
  • 网络securities investor;portfolio investor
  1. 创立于1970年的美国证券投资者保护协会(sipc)拥有一笔储备资金,可为股票投资者提供至多50万美元的保障。

    The Securities Investor Protection Corporation , created in 1970 , has a reserve that covers securities customers for up to $ 5 00000 .

  2. 其他证人包括证券投资者保险公司总裁斯蒂芬·哈贝克;

    Other witnesses include Stephen Harbeck , president of Securities Investor Protection Corp.

  3. wTO框架下的有关规则对一国如何保护境外证券投资者作了一些原则性规定,这些规定主要体现在确保公平、透明的国内法律环境方面。

    The WTO rules on how to protect foreign securities investors provide some principles . And these are embodied in ensuring fair and transparent legal environment of domestic .

  4. 分类之所以重要,主要是因为MSCI明晟和摩根大通(JPMorgan)等指数提供商对国际证券投资者配置资金的方式有重大影响。

    The classification matters primarily because of index providers such as MSCI and JPMorgan that have a major influence over how international portfolio investors allocate their money .

  5. 以台湾为例,去年年底,央行总裁彭淮南(fai-nanperng)明确表达了他对于“毫无约束的”国际资本流动的厌恶,并对海外证券投资者进行压制。

    Take Taiwan . Late last year , Fai-nan Perng , the central bank governor , making clear his distaste for " unbridled " international capital flows , clamped down on foreign portfolio investors .

  6. 本文对我国股票市场的风险用量化模型的方式进行度量,可为证券投资者及监管者分析、防范和化解市场风险提供依据。

    This paper uses quantified models to measure the stock market .

  7. 证券投资者群体行为的系统描述

    A System Approach to the Modeling of Investors ' Collective Behavior

  8. 浅论金融危机背景下证券投资者之心理疏导

    Psychological Counseling for Portfolio Investors in the Context of Financial Crisis

  9. 证券投资者利益保护的诉讼法视角&论证券民事赔偿诉讼制度

    How to protect the investors of securities in civil procedure

  10. 对我国证券投资者投资行为的思考

    Some Ideas on Investment Action of Stock Investor in China

  11. 基于多因素权重模型的证券投资者交易动因的研究

    Research on the multi-factors weighting model of investors ' behaviors

  12. 中国证券投资者交易行为的实证研究

    The Empirical Research on Trading Strategies of Chinese Security Investors

  13. 证券投资者保护基金(SIPF)的资金筹集制度研究

    Study on the Money Raising of Securities Investors Protection Fund

  14. 证券投资者交易行为的进化博弈

    Evolutionary Game Research on Trade Behavior of Security Investors

  15. 我国证券投资者投资行为研究

    Research on the Investing Behavior of Chinese Securities Investors

  16. 试论证券投资者权益保护法律制度

    On the Protective Legal System of the Rights and Interests of the Stockholder

  17. 证券投资者保护基金运作模式研究

    On Management Mode of Security Investor Protection Fund

  18. 进化博弈与证券投资者在复制动态学下的渐进稳定分析

    Evolutionary Game Theory and the Analysis of Asymptotical Stablity for Investors in Security Market

  19. 关于深化证券投资者教育的思考

    Reflections on Deepening the Education of Security Investors

  20. 股价与交易量均衡下的个体证券投资者与机构间的博弈研究

    Game Study between Institution and Individual Investor Based on Stock Price and Volume Fluctuation Equilibrium

  21. 试论证券投资者利益的保护

    The Protection of Interests of Stock Investors

  22. 基于中国证券投资者决策行为的展望理论研究

    Study on Prospect Theory on the Basis of the Decision Behavior of Chinese Securities Investors

  23. 在立法上,尽快制定《金融机构破产实施办法》和《证券投资者保护法》。

    The advices include laws be established on financial institution bankruptcy and securities investors protection .

  24. 而一般证券投资者都希望能以最低的风险和损失获得最大的决策效用和成果。

    Generally speaking , investors lean to obtain bigger decision-making utility with least risk and loss .

  25. 几代证券投资者所受的教导,都是逢低吸纳原则。

    Several generations of equity investors have been reared on the principle of buying the dips .

  26. 以存款保险制度和证券投资者补偿基金作为社会补偿创新风险的机制。

    The security investor compensation fund and deposit insurance system could be the innovation risk compensation mechanism .

  27. 这为证券投资者选择证券投资品种形成有效证券集合提供科学依据。

    This provides scientific evidence for security investor to select securities to form the efficient security set .

  28. 因为恐惧,许多证券投资者把自己持有的所有股份统统抛售,以致错过了09年的牛市。

    Many equity investors sold all their holdings out of fear and missed the bull market of2009 .

  29. 首先,应当尽快制定《证券投资者保护法》,系统全面地保护投资者权益。

    Firstly , " the Securities Investor Protection Act " should be enacted as soon as possible .

  30. 第二部分分析了我国证券投资者保护基金法律制度的现状。

    The second part analyzes the status quo of the China securities investor protection fund legal system .