- 名telephone-traffic volume

Traffic Prediction Model Based on Cubic B Spline Interpolation
The results showed that the bandwidth utilization could be reduced to 13 percent around for typical voice traffic loading .
Take China Mobile for example , by the end of 2010 , the telephone traffic bore by the IP network attained 72 % .
The basic construction of H.324 is introduced first . Traffic Performance Analysis in a Novel Smart Cellular
The Necessity of Statistice No.7 Signalling Telephone Traffic of Using Double Precision Registers About DMS
Affected by new IP technique , mobile communication and price war , the main income source of China telecom , voice service , is becoming cheaper , and has a slowly or negative growth rate .
Due to the particularity of holiday communication traffic , a combined forecasting method was employed based on LS-SVM and historical value similarity .
The stable operation of the forecasting system proved that it was an effective way to use LS-SVM in mobile communication traffic forecasting .
Having accomplished the forecasting model based on the neural network using MATLAB tool , which is a new thought and algorithm to traffic forecast of telecommunications enterprise . The forecasting is tested by using the time queue .
At last , we appled the above methods in mobile communication traffic prediction field and achieved real-time , online and multi-step traffic forecasting .
In this paper introduced the GPRS transportation networks and its characters , then stressed on analyzing GPRS capacity based on the traffic model , and put forward the formula for calculating it .
By simulations , the typical channel assignment schemes , fixed channel assignment ( FCA ), traffic adaptive dynamic channel assignment ( TA DCA ) and IA DCA , are compared and the results validate the analytical approach .
Evaluation and Optimization for SDCCH Channel
The sale of telephone traffic is made It is more rapid that MOU shows the tendency of fast rising , since comprehensive capital cost decreases speed , ARPU value is still slow to drop ;
Simulations are carried out for a system with uniform traffic distribution , and the results show that the new scheme outperforms the conventional HCA in terms of traffic load adaptation and call blocking probability .
My work includes : ( 1 ) Investigating the characteristics of original traffic data of exchanger in telecommunication network , the requirements of analysis and forecast , as well as KPI ( key parameter indication ) in network operation and maintenance .
With the purpose of writing this paper is under the direction of construction network which analyses forecast of voice portfolio and MOU value trend , which also is the groundwork for telephone mobile consumer and MOU value forecast , and which forecast the Erlang of telephone mobile consumer et.
As new users are mainly low-usage customers , and as new tariffs and sales-and-marketing schemes are gradually rolled out , average revenue per user and average revenue per minute of usage showed a decrease , while voice usage volume was stimulated , China Mobile said .
This thesis predicts the TPCC needed by the system according to the data that includes the number of customer manager , the traffic , and the number of bills , and make the capacity expansion program of the local network hosts .
Being applied to Guang - dong Telecommunications Network Intelligent Management System ( GTNIMS ), the nearest neighbor algorithm can provide fast , accurate prediction traffic for routing solution and set the stage for more precise solution .
Traffic is an important and basic concept in traffic theory .
Analytical Methods of Operation Forecast and Erlang in Ten Wireless Networks
Effect of Scale-free User Network on Traffic Analysis of Telephone Networks
Traffic Analog and Analysis for the Multicell Trunked Mobile Communication System
Traffic Forecasting Model Based on Clustering and Support Vector Machine
There is wide variation in the way telephone traffic is reported .
The telephone traffic demand is nonlinear system affected by various factors .
Traffic Time Series Prediction Based on Periods-Model and Case-Based Nearest Neighbor Algorithm
Control the flow of traffic in the event of congestion
The Theory Research and Practice of Traffic Prediction in the Telephone Network