
  • 网络demo;trial
  1. pirate:偷走一台试玩机的可能有多大?

    05 [ Comment From pirate ] & how hard would it be to steal one of the demo machines there ?

  2. 我们公布试玩版给大家去测试已经不是很长远的事情了。

    Not long to go now until we release a demo for everyone to test .

  3. 我问了Chris开发团队在制作单人游戏上花了多久,而他告诉我目前他们正在不断试玩游戏,以确保整个游戏给人的感觉更加出色。

    I asked Chris how far off the team is with the single-player campaign , and he told me that at this point , they are pretty much just playing the game and making sure that the gameplay feels right .

  4. 尽管我们在国外以及免费试玩区看到一些有趣的游戏,但是ARPG的发展自D2发行以后就一直停滞不前。

    GameSpy : Although we 've seen some interesting stuff overseas and in the free-to-play sector , action RPGs have stagnated since Diablo II came and went .

  5. 会场内陈列了各款KORG及VOX最新产品,让乐迷即场试玩及提问。不少观众趁演示会结束后随即来个亲身体验!

    After the demonstration , audiences have grasped the chance to experience on the latest technology of KORG and VOX new products displaying at the Hall .

  6. 凡是来过天通试玩的人。

    Those of you who 've come to our seminars before .

  7. 图像精美流畅,试玩版亦然。

    Graphics were very good and very fluid , even on preproduction .

  8. 会有内测或者公测版本么?体验版和试玩版呢?

    Will there be a closed or open beta ? How about a trial or demo version ?

  9. 这是试玩版,你在购买后可以玩更多的关卡。

    This is the demo version , you can buy it and get more levels to play .

  10. 应用打开得更快,网站加载速度更快,我试玩的一款有大量图形界面的游戏也运行得飞快。

    Apps open faster , websites load more quickly and a graphics-heavy driving video game I tried zipped by .

  11. 你对音乐认识有多深?试玩这小测来看看动物乐队的音乐造诣有多高。

    How much do you know about music ? Try this quiz and see how well the animal band plays !

  12. 试玩版音轨只是普通的,但最终游戏会有变形金刚电影配乐。

    Audio track we heard was a generic one for pre-production , but final game will have the movie score .

  13. 他还说道,将会在展会提供数量非常多的展台,以满足到场试玩的玩家。

    He also said , will provide a very large number of exhibition booth to meet the player demo scene .

  14. 我们知道这将有助于塑造品牌,我们也知道它能增加试玩人群的购买。

    We know it helps brand building and we know that it increases sales among the people who try it out .

  15. 这意味着,开发者可以控制成本,消费者也可以无风险的去试玩。

    It means developers can charge a fair price , and customers can try any app they like the look of risk-free .

  16. 回到家后,他开始构思属于自己的版本,并请朋友过来试玩。

    After returning home , he began developing his own form of the game and invited friends over to try it out .

  17. 在试玩版中,有证据表明节奏和前场三人组的创造力是应该相吻合的。

    There is evidence emerging in the Demo that tempo and front three ( FCs & amC / MCa ) creative freedom should be matched .

  18. 他对记者说:我正在试玩我的小米产品,现在为止我挺喜欢的,如果我有什么问题会告诉你们。

    ' I 'm playing with mine . I like it so far , and I 'll tell you if I have problems , ' he told reporters .

  19. 所以,当玩家试玩了几天游戏后,不但没有获得即刻满足,还很快对游戏失去了兴趣。

    Thus , when the players tried the game for a couple of days , their need of immediate satisfaction was not met at all , and they lost interest fast .

  20. 顾客都表示他们愿意买一个软件在他们下载试玩之后,这样束缚了玩家和开发者直接创造好的关系。

    Customers have to show they 're willing to buy software before they can download it to try it . That 's bound to create better relationships between customers and developers .

  21. 所有做好的改进将会在2009年9月10日发布的试玩里面,因此我们将会看看你们从里面的反馈意见去看看游戏中还有哪里我们需要改进。

    All of the improvements made will be in the demo release September10th2009 , so we will be looking at your feedback from that to see where else we can improve the game .

  22. 举例来说,很多美国游戏公司都是按照时间收费的,但大多数中国网络游戏都采取了装备收费模式,玩家可以免费试玩。

    While many games companies in the U.S. , for example , charge subscription fees , most Chinese games utilize the free-to-play model , which allows players to try out a game without paying .

  23. 由于这些挑战以及韩国玩家还从未有机会体验过游戏的事实。我们决定着重准备人类起始部分的试玩。

    Due to these challenges and the fact that Korean players haven 't had an opportunity to play the game yet we decided to focus on preparing the human starting experience for the demo .

  24. 后者是一家受到核心玩家热捧的游戏网站,经常播放一些热门游戏的试玩录像,有时则是像“洛克人最后完蛋了”这样的讽刺视频。

    That site , on which one can watch a trailer of the latest halo game or the satirical show " mega man dies at the end , " is beloved by hardcore video gamers .

  25. 虽然无法在此次试玩中达到游戏当前计划的60级上限,我们至少在几个小时内升了几级。

    While we were unable to reach the game 's currently planned level cap of60 in our play session , we were , at least , able to gain several levels in the space of a few hours .

  26. 小岛:我们演示了许多预告动画和试玩游戏,但是远远不仅与此,许多场景我们还没有放出来,我不想谈这个,现在。

    Kojima : We 've shown a lot in our trailers and the playable demo , but there 's much more , many environments we haven 't shown yet . I don 't want to talk about that now .