
yǔ cí
  • words and phrases;predicate
语词 [yǔ cí]
  • (1) [words and phrases]∶泛指词、词组一类的语言成分

  • (2) [predicate]∶逻辑学名词,在一个语言系统中,具有意义可用来代表事物的最小的词,文法学名词。今多称为述语或谓语

语词[yǔ cí]
  1. 我们应用标准的立即回忆实验设计,考查汉语语词的短时记忆(STM)广度。

    Using the Standard immediate recall experimental design , we examined the span of STM for Chinese words and phrases .

  2. 汉语语词码相加效应的实验研究

    Effects of code additivity of Chinese words and phrases

  3. 这些语词他们随口即出,在父母面前也常常如此。

    They used these words freely , often in front of their parents too

  4. “慷慨的吝啬鬼”是一种语词矛盾的说法。

    A generous miser is a contradiction in terms .

  5. cell和hell还在原印欧语词存在某些关系,意为覆盖或隐藏。

    Some relationship also exists between cell and hell through the Proto-Indo-European word for to cover or conceal kel .

  6. 并利用广义语词概念,设计了分词词典,改进了最大匹配分词算法(MM);

    A segmentation is designed by using the generalized concept of phraseology for the improvement of the MM arithmetic .

  7. 土族语词首清擦音f的演变以人们日常生活的两种必需品&自来水和醋为试验材料,研究无声放电平板式臭氧发生机的杀菌效果。

    The evolution of the initial voiceless fricative f in Tu people 's language The effects of sterilizing with ozonizer of voiceless discharge on water and vinegar were studied .

  8. 方法:用微机对17472名被试同时进行连续加法、语词辨析测验及明尼苏达多相人格测验(MMPI)测验。

    METHODS : 17472 subjects were simultaneously interviewed with continuous addition test , word discrimination test and Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory ( MMPI ) by computer .

  9. 小说的美学目标是以语词创造出一个世界,Gass在“小说和生活的形象”,他的第一部论文集中说。

    " The esthetic aim of any fiction is the creation of a verbal world ," Gass argued in " Fiction and the Figures of Life "( 1970 ), his first collection of essays .

  10. 美国哲学家奎因(W.V.Quine)在《语词与对象》这部专著中最早提出了翻译的不确定性观点。

    W.V. Quine , an American philosopher , first put forward the indeterminacy of translation in his monograph Word and Object .

  11. 一名瑞士医生视其为一种疾病,认为士兵们的身心不适源于他们的思乡之情。Nostalgia一词来自希腊语词,nostos(返乡)以及algos(思乡之痛)。

    It was considered a disorder by a Swiss physician , who attributed soldiers " mental and physical discomfort to their longing to return home , " nostos " in Greek , and the accompanying pain , " algos . "

  12. 甚至连蛋挞这一名字也有着古老的渊源&蛋挞来源于酥皮(crust)的法语词crouste和盎格鲁诺尔曼语词crustarde,crustarde意思是带酥皮的蔬菜、水果或肉馅饼。

    Even the name has an ancient pedigree - it is derived from both the old French word for crust ( crouste ), and the Anglo-Norman ' crustarde ', which meant a tart or pie with a crust .

  13. 四音格词是拉祜语词的一种形式。

    Four-syllable word formation is a special form in Lahu language .

  14. 中国思想传统中的自由语词、概念与观念

    Words , Concepts and Ideas Showing Freedom in Chinese Traditional Ideology

  15. 略论网络用语中的语词接触现象

    A Preliminary Study of Phenomenon in Linguistic Contact of Network Parlance

  16. 快餐族语词及快餐文化

    Family of " Fast Food " Phrases and its Implied Culture

  17. 声乐作品语词形象感受规律研究

    Study of Rules in Lyric 's Image Perception in Vocal Works

  18. 现代哈萨克语词级标注语料库的构建研究

    A Study of Word Tagging Corpus for the Modern Kazakh Language

  19. 汉语语词在商品品牌名称中的运用

    Chinese Words : Their Use in Choosing Brand Names for Commodities

  20. 《晋书》语词研究与词典编纂

    The Research about the Polysyllables of JIN SHU and Dictionary Editing

  21. 由近义形容词的辨析看形容词的不同功用非营利组织及其近义名词:语词变幻的背后

    Nonprofit Organization and its Synonymous Nouns : behind Change of Words

  22. 浅析现代汉语语词的古义存留

    An Analysis of the Ancient Meanings in Modern Chinese Words

  23. 故意犯罪定义中的若干语词分析

    Analysis of Several Words in the Definition of Intentional Crime

  24. 非模糊性语词在翻译中的多元阐释机制

    Plural Representing Mechanism of the Non-Fuzzy Lexical Meaning in Translation

  25. 概念的心理特性及其语词符号启动

    Psychological Properties of Concept and its Activation by Verbal Signs

  26. 头盔光电目标指示器语词是概念的物质外壳

    Helmet-mounted Target Designation Equipment Wording is the Phisical Outer Casing of Conception

  27. 宋诗茶文化语词举例

    The Annotations of Some Words of Tea Culture in the Song Poetry

  28. 基于语料库的大学生书面语词块对比研究

    A Corpus-based Comparative Study on College Students ' Written Chunks

  29. 不同联想等级语词的启动效应及其发展研究

    The priming effect of different associative level words and its developmental study

  30. 语词边界模糊论略&语言的模糊性研究之一

    On Vagueness of Vocabulary ── A Study of Linguistic Vagueness