
cí yì xué
  • semantics
词义学[cí yì xué]
  1. 句法学和音系学研究语言的所有可能的表达结构,而词义学则注重于对可能表达的“意义”研究。

    While syntax and phonology study the structure of expressive possibilities in language , semantics studies the meaning that can be expressed .

  2. 以“写”的两个意义为切点,运用字源学、词义学的方法,来揭示中国书法艺术的本质特征。

    This paper takes the two senses of the character Xie as the point of departure and , by using etymology and semantics , reveals the characteristic features of Chinese calligraphy .

  3. 体育与运动及其关系的词义学阐释

    Explanation for Relation between Physical Culture and Sport by the View of Lexical Meaning

  4. 从上古汉语词义学角度研究上古文献的写成时代,同时用出土文献和传世文献的词语、词义作综合比较,会得出比较科学的结论。

    A combination of word meanings of ancient Chinese , the unearthed literature and handed-down literature provide a dependable clue to ascertain the time when a piece of literature was written .

  5. 第五章运用词汇学、词义学、语音、修辞、文字学等理论,结合中国古代社会文化、人类思维认知的发展规律,从社会文化、语言自身两方面探索推动颜色词演变的原因。

    Chapter V combines the ancient Chinese culture development with cognitive development of human thinking to explore the reasons according to social culture and language itself , under the guide of the vocabulary , meaning , sound , rhetorical features and other literary theories .