
huà yīn
  • tone;one's voice in speech;implication
话音 [huà yīn]
  • (1) [one's voice in speech]∶说话的声音

  • 话音儿未落

  • (2) [tone;implication]∶语气,口气;话外之意

  • 听他的话音儿,准是另有打算

话音[huà yīn]
  1. 听他的话音,便知他是反对的。

    Judging from his tone , there 's no doubt he is against it .

  2. 听他的话音儿儿,准是另有打算。

    His tone suggests that he has something else in mind .

  3. 她的话音中暗含谴责的意思。

    There was a hint of accusation in her voice .

  4. 她的话音中有点儿讥讽的意味。

    There was a touch of sarcasm in her voice .

  5. 她无法使自己沉重的心情不流露在话音之中。

    She could not keep the dismay from her voice .

  6. 尽管他竭力保持镇静,话音里仍明显带有怒气。

    He did his best to remain calm , but there was a distinct edge to his voice .

  7. 听她话音,她回爱尔兰的热情似乎日渐消退。

    She sounded less and less eager to return to Ireland

  8. 海伦的话音刚落,赖尔便问道:“还有其他事吗?”

    ' Is there something else ? ' Ryle queried as Helen stopped speaking

  9. 新闻广播员的话音变得含糊不清起来。

    The newscaster 's speech began to slur

  10. 她听出他话音里的气势汹汹和自我卫护,知道他感到了羞愧。

    She heard the blustering , defensive note in his voice and knew that he was ashamed .

  11. 他的话音低得几乎听不见。

    His voice was almost inaudible

  12. “真美呀,托尼,”妈妈说道,话音里的恶声恶气不见了。

    ' That is beautiful , Tony , ' Momma said , no longer sounding at all snappish .

  13. 我觉察到她的话音里带着同情。

    I detected a note of pity in her voice .

  14. 他话音里流露出的仇恨让法官震惊。

    The hatred in his voice shocked the judge .

  15. 车站上的人群越聚越多,他们欢迎和问候的话音更加喧嚣。

    The crowds at stations were growing enormous , their greetings more vociferous .

  16. 我的话音渐渐带上了怒气

    Testiness crept into my voice .

  17. 基于声霸卡的话音输入输出C语言编程接口

    C programming interface for voice input and output based on Sound Blaster card

  18. 本文主要讨论了声霸卡话音I/O的C语言编程接。

    Iin this paper , the C programming interface for the voice input and .

  19. 以呼叫中心为基础的Internet话音服务的扩散模型

    Call-center-based Internet Voice Service Diffusion Model

  20. 本课题来源于某IP话音通信项目。

    This subject is from an IP-based voice communication project .

  21. 利用FPGA实现多路话音/数据复接设备

    To realize coalition equipment of muti-route data and voice using FPGA

  22. 话音业务在IP网络中的实现

    The reality of voice service in IP network

  23. IP电话是一种将分组话音数据经Internet传输的话音通信。

    IP telephone is a kind of speech communication , with the packed speech data transported over Internet .

  24. 网络IP话音组网实践

    Practice of the Network IP Pronunciation

  25. 基于CABLEModem技术的VoIP话音解决方案

    A Voice Solution Based on Cable Modem and VoIP Technology

  26. ATM支持中低速话音业务的新方案

    New Solution to Medium / Low Bit Rate Voice over ATM

  27. 一种适于ATM网的新型话音可变比特率编码

    A New Method of Variable bit Rate Speech-Coding in ATM

  28. 话音ATM交换的实现&ATM论坛电路仿真系列建议

    The Implementation Technique in Voice Over ATM-The ATM Forum Circuit Emulation Serial Specifications

  29. 一种基于FFT对称性的多维话音置乱系统

    A Multi-dimensional Speech Scrambling System Based on the FFT Symmetry

  30. HF战术通信用的综合话音/数据结构

    An Integrated Voice / Data Architecture for HF Tactical Communications