
  • 网络KNOXVILLE;Knoxvile;Knoxville,TN;KNOXVILLE TN
  1. 位于诺克斯维尔的田纳西大学就面临着这种困境。

    The University of Tennessee in Knoxville offers one example of this dilemma .

  2. 当你认为人能控制自然时,就是走上了一条危险的路,诺克斯维尔田纳西大学(UniversityofTennessee)的社会学家保罗·K·盖勒特(PaulK.Gellert)说。

    The perilous path is the notion you can control nature , said Paul K. Gellert , a sociologist at the University of Tennessee , Knoxville .

  3. 有5所商校是首次上榜定制课程排行榜,其中排名最高的是排在第45位的田纳西大学诺克斯维尔分校(UniversityofTennesseeatKnoxville)。

    Five schools were ranked for the first time , with the highest new entrant , the University of Tennessee at Knoxville , entering in 45th place .

  4. 但进行此项研究的田纳西大学诺克斯维尔分校(UniversityofTennessee,Knoxville)助理教授哈莉·雷纳(HollieRaynor)称,一天吃六小顿的实验组报告称他们的饥饿感较弱。

    But the group eating six smaller meals reported feeling less hungry , says Hollie Raynor , associate professor at the University of Tennessee , Knoxville who conducted the research .

  5. 最诺克斯维尔按揭公司应该给你你想要的服务。

    Most Knoxville Mortgage Companies should give you the service you want .

  6. 约翰尼诺克斯维尔马上要跳湖了。

    Johnny Knoxville is going to jump the entire lake .

  7. 诺克斯维尔警方表示,遭枪击的警方有望生还。

    Knoxville police say the officer struck by gunfire is expected to survive .

  8. 四十岁,在田纳西州诺克斯维尔开手机店

    Forty years old , runs a cell phone store in Knoxville , Tennessee .

  9. 沿着诺克斯维尔,田纳西州外的这些国道行驶,会进入这一小型工业园区,

    Drive down these country roads outside Knoxville , Tennessee and enter into this small industrial park ,

  10. 这个名单是不全面的含义,有更多值得诺克斯维尔按揭公司了解。

    This list is not comprehensive meaning that there are additional Knoxville Mortgage Companies worth finding out about .

  11. 丈夫很支持我,“她对诺克斯维尔市的一家电视台说道,”他觉得这很有趣。

    My husband is real supportive ," she told a TV station in Knoxville . " He thinks it 's funny .

  12. 这桩未决的谜案被讨论了很多年。诺克斯维尔新闻哨兵在2009年对丹尼斯·马丁的案子进行了后续报导。

    As the unsolved mystery had been discussed for years , the Knoxville News Sentinel followed up on Dennis Martin 's case in 2009 .

  13. 回到“西雅图不眠夜”之前,让我们先接一个来自田纳西州诺克斯维尔的电话。你正在与我们即时连线,请讲话。

    Let 's take a call before we get back to " sleepless " knoxville , tennessee , you 're on the air , talk to me .

  14. 诺克斯维尔与田纳西的早间节目在周三的万圣节前夕早早就受到了惊吓,因为一只蝙蝠突然在直播的时候出现。

    And morning show anchors in Knoxville , Tennessee , got an early Halloween Scare Wednesday , when a flying bat made a surprise live appearance onset .

  15. 在我很小的时候,我去往田纳西州的诺克斯维尔看望我的祖母,当时我就惊叹于自然赋予人类的这份礼物,太神奇了!

    When I was very young , I would visit my grandmother in Knoxville Tennessee and wonder at all of the gifts nature had bestowed on us .

  16. 伴着晚上警报器的鸣叫声,救护车把婴儿送到田纳西州诺克斯维尔市的圣玛丽医院,新生儿重病特护区。

    With siren howling in the night , the ambulance rushes the infant to the neonatal intensive care unit at St. Mary 's Hospital in Knoxville , Tennessee .

  17. 救护车呼啸着连夜把她送到田纳西州诺克斯维尔圣玛丽医院的新生儿重症监护室。

    With siren howling in the night , the ambulance rushes the infant to the neonatal intensive care unit at St. Mary 's Hospital , Knoxville , Tennessee .

  18. 田纳西大学诺克斯维尔分校的心理学教授霍华德·波利奥表示,拥有幽默的休息时间的办公室,员工也会心满意足、高效工作。

    According to Howard Pollio , professor of psychology at University of Tennessee , Knoxville , an office with humour breaks is an office with satisfied and productive employees .

  19. 后来,舒特站在诺克斯维尔的仓库里,在冒着气泡的鱼缸间说起他曾见识过比艾布拉姆斯溪境况更糟糕的地区,以及在那之后仍旧保持乐观态度的原因。

    Later , standing among burbling aquariums in the Knoxville warehouse , Shute talked about how he had seen much worse places than Abrams Creek and about why he remains optimistic nonetheless .

  20. 2009年,科克勒姆搬到田纳西州诺克斯维尔市照顾年迈的父母。直到现在,他没有就捐赠计划发表过任何公开评论。

    Until now , Mr. Cockrum who moved to Knoxville , Tenn. , in 2009 to take care of his aging parents , had made virtually no public comment about his giving plans .

  21. 克里斯·厄尔利在诺克斯维尔市经营一家视频制作公司。他说,一个月前,他买了这架摄像无人机,而最近他8岁的女儿凯蒂坚持要自己步行去上学,这架飞行器正好派上用场了。

    Chris Early , who owns a Knoxville video production company , said the camera drone he bought about a month ago came in handy when his 8-year-old daughter , Katie , insisted on walking to school by herself .

  22. 运动的一部分被称为“没有文件,没有恐惧,”乌祖塔·卡拉斯科和其他人上周(8月28日)去民主党全国代表大会上的路上在田纳西州的诺克斯维尔上下班交通高峰期出现并举行非暴力反抗行为。

    Part of a movement called " No Papers , No Fear , " Unzueta Carrasco and others held an act of civil disobedience that stopped rush-hour traffic in Knoxville , Tennessee last week ( Aug. 28 ) on their way to the Democratic National Convention .