
yǔ yán hùn hé
  • mixing of languages;languages in contact
  1. 永中Office办公套件维文版的设计&多语言混合排版的设计

    Design of Uigur Edition Evermore Office : Design of Multiple Language Mix Typography

  2. 基于Visualc++与汇编语言混合编程的优化设计

    Design of software for mixed programing based on Visual C + + and assemble language

  3. BASIC和FORTRAN语言混合编程方法

    Design of mixed program with basic and FORTRAN languages

  4. 阅卷系统采用MicrosoftvisualBasic6.0与C语言混合开发。

    The scoring system is developed with the combination of Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 and C Language .

  5. 论文提出了一种基于VB和MATLAB语言混合编程技术开发的电压波动和闪变检测新方法。

    The paper proposes a new method that combining VB with MATLAB program technology to develope flicker measurement .

  6. 在编写硬件驱动,工业实时控制以及大量的计算方面,利用C或C++与汇编语言混合编程可以提高程序的效率。

    Assembly language , C language and Visual C + + mixed programming can improve programming efficiency in developing hardware drivers , real time control and mass calculation .

  7. 在软件方面,使用Visualc++与汇编语言混合编程技术解决系统要求良好的用户界面和必须对硬件进行操作的矛盾。

    In software , we use Visual C + + and assembler language mix programming technology to solve the contradiction of good user interface and operating hardware that system requires .

  8. 采用MATLAB与VC++语言混合编程,完成了近场处理软件和远场测试系统。

    Based on the mixed programming with the MATLAB language and the VC + + language , the package of near-field data processing and the far-field measurement system are designed .

  9. 本文介绍了动态信号采集分析系统软件的设计方法,以及如何采用VB、Access、VC++三种语言混合编程来实现本系统软件。

    The software design method of Dynamic Signal Sampling & Analysing system and how to use VB , Access , and VC + + to realize the software are discussed in this paper .

  10. 本软件的开发主要采用基于WINDOWS编程方法,用C/C++语言混合编码,同时结合调用OpenGL图形库的路线,对CCD获取的激光光斑图像进行系统的数字分析和结果显示。

    The software developing mainly takes the method that combines WINDOWS programming , C / C + + programming with OpenGL library functions , and makes systematic data analysis and result display .

  11. 设计了嵌入式SDCS速度控制模块,用汇编和C语言混合编程完成了系统通讯以及速度控制的软件设计,成功实现了基于剩余距离的电梯实时速度控制。

    The embedded SDCS module including hardware and software was designed . The software is accomplished with the tool of Assemble Language and C.

  12. 采用VC与MATLAB语言混合编程及引擎调用技术,编制了五自由度上肢的运动分析程序,并对该模型进行了合理性分析。

    Using the skills of program mixing VC and MATLAB and engine transfer , a kinetic analysis program of the five-degree-of-freedom upper limb was set up . And the reasonable analysis was carried out .

  13. 除了语法简单并且具有功能强大的表结构之外,Lua的强大功能使其可以与宿主语言混合使用。

    Beyond Lua 's simple syntax and powerful table structure , Lua 's real power is evident when mixing it with a host language .

  14. 在数字光学显微轮廓仪中采用MatLab作为测量结果的图形显示手段,解决了Visualc/C++与MatLab之间不同语言混合编程的接口问题,给出了用MatLab进行图形编程的实例。

    Software MatLab is used to display measurement results in digital optical profiler . Different kinds of computer languages , such as Visual C / C + + and MatLab , are combined in programming . Samples of graphic programming with MatLab are given .

  15. 软件采用C和汇编语言混合编程的方式,根据系统设计的硬件电路及采用的控制策略,编写了相应的控制系统软件,包括ADC采样、电流PI调节器、PWM输出等模块。

    In the software of the system , the ADC sample interrupt subprogram , the PI control algorithm of current loop and the PWM interrupt subprogram are written in both C and assembly according to hardware circuit structure and control strategies of the system .

  16. 全文主要工作如下:1.编程实现了一个特征检测算法定位精度评价原型系统,该系统采用Matlab和C语言混合编程,可用于不同特征的精度评价,还可以结合特征描述子实现特征匹配的性能分析。

    The main work is as follows : By programming , we achieved a prototype system of position accuracy evaluation for feature detection algorithm . This system is achieved by using Matlab and C mixed-language programming , which can be used for the evaluation of position accuracy for different features .

  17. 首先介绍并比较了TI5000系列DSP的三种主要软件开发方法的优缺点,提出了C/C++与汇编语言混合编程方法的优越性所在。

    Have introduced and compared the pluses and minuses of three kinds of software development approaches on TI 5000 series of DSP at first , then we proposed that the method of interfacing C / C + + with assembler language is better than the others programming methods .

  18. 以低温工质为例,介绍了程序计算模块和界面模块各自的特点和相互关系,并分别采用Fortran和VC++两种语言混合编程的方法,实现了程序模块间的连接。

    Taking the cryogenic fluids as an example , it shows the characteristics respectively and the relationship between the calculation module and interface module . Using the mixed-language programming of Fortran and VC + + , it implements the linkage among different modules .

  19. Concerto脚本既适合描述分布组件系统的协调问题,又统一了现有的计算脚本,提供了一个多种脚本语言混合编程的解决方案。

    Due to this drawback , this paper proposed the Concerto scripting language , which fits for describing the coordination of distributed component systems . Also , the Concerto synthesizes the present computing scripts and provides an approach to the program with multiple scripting languages .

  20. 本文提出一种可在操作系统和foxBASE环境下组合(或嵌入)运行的、支持DBMS授权扩充机制、实现多种语言混合编程模块直接藕合的通用菜单工具(MTS)。

    This paper presents a universal menu ( environment ) tool ( MTS ), which can be executed by com-bined or embedded method in the environments of operation system and foxBASE , and sup-ports for an extended authorization mechanism of DBMS and couple of modules programed by mulitiple languages directly .

  21. 用多种语言混合编写计算机管理系统

    Compiling the Computer Management System with Multiple - Language Mixture

  22. 不同计算机语言混合编程的连接方法

    Methods of Connection of Mixed Program in Different Kinds of Conputer Languages

  23. 两种语言混合编程在工业控制中的应用

    Application of Two Language Programming in Production Process Control

  24. 他是一位肥胖的老人,讲话时带有多种语言混合的多喉音的声调。

    He was a round old man with a guttural , polyglot accent .

  25. 英语是多种语言混合而成的。

    English is a composite of many languages .

  26. 采用计算机网络、数据库管理系统、多种语言混合编程、数据通讯和人机接口等技术,实现了整个系统的软硬件集成、信息集成和人机集成。

    It fulfils software / hardware integration , information integration and man / machine integration in the whole system .

  27. 基于计算机语言混合编程的方法,设计并开发了航线配船与船队规划决策系统。

    A ship routing and fleet planning decision making system is also developed with the mixed programming of VB and Fortran .

  28. 基于热水管网流量调节的一个示例,给出这两种算法语言混合编程的具体实现过程。

    Based on the example of hot water pipe network adjusting , implementation procedure of VB / FORTRAN mixed-language programming is introduced .

  29. 提出了混合开发的观点,即为了系统的最优化,一个系统可以多种语言混合编程、多种类型数据库混合开发。

    In order to realize system optimization , it was pointed out that a system should be designed in several languages and multi-type of databases .

  30. 坚持系统的开放性、集成性、稳定性和安全性原则,采用了流行的面向对象技术及多种语言混合编程技术实现。

    The principle of opening , integration , stability , and security of the system is strictly observed because of the adoption object-oriented technology and multi-language programming technology .