
  • 网络Language standards;SGML;CLB;CEFR;CSharp Language Specification;CECR
  1. XML查询语言标准与实践技术的研究

    Research on XML Language Query Standards & Its Technology

  2. 新的C语言标准有一个新概念:接受机器字将会变长这个事实。

    The new C Standard has a novel idea : just accept that machine-word sizes will grow .

  3. Go语言标准库有些有用的代码,但这与更为成熟的语言比起来仍还是很少的。

    The standard library has useful code , but it is small compared to what is available in more established languages .

  4. 但是将整数值转换为指针值并不遵循C语言标准。

    However , remember that casting an integer value to a pointer value does not conform to the C language standard .

  5. 为了和C语言标准兼容,所有非标准的名称都已下划线开头。

    In order to be compliant with the requirements of the C language standard , all non-standard names start from the underscore symbol .

  6. 把XML和HTML结合起来,就有了Web的下一代语言标准&XHTML。

    Put XML and HTML together , and you come up with XHTML , the next-generation language standard for the Web .

  7. 绝大多数流行的关系型数据库管理系统都采用了SQL语言标准。

    Most of the Relational Data Base Management System has applied the standardized language of SQL .

  8. XML作为一种数据描述的元语言标准,不断地被应用到各种不同领域的数据集成中去。

    XML has emerged as the standard of meta language representing data format , and is continually applied to various domain to integrate data sources .

  9. C语言标准规定了两个定义(EXITSUCCESS和EXITFAILURE),可以被传递到状态参数,以说明终止成功或者不成功。

    The C standard specifies two definitions ( EXIT_SUCCESS and EXIT_FAILURE ) that can be passed to the status parameter to indicate successful or unsuccessful termination .

  10. XML是先进的网络语言标准,采用可扩展的标记,能够描述各种数据结构,是网络信息共享的重要工具。

    XML , an advanced language standards for Internet , is capable of modeling any data structure and used as a main tool for information sharing on WWW.

  11. 论支持LBS的中国地理无线标记语言标准初步研究

    Primary Research of the Standard of Chinese Geography Wireless Markup language Supporting LBS

  12. 以语言标准调用gcc

    Invoking gcc with a language standard

  13. 这里可以看到众所周知的主流数据库查询语言标准SQL,以及XQuery。

    This is where you 'll find SQL , the well-known and dominant database query language standard , as well as XQuery .

  14. 依据编程语言标准,用户可以使用该仿真系统设计和编写PLC梯形图或指令表语言控制程序,并能在这两种语言之间自由转换。

    With the simulation system , users can not only design and program PLC ladder diagram , but also compile instruction list language control program . Meanwhile , they transform freely between the two languages .

  15. rexx有一个较强的语言标准,本文提到的所有解释器都遵从这个标准。

    Rexx has a strong language standard to which all the interpreters mentioned in this article conform .

  16. 其中某些高校将FCE考试作为入学的英语语言标准,也有些高校将FCE考试成绩作为国际英语教程的学分。

    Some higher / further education institutions recognise FCE for admissions purposes , while others recognise FCE as credits towards internal English courses .

  17. 最后,在今年四月,Groovy有了一个重大飞跃,它正式发布了新的解析器,该解析器的目标就是将这门语言标准化为JSR进程的一部分。

    Finally , Groovy took a gigantic leap this past April , with the formal release of a new parser aimed at standardizing the language as part of the JSR process .

  18. 预测模型标记语言标准PMML是一个与平台及系统无关的数据挖掘模型表示语言,但其中并未包含SOM元模型的定义。

    In the emerging standard PMML ( Predictive Model Markup Language ), which is the platform and system independent representation of data mining models , there is no definition of the SOM meta-model .

  19. 语言标准,软件兼容性强。支持文泰、刻绘大师、FLEXISIGN等专业软件输出。

    Standard language and strong software compatibility support professional software like ARTCUT , Cutting Master , FLEXISIGN and etc.

  20. 谈谈科技翻译语言标准化

    A Talk on the Standardization of Language used in Sci-Tech Translation

  21. 英语语言标准问题:新加坡英语反思

    Standard Issue of English Language : Reflection from Singapore English

  22. 可编程序控制器编程语言标准IEC1131-3

    IEC 11 3 1 - 3 : Programming Languages for Programmable Controllers

  23. 面向文语转换的标记语言标准的研究

    Analysis on the Standard of TTS Oriented Markup Language

  24. 尝试参与到一项语言标准化工作中。

    Get involved in a language standardization effort .

  25. 我国文献情报检索语言标准化的现状与发展

    The standardization of retrieval language in China

  26. 拥有尽快从语言标准化工作中抽身的良好判断力。

    Have the good sense to get off the language standardization effort as quickly as possible .

  27. 随着系统复杂性的增加,好的建模技术的重要性也同样提高。项目成功有许多其它因素,但拥有严谨的建模语言标准是其中的一个重要因素。

    As the complexity of systems increases , so does the importance of good modeling techniques .

  28. 制定一个面向文语转换或语音合成的文档标记语言标准是解决这个问题的有效方法。

    One effective method to solve this problem is to define a TTS oriented markup language standard .

  29. 然后分析指出了我国情报检索语言标准化的主要发展趋势以及具体发展措施。

    At last the author points out the major trends of standardization of retrieval language in China .

  30. 在开发最新的统一建模语言标准时,作出了最大的改进,UML2.x,用于为大型系统的建模提供支持。

    The main enhancement made when developing the latest Unified Modeling Language standard , UML2 . x , was to provide support for modeling large-scale systems .