- make experiments;conduct tests at selected points;launch a pilot project;experimental unit;pilot

(1) [make experiments]∶全面开展工作前,先在一处或几处试做
(2) [experimental unit]∶正式进行某项工作之前,做小型试验的地方
We 'll make experiments at selected points and acquire experience .
Multiple-choice questions ; a multiple-choice test . We 'll make experiments at selected points and acquire experience .
Projects included a pilot scheme , underwritten by the trade department .
Regional pilot health reform project contributes to decrease in infant mortality , increase in life expectancy .
The bills in both houses would start pilot projects within Medicare .
The Senate bill would create an independent commission to monitor the pilot programs and recommend changes in Medicare 's payment policies to urge providers to adopt reforms that work .
In fall 2010 , she helped launch a pilot project in Chicago to see if the iPad could improve working conditions and patient care .
Will Stronge , director of research at Autonomy , said : " This study shows that the world 's largest ever trial of a shorter working week in the public sector was by all measures an overwhelming success .
According to the Guardian , it could begin as early as this fall .
Pilot inter-provincial on-the-spot settlement of outpatient bills through basic medical insurance accounts . ►
The experiment is expected to cost about 50 million euros and last three years .
The trials , in which workers were paid the same amount for shorter hours , took place between 2015 and 2019 .
Currently , the tests include salary payments to civil servants , payment for public transport services and energy and supply chain trading .
Beijing will begin a trial of discounted subway fares in non-rush hours at the end of this year , according to Beijing Subway on Tuesday .
The country will carry out pilots to offer occupational injury insurance for the flexibly employed in ride-hailing , food delivery , and instant delivery platform enterprises .
People who repeatedly commit alcohol-related crime will be forced to wear ankle tags that monitor if they are still drinking , under a year-long pilot scheme in London .
Exactly what the pilot program will look like is unclear : An individual with the industry ministry , including how many companies will be involved and how long the experiment will last .
According to Spanish media outlets , the pilot program is intended to reduce employers ' risk by having the government make up the difference in salary when workers switch to a four-day schedule .
In Iceland , the trials run by Reykjav í k City Council and the national government eventually included more than 2500 workers , which amounts to about 1 % of Iceland 's working population .
The People 's Bank of China , the central bank , is testing its digital currency in Shenzhen , Chengdu , Suzhou , Xiong'an and some areas where the 2022 Winter Olympics will be held .
China has issued a plan on implementing reform measures is another significant step to advance the city 's opening-up in the new era and a key move in building a pilot demonstration area of socialism with Chinese characteristics .
The trials led unions to renegotiate working patterns , and now 86 % of Iceland 's workforce have either moved to shorter hours for the same pay , or will gain the right to , the researchers said .
The test run was proposed by M á s Pa í s , a left-wing party that has argued that longer hours don 't necessarily lead to higher productivity , and it is now in talks with the government to figure out the exact details of the arrangement .
The Research of Assessment of Education Bureau Director
Y city is one of the seventeen cities which confirmed by country as pilot reform cities guided by government .
Only one of 776 children in endemic area was ICT positive .
The Summary of the First New Dai Dwelling House with IMS Structure System
[ Methods ] The HACCP system was applied in common restaurants in 2004 in Fuzhou .
According to the overall goal of the group company , a solution of draft which was based on IP platform about the data resource standard and digital mine were designed .
Utilizing BOT investment way , a lot of projects have been the experimental units in China successively , and have obtained relatively great success .