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ɡuǐ jué
  • treacherous;weird;strange and changeful;cunning
诡谲 [guǐ jué]
  • (1) [strange and changeful;treacherous]∶奇异多变

  • (2) [eccentric and wild]∶离奇古怪

  • (3) [sly;crafty;cunning;tricky]∶狡猾

  • 诡谲的心计

  • 却说城中有一人姓张,名委,原是个宦家子弟,为人奸狡诡谲,残忍刻薄。--《灌园叟晚逢仙女》

诡谲[guǐ jué]
  1. 诡谲的时间艺术

    The Treacherous Temporal Art

  2. 因为悍马车可以轻松穿越诡谲的沙漠,这种车已经在该地区广泛使用。

    This ability of Humvees to easily negotiate treacherous desert conditions has led to their widespread use in the region .

  3. 美国NOAA的海啸预测模型也用来测试这个诡谲的事件。

    NOAA 's tsunami forecast models were put to the test for this perplexing event .

  4. 静得吓人,诡谲迷人的气息,一片荒芜,完全受到污染。

    eerily silent , strangely charming , bucolic , totally contaminated .

  5. 中国房地产:梦想、疯狂与诡谲的江湖

    Real estate in China : Arena of dreams , fevers and tricks

  6. 或许有些龙还生存在那片蛮荒而诡谲的土地上。

    Perhaps some were still living there , in realms strange and wild .

  7. 妖媚诡谲:以阿拉伯为背景的魔幻电影大集合!

    Strange and seductive : the background of the Arab Film Large collection of magic !

  8. 政治氛围异常诡谲。

    The political atmosphere is toxic .

  9. 在一个风雨飘摇的动荡年代里,他却以瑰丽诡谲的浪漫故事营造出一个独特的艺术世界。

    In a turbulent age , he creates a unique world of art with beautiful yet fantastic romantic stories .

  10. 在红与黑交织的画面上,展现了一个人神共在,诡谲、流动飞扬、变幻神奇的神话般的世界。

    The black and red pictures on the lacquer ware present a mysterious and ever-changing fairy world inhabited by human beings and immortals .

  11. 牟宗三试图以中国之圆教理论证成康德之圆善论,他认为德与福在圣人处诡谲地相即就是圆善实现。

    Mou Zongsan tries to achieve Kant 's supreme good with Chinese perfect religion , and he thinks that virtue and happiness are tied in saint with strange way .

  12. 因为悍马车可以轻松穿越诡谲的沙漠,这种车已经在该地区广泛使用。车辆还能改装成战车。

    This ability of Humvees to easily negotiate treacherous desert conditions has led to their widespread use in the region . The vehicles are also capable of playing host to multiple weapon emplacements .

  13. 诡谲的矮人与盗贼工会达成协议:他们给予工会成员庇护,而盗贼们贡献一些情报作为回报。

    The wily dwarves have arranged a settlement with the thieves guild : they grant asylum to the guild 's members , while the thieves , in their turn , share some information .

  14. 其小说中浪漫主义艺术特点主要体现在:故事情节的传奇性、丰富的想象力、奇异诡谲的异域情调、幽秘的气氛及朦胧的意绪、抒情感伤的基调等。

    The romanticist art features of his novels mainly lie in : the legendary features , the rich imaginative power , the strange and secretive foreign taste , the mysterious atmosphere , the vague mood and the depressed theme , etc.

  15. 几经波折与期待,历史诡谲地让我们重新认识到时代背景的市场经济属性,如何应对市场经济带来的挑战成为我们这个后发国家的历史性大课题。

    Alter several setbacks and expectations , history has made us know the market economy attribute of this era again , and how to deal with the challenge of market economy has become our historical big subject of the late-development country .

  16. 同时文中被一种阴森的气氛所笼罩着,主人公被冤魂附身、因果报应的诅咒所迷惑着,整个故事在现实与虚幻中摇摆,有一种诡谲感。

    At the same time the text was a gloomy atmosphere enveloped the hero possessed by ghosts , karma , confused by the curse , the whole story in reality and fantasy in the swing , there is a strange feeling .

  17. 中国画能够独秀于世界画坛,除了它的收敛众景、计白为黑的构图法则之外,还有一个就是通过丰富多彩、诡谲变幻的笔墨语言表达出独有的画面效果。

    Chinese painting can show in the world of painting , in addition to its convergence of the king , white to black composition rules , another is through rich and colorful , treacherous changeable ink language expresses the unique picture effect .

  18. 李逊以巫文化为背景描绘了诡谲神秘的人物,魇性人物走不出内心的痛苦,幻化人物象征神秘文化,非理性人物是巫文化的浓缩。

    Li Xun Wu and cultural background of the strange and mysterious figure depicts the " nightmare " of the characters get out of the pain of heart , turned into a symbol of the mysterious culture of character , irrational witch culture characters are concentrated .