
shì háng
  • trial voyage;trial trip;test-flight;shake down;shake-down cruise
试航 [shì háng]
  • (1) [shake down]∶对[飞机或舰船等]进行试验性航行

  • 在太平洋上试航

  • (2) [test-flight]∶为开辟新航线进行的试探性航行

试航[shì háng]
  1. 这次试航[飞]极为成功。

    The trial trip [ flight ] was wonderfully successful .

  2. 首先对国内外船舶试航测试系统研究现状进行综述,并结合企业的实际情况对GPS新船航海测试系统进行了需求分析,确定了系统的预期设计目标。

    Firstly this paper summarizes the research actuality of the field of the ships ' trial voyage test system , then analyzes the user requirement of the system on the base of actual environment , and establishes the prospective goal .

  3. 全球定位系统GPS在实船试航中的应用

    The Application of GPS in Ship Trial

  4. 本文简要介绍了全球定位系统GPS的组成,简述了GPS在实船试航中的应用及其优点。

    This paper briefly introduces the global positioning system ( GPS ), describes the application of GPS in ship trial and discusses the virtues GPS possesses .

  5. 在完成试航后,澳大利亚“海盾号”舰船(OceanShield)携带美国海军的黑匣子信号探测器周一晚间从珀斯起航,前往搜索区域。

    An Australian vessel carrying a U.S. Navy black-box locator that can detect flight-recorder signals left for the search area on Monday night from Perth after completing trials .

  6. GPS新船航海测试系统已经在实际的船舶试航中进行试用,满足了企业对于数据采集过程稳定性,界面操作流畅性,结果展示完整性的要求。

    The new ship navigation test system based on GPS has already been used in the actual ships ' trial voyage and achieves the intention of the stability of data collection , the fluency of operation and the integrality of the representation of test results .

  7. 新船试航中安全隐患的种类不仅比在航船舶要多,而且这些隐患还具有极为特殊的不确定性。

    These potential safety hazards are much more than ships underway .

  8. 我们的工作包括训练人员和对船只进行试航。

    Our work included training men and shaking down the ships .

  9. 你觉得这条船需要试航吗

    Do you think maybe this boat needs a test ride ?

  10. 在海上试航三天后,我就确信双层船身理论是错误的。

    Three days at sea convinced me the double-hull theory was wrong .

  11. 那条船在近海水域试航成功。

    The ship successfully underwent sea trials in coastal waters .

  12. 在试航过程中,须分配两小时给船东作自作操控。

    Assign 2 hours to shipowner to control the vessel when on trial .

  13. 关于大型船舶试航测速的浅水修正方法

    A Trial Speed Modification Method for Shallow Water Effect

  14. 试航显示火山灰不会影响飞机发动机工作。

    Test flights show no damage by volcanic ash .

  15. 在下次试航时或出船前冷气必须得完全测试。

    It is essential that this be fully operational before the next sea trial .

  16. 中国航母瓦格良今日首次出海试航。

    Varyag platform sets off first sea trial .

  17. 那艘船在海上进行了进一步的试航以保证一切运转正常。

    The liner underwent further trials at sea to ensure that everything shook down properly .

  18. 深舱货轮经试航和测试后在A港交船。

    The DHCS shall be delivered at port A after due trial voyage and tests .

  19. 这次参加试航的时候,这部分是由一块透明的塑料布保护起来的。

    At the time of attendance , this was protected by a clear plastic sheeting .

  20. 他们称已经进行了自己的试航,没有出现任何问题。

    They say they 've carried out their own test flights and reported no problems .

  21. 承造厂试航承造厂试验主机系泊(航行)试验并检查其附属泵与管路。

    Mooring test ( sea trial ) of M.E.and inspection attached pumps and piping system .

  22. 承造厂试航承造厂试验植筋锚固技术在水池加固改造中的试验与应用

    The Test and Application of Inserted Bar Anchorage Technology in Water Tank Consolidation and Renovation

  23. 浅水对实船试航航速和轴功率测量结果的影响

    Shallow Water Effect on the Measured Results of Ship Speed and the Shaft Power in a Trial

  24. 当然,船上的设备是经过检修的,但游轮整体并未试航;

    Sure , they 'd reviewed the ship 's equipment , but it was never test driven ;

  25. 下周船长要将他的新船开到地中海去试航。

    Next week the captain will shake down his new ship on a voyage to the Mediterranean Sea .

  26. 本文介绍超肥大万吨级经济型甲板运输船的开发设计和试航结果。

    This article introduces the design and trial result of the 10 000-tonnage super full form economy type deck carrier .

  27. 船舶制造从最开始的钢材预处理到最后的试航交船,需要经历一个长久复杂的过程。

    It goes through a long complicated process from the beginning steel pretreatment to the end of the trials delivery .

  28. “阁下,我不能那样说,因为她还没有试航,”船长说道。

    I can 't speak as to that , sir , not having seen her tried , 'said the captain .

  29. 中国新华社称,中国海军首艘航空母舰已经开始试航。

    The Chinese navy 's first aircraft carrier has begun its sea trials , the state-run Xinhua news agency has said .

  30. 许多鸭子和天鹅悠然湖上,孩子们在湖边给它们喂食面包、试航船模。

    There were ducks and swans in the lake , and children came to throw them bread and sail model boats .