
cí yì
  • the meaning of a word;the sense of a word;sense;acceptation
词义 [cí yì]
  • (1) [sense]∶指词所包含的意义,即词的内容

  • (2) [acceptation]∶也可以指某一固定词组包含的意义

词义[cí yì]
  1. 你常可以从上下文中猜出词义来。

    You can always tell the meaning of a word from its context .

  2. indoubt不能肯定的;可怀疑的拿不准词义时,查查词典。

    When in doubt about the meaning of a word , consult a dictionary .

  3. 这本词典提供词义解释,并举例说明遣词造句的方法。

    This dictionary gives the meanings of words and also illustrates the constructions they can be used in .

  4. 有些辞典的编纂者用引文作例证以解释词义

    Some dictionary writers use citations to show what words mean .

  5. Design的词义岂止是设计

    Word Meaning of Design

  6. 基于中文词义概念的Web信息分类检索研究

    Research on Web Information Retrieval of Theme Classification Based on Chinese Word Concept

  7. 本文主要运用归纳和演绎的方法对视觉动词SEE的词义演变总趋势和演变理据进行历时研究。

    This study mainly focuses on the general trend of the semantic changes of visual verb SEE and the motivations for such changes from a diachronic perspective .

  8. L2读者词汇知识深度与词义推测策略的成功运用

    L2 readers ' depth of vocabulary knowledge and lexical inferencing strategy use

  9. 全视野汉字词义联想的ERP特征与汉字认识的ERP甄别

    The ERP characteristics of meaning association and the identification of known and unknown Chinese characters in the whole visual field

  10. 至于鲸鱼非鱼(R),在鱼的词义未被理性修订之前,R也是假句。

    As for " a whale is not a fish "( R ), before the rational revision of the meaning of " fish ", R is also false .

  11. 其次,本文从认知角度出发,通过定性与定量相结合的研究方法对动词“take”的语义进行研究,并将其分为三个不同的范畴:基本词义,增添和隐喻拓展。

    Then , the paper also explores the senses of the verb take by quantitative and qualitative analysis from cognitive perspective . They are divided into three categories : the basic central meaning , the elaborations of take and the metaphorical extensions of take .

  12. 目前LTP集成了包括词法、词义、句法、语义、篇章分析等10项中文处理核心技术。

    Current LTP has integrated ten key Chinese processing modules on morphology , word sense , syntax , and document analysis .

  13. 本文探讨当代英语流行结构“ZeroX”的词义演变、“ZeroX”的内部结构、“ZeroX”的表达与功用以及“ZeroX”结构中Zero的翻译。

    This paper discusses the changing lexical meaning of the popular structure of Contemporary English " Zero X ", its inner structure , expression and function as well as the translation of Zero in " Zero X " structure .

  14. Visser关于多义词隐喻义的教学能够促进学习者对词义的深加工的理论。

    Visser 's theory that the teaching of metaphorically extended meanings of a new word can enhance deep processing .

  15. 在自然语言处理(NLP)中,词义排歧(WordSenseDisambiguation)一直是研究的重点和难点,对其他的语言信息处理任务具有重要的理论和实践意义。

    Word Sense Disambiguation ( WSD ) plays an important role in Natural Language Processing ( NLP ) . The study on WSD has great theoretical practical significance in Natural Language Understanding ( NLU ) and now it has become a hotspot and nodus .

  16. 实验测试了84名英语专业二年级学生的词汇广度知识(接受性词汇量)和词汇深度知识(包括词义、形名搭配和动名搭配),并且收集了他们2004年TEM-4中阅读的有关数据。

    Eighty-four second-year English majors ' performances in a VS test , a DVK test ( two parts ) and the reading part of TEM-4 are collected as the original data .

  17. 现代汉语语义词典(SKCC)是一部面向中文信息处理的语义知识库,1998年底完成一期工程,收词48835条。汉英机器翻译中基于大型语义词典的汉语词义消歧

    The Semantic Knowledge-base of Contemporary Chinese ( SKCC ) is a large machine-readable dictionary developed by the Institute of Computational Linguistics and Chinese Department of Peking University . A Study of Chinese Word Sense Disambiguation in MT Based on Semantic Knowledge-base

  18. 猜测词义的教学策略;

    Teach how to guess the meaning of a new word ;

  19. 面向真实文本的汉语词义排歧系统

    Design and Implements of WSD System Based on Chinese Real Text

  20. 词义研究一直是语言学中的重要内容。

    Word meaning is always an important topic in linguistic research .

  21. 语境对古代汉语词义训释的制约

    The Restrictions Set by Context on the Explanation of Ancient Chinese

  22. 英汉词语意义的非完全对应关系试论英汉词义的不完全对应关系及其翻译

    Incomplete Equivalency and the Translation of Some English and Chinese Words

  23. 基于二阶上下文的无导词义消歧研究

    An Unsupervised Approach to Word Sense Disambiguation Based on Second-order Context

  24. 一种基于语义距离和语境相似度的词义排歧方法

    A WSD Method based on Conceptual Distance and Semantic Space Similarity

  25. 我查词典找这个词的词义。

    I consulted a dictionary for the meaning of the word .

  26. 关于在语境中猜测词义的调查

    Guessing the Meaning of Unfamiliar Words from Context : An Investigation

  27. 常用词义项演变研究举隅

    A Case Study on the Semantic Items of Commonly Used Words

  28. 神经网络和贝叶斯网络在汉语词义消歧上的对比研究

    Chinese Word Sense Disambiguation : Neural Network vs. Bayesian Network

  29. 模糊词义的研究是近年来汉语研究的一个热点。

    The research on vague sememe is a hotspot of Chinese language .

  30. 基于无指导机器学习的全文词义自动标注方法

    Full-words Automatic Word Sense Tagging Based on Unsupervised Learning Algorithm