 诺基亚智能手机的面市太超前了,当时消费者和无线网络还没有做好接纳智能手机的准备。

    Nokia 's smartphones had hit the market too early , before consumers or wireless networks were ready to make use of them .

  11. 诺基亚智能手机的任何用户经历了以下情况:在该的办公室中的会议或晚餐突然您的电话骚扰你。

    Any user of a Nokia smartphone had experienced the following situations : while in the office , meeting or dinner suddenly your phone disturbs you .

  12. 因此,搜索公司收购了摩托罗拉的智能手机,Windows收购了诺基亚的智能手机。

    And search ate Motorola smartphones . And Windows consumed Nokia smartphones .

  13. 一个研发团队试图改造诺基亚大多数智能手机所使用的老旧的塞班(Symbian)系统,而另一个团队则试图从头开始打造一个名为MeeGo的全新操作系统。

    One team tried to revamp Symbian , the aging operating system that ran most Nokia smartphones . Another effort , eventually dubbed MeeGo , tried to build a new system from the ground up .

  14. 动画师们尝试用装了迷你显微镜的诺基亚N8智能手机来制作影片,每天仅制作电影中的4秒。在2010年9月发行时,“Dot”被吉尼斯世界纪录收录认定最小的定格动画片。

    The filmmakers shot the film using a Nokia N8 smart phone equipped with a CellScope -- a diagnostic-quality microscope The crew shot four seconds of film every day and when it was released in September , 2010 , " Dot " was certified by the Book of Guinness World Records as the smallest stop-motion animation film 。

  15. 公司可能会变得自满,诺基亚对于智能手机的出现的态度就是如此。

    Companies can become complacent , as Nokia was about the arrival of the smartphone .

  16. 这点基本上能说明,诺基亚回归智能手机竞技场的日子还没有到来。

    This almost ensured that Nokia 's return to the smartphone arena is yet to come .

  17. 微软最后停止了诺基亚牌智能手机的生产。

    Microsoft later discontinued Nokia-brand smartphones .

  18. 手机行业巨头诺基亚在智能手机和其情境感知服务的开发上都投入了大量的人力和物力。

    Nokia has committed tremendous manpower and resources to the development of its smart phones and context aware service .

  19. 随着苹果和三星的快速增长,宏达电与诺基亚在智能手机领域的市场份额都在显著下降,这使得争议各方更有意愿取得和解。

    Both HTC and Nokia have seen their smartphone market share plummet as Apple and Samsung grow , creating more willingness to settle from all parties .

  20. 诺基亚在智能手机市场的状况似乎也并无改善。该公司说,竞争对这块业务产生的冲击力度比之前预计的要大。

    The company doesn 't appear to be improving in the smartphone market either , saying competition had hit that business to a somewhat greater extent than previously expected .

  21. 去年,诺基亚成为windows智能手机的最佳渠道。

    Last year Nokia became the prime conduit for Windows in smartphones .

  22. 欧洲移动运营商对于诺基亚生产Android智能手机很可能会消极应对。

    European mobile operators would be likely to respond negatively to Nokia making an Android-based smartphone .

  23. 对于诺基亚45%的智能手机市场份额是其最大竞争对手RIM公司的两倍还多,竞争对手们虎视眈眈,目前正大举涌入市场。

    Competitors , eyeing Nokia 's 45 per cent smartphone market share more than twice that of RIM , its biggest competitor are piling in .

  24. 计算他们的所有与轻便的牺牲软件的诺基亚n73的智能手机。

    Calculate them all with Handy Expense software for Nokia N73 Smartphone .

  25. 不管诺基亚的新智能手机Lumia有多棒,业内其它厂家(特别是三星电子)都十分财大气粗,可在智能手机的营销和打折方面投入远多于埃洛普最初以为的大量资金。

    No matter how good Nokia 's new Lumia smartphones were , other players in the industry-particularly Samsung Electronics-had deeper pockets that allowed them to pour far more money into marketing and discounting smartphones than Mr. Elop has initially calculated .

  26. 华尔街日报报道表示,在过去几个月里,一直有消息传出,诺基亚将这个智能手机计划命名为诺曼底计划。在诺基亚版的安卓手机中,部分谷歌开发的功能将不会出现,比如Gmail,谷歌地图和谷歌应用商店等。

    The Wall Street Journal reports that Nokia 's new phone , which has leaked a few times during the last few months under the codename Normandy , will run a modified version of Android that doesn 't include Google services like Gmail , Google Maps , and the Google Play store for Android apps and other content .

  27. 2010年第四季度,诺基亚塞班系统智能手机出货3100万台,较2009年同期增加30%。

    Nokia shipped 31m smartphones running Symbian in the fourth quarter of 2010 , up 30 per cent on the same period in 2009 .

  28. 诺基亚在高端智能手机领域的弱势若得不到扭转,该公司将面临利润率不可逆转地下滑的风险,因为这些尖端手机所创造的利润率是业内最高的。

    The risk for Nokia , if it does not fix its weakness in high-end smartphones , will be an irreversible decline in its profitability , because these sophisticated handsets generate the best profit margins in the industry .

  29. 就在iPhone颠覆市场的时候,诺基亚把重心从智能手机移回到基本款手机上面,犯下了战略错误。

    In a strategic blunder , it shifted its focus from smartphones back to basic phones right as the iPhone upended the market .

  30. 这款928是最新的诺基亚Lumia系列的智能手机,使用微软的windowsphone8软件。

    The 928 is the latest in Nokia 's Lumia range of smartphones which use Microsoft 's Windows Phone 8 software .