
shì jǐng
  • well testing
试井[shì jǐng]
  1. 利用WORKBENCH试井解释软件的专家功能进行反褶积续流校正,为续流校正提供了一种容易实现的方法。

    Using the expert function of the Workbench well testing analysis software to conduct an emendation of continuous flow provides a easily realized method for an emendation of continuous flow .

  2. 以实用化改造后的DQHY(大庆黑油)模拟器为核心,运用油藏工程研究方法和Motif编程技术,把一体化软件、数值试井软件和优化历史拟合软件进行集成,研制出油藏数值模拟综合软件系统。

    This paper uses DQHY ( Daqing Black Oil ) simulator after improvement and reservoir engineering and Motif programming technique to integrate the integrated software , numerical well testing software and optimized historical matching software and obtains a comprehensive software system for reservoir numerical simulation .

  3. BEST井下开关井工具在渤海油田试井中的应用

    Application of Down Hole Opening and Closing Valve of BEST Tool

  4. 数值试井分析法在HG油田不稳定试井中的应用

    Application of Element Analysis in Transient Well Testing in HG Oilfield

  5. SLUG试井积分图版及其应用

    Slug well test integration type curves ang its application

  6. SLUG试井污染检测乘积图版及其应用

    Multiplication curve of slug well test of the damage detect and its application

  7. L域中求解试井模型的Green函数方法

    The method of green 's functions in the Laplace-transform domain for solving problems of the well-test analysis

  8. 不同分析方法的DST试井解释结果模拟检验评析

    Simulated Examination Dissection on the Results of Different DST Analytical Methods

  9. Laplace变换域(L域)中的试井模型具有诸多优点:如容易处理并筒储集效应;

    Study of well-testing analysis problems in the Laplace-transform domain has many advantages .

  10. 低速非达西渗流理论方法在DST试井中的应用

    Application of low-velocity non-Darcy percolation model in DST

  11. 所得到的分析方法可用于分析钻井完井过程中的非自喷DST测试资料及所有低渗透油藏测试过程中的非自喷段塞流动试井资料。

    The analysis method can be extended for the case of other slug flow well testing .

  12. 近年来,人工神经网络(ANN)技术在油藏描述中的应用十分广泛,使用ANN技术为试井选择合适的油藏模型则更具实用性。

    In recent years , there is a wide application of ANN in reservoir description and more application can be found in using ANN to choose exact reservoir model for well test .

  13. 结合试井问题对Hough变换进行了改进,提出了与改进Hough变换相应的比例变换和空间压缩方法。

    Hough transform is tailored for well testing , and a method of size changing and space compressing ( SCSC ) compatible with the modified Hough transform ( MHT ) is given .

  14. 最后将以上算法集成于试井分析软件平台,设计实现了人机交互界面,完成了试井软件平台Swift的构建、设计和实现。

    At last , the above algorithm are integrated in the well testing analysis software platform , a human-computer interaction interface is designed and implemented . Finally , has been designed and implemented the well testing software platform-Swift .

  15. 目前,水平井试井数学模型的求解普遍采用拉普拉斯变换法、Newman乘积法、源函数法等方法实现。

    At present , the mathematical model for the Laplace transform , Newman product method and the source function method and other methods are commonly used in the horizontal well testing .

  16. 多井试井的非线性回归分析方法通常采用无约束极值的GaussNewton迭代公式,该方法存在着迭代速度缓慢、计算过程不稳定,甚至无法迭代的缺陷。

    The Gauss Newton iteration formula is often adopted in a nonlinear regress analyses method for multi well testing . Bugs from the method such as slow iterative velocity and unsteady calculating process may be too heavy to perform final iteration .

  17. 并应用AWG数值及演算法,给出了分析该井试井资料的典型曲线。

    Using AWG 's method of numerical inversion of Laplace transform , the solution is obtained in real space , and the typical curves are presented for well test analysis for the well .

  18. 垂直排列时dPD/dlntD为0.5.由于目前国内外还没有文章报过这方面研究的新进展,因此该结果对地下流体资源开发等领域的压力试井分析有一定的指导意义。

    Owing to there has been a lack of new evolvement reported in this subject , so it has definite significance for the guidance of the pressure test analysis in domains such as subterranean fluid reservoir exploitation .

  19. 文中对DST测试解释、SLug测试解释理论方面作了透彻的研究,制作了一套适合东海复杂地质结构和复杂油气流的DST现代试井解释软件。

    A thorough theoretical study has been made on DST and slug well test interpretations and a set of modern DST well test software has been developed , which is suitable for the complicated geological structure and oil and gas fluids .

  20. 根据FMT资料所预测的地层温度、压力信息和用FMT压力恢复方法处理得到的地层渗透率参数,可以给出一种更为经济、有效的试井探边设计程序。探边机控制系统设计

    Based on formation temperature , formation pressure from the FMT data , formation permeability parameters from build-up test can generate a more economical and available limited well test . Design of the Control System for Testing Edge Machine

  21. 本文描述了试井油藏模型识别专家系统(RMIESWT)原型的研制成果。

    This paper describes the development of an Expert System prototype for the reservoir model identification in well test interpretation ( RMIESWT ) .

  22. 建立了DST试井理论模型,绘制了试井理论图版,通过测试资料的解释可计算出地层渗透率、井筒表皮因数、井筒储存系数等有关因数。

    A new model of the DST test theory is presented and a test theory type curve is developed . By explaining DST data we can calculate a permeability , a skin factor and a factor well bore storage etc , and other interrelation coefficients for reservoir .

  23. 文中借用修正等时试井确定工作制度的成功经验,摸索出一种低渗储层地层测试工作制度,即一开240~300min;

    This paper , quoting the successful experience for correcting isochronal testing and determining an appropriate working system , finds out a DST working system suitable to the reservoir of low permeability , i. e. first opening 240 ~ 300min ;

  24. 低速非线性渗流试井分析理论研究

    Theoretical Study on Well Test Analysis of Low Velocity Nonlinear Flow

  25. 统一的油井试井解释模型及井底压力解

    Unified oil well test interpretation model and bottom hole pressure solution

  26. 不稳定试井资料在滚动勘探开发中的应用分析

    Application of Transient Well Test Data in Progressive Exploration and Development

  27. 确定报废井层间窜流的同井干扰试井方法

    Using Vertical Interference Test to Determine Cross Flow in Abandoned Well

  28. 考虑反凝析影响的凝析气井产能试井问题

    Productivity Well Test for Gas Condensate Well Considering Retrograde Condensate Effect

  29. 煤层气井常用试井方法及应用

    Methods for common well-test in seam gas well and its application

  30. 修正等时试井在气藏动态分析中的应用

    Application of Modified Isochronal Testing to Performance Analysis of Gas Reservoirs