qún yīng huì
- gatherings of heroes;conference of outstanding workers

[conference of outstanding workers;gethering of heroes] 赤壁之战的前夕,在东吴文官武将的一次宴会上,周瑜说:“今日此会可名群英会”(《三国演义》)。现在借指英雄人物或先进人物的集会
群英会[qún yīng huì]
The play heroes gathering 's plan group will carry on the piece demonstration in the short-term arrangement registration dramatic team in9 theaters .
It provides much help in shooting association and action guide , makes students have a chance to have a group photo with many superstars .
I hope that working personnel throughout the country will achieve outstanding successes with which to welcome the first great gathering of heroes and heroines to be held in the course of the new Long March .