
  • 网络vividness;vitality;Dramatic
  1. 你讲的故事缺乏生动性和变化。

    Your telling of the story lacks vividness and variety .

  2. 表现出真实性、生动性、通俗性、艺术性相统一的言语风格。

    Showing speech style of integration of reality , vividness , popularity and art .

  3. 这故事的生动性被冲淡了。

    The story has been watered down .

  4. 不要忽略感官细节,注意生动性。

    Don 't omit sensory details and a bit of color .

  5. 褒义性、含蓄性、生动性和形象性是其主要的语义特征。

    Its main semantic characteristics are commendation , implicitness and vividness .

  6. 用人工生命方法创造计算机动画,增强了计算机动画的逼真度和生动性。

    Artificial life enhances the reality and vitality of computer animation .

  7. 由于教师方法简单,原本丰富的历史课堂失去了生动性、鲜活性。

    Sometimes history class loses its vitality because of simple teaching method without necessary changes .

  8. 生动性,锤炼语言功底,增强语言的感染力。

    Vividness ( to try to perfect the language skills and enhance language appeal ) .

  9. 获得语言生动性的方法研究

    On the Ways of Getting Vivid Language

  10. 政治理论课运用多媒体技术辅助教学使得课堂具有生动性、形式新颖性的特点。

    Using multimedia technology to assist teaching enables classroom to have vivid and novel characteristic .

  11. 流媒体技术被称为即时观看的技术,与传统的平面媒体相比具有生动性、形象性;

    Streaming media technology is instant .

  12. 翻译的准确性与生动性

    The Veracity and Vitality of Translation

  13. 宋代笔记音乐文献作为直接史料,其生动性、广博性胜于史书。

    As direct historical literature , music notes are more vivid and extensive than history books .

  14. 论应用文语言的生动性

    On Verbal Vividness of Applied Writing

  15. 在园林规划设计的表现上,虚拟现实技术综合了过去多种表现形式的优势,具有形象性、生动性和真实性。

    At the experience of landscape architecture , the technology of VR synthesize many advantages of the old manifestations .

  16. 其三,发挥现代化教育手段的优势,增强课堂教学的互动性、生动性和直观性。

    Thirdly , develop the advantage of modern educational measures to form vivid , directly perceived and interactive classroom teaching .

  17. 表情符号源于日本,有了这些成百上千的彩色图像,人们可以增加文字信息的生动性。

    Emoji , which originated in Japan , allow people to liven up their texts with hundreds of colorful images .

  18. 同时在实际应用中,也大大提高了语言表达的精确性与生动性。

    At the same time , in practical applications , but also greatly enhanced the accuracy of language and vividness .

  19. 在众多馆藏资源中,以影像为表达方式的照片档案以其形象性、生动性、直观性等特点倍受用户欢迎。

    Among numerous collection resources , the photo archives taking image as expression way are welcomed by users for their vividness .

  20. 语文审美教育具有形象性、生动性、情感愉悦性、自由创造性、个性鲜明性以及和谐统一性。

    The aesthetic education in Chinese is vivid , lively , emotionally joyous , freely creative , brightly individual and harmonious .

  21. 与文字符号相比,视觉符号的直观性、易读性、生动性等特点使它更具视觉冲击力。

    Compared with verbal symbols , visual ones possess more wallop upon the eyes with their straightforwardness , legibility and vitality .

  22. 为了增加整个房间的生动性,鲜花最好装在磨砂花瓶、装饰性的陶罐或是金属容器里。

    To complete the dramatic look , flowers are best displayed in frosted glass vases ; decorative pottery and metallic containers .

  23. 第三种选择性临床医学应用是罗斯托克角膜模块,该模块可以提供对角膜、异色(组织)边缘和结膜的生动性成像。

    A third optional application is the Rostock Cornea Module , which provides in vivo imaging of cornea , limbus and conjunctiva .

  24. 传统的教学方式枯燥并且缺乏生动性,所以我们可以在课堂中采取多种形式的语言交际活动进行教学。

    The traditional teaching method is dull and lacks vividness , so we should improve various communicative activities of students in class .

  25. 视听资料证据虽然出现的较晚,但它以其高度的直观性和生动性,在司法实践中发挥了不可替代的作用。

    Despite the late occurrence , evidence of audio-visual material , with strong visuality and vividness , has been playing an irreplaceable role .

  26. 历代大师作品中绘画语言所呈现的生动性和丰富性也有赖于画面中一对对矛盾体的相互转化与流变。

    Painting ancient masterpieces presented in vivid and rich picture of the pair also depends on the mutual transformation of contradictions and Evolution .

  27. 并进一步研究该情境下受暗示性与社会期望、自尊、心理控制源以及视觉想象生动性的关系。

    In addition , the researchers investigated the relationship of suggestibility with social desirability , self-esteem , focus of control , and visual v.

  28. 该书叙述“现代文人”,“裁篇同传,知人论世”,评论具有整体性、深刻性和生动性。

    This book elucidated the " modem literati " with their biography and background ; its commentaries are consistent , profound and vivid .

  29. 为此,应着重从新颖性、生动性、准确性、通俗性等方面提升数学课堂教学的语言艺术。

    Therefore , we should focus on the novelty , vividness , accuracy and popularity to enhance the mathematics classroom language teaching arts .

  30. 增强现实技术可以使得处理后的信息与现实画面结合起来,满足人们对信息获取方式的生动性和易用性要求。

    The augmented technology could combine the improved information with the real pictures and satisfy the requirement of getting the vivid information easily .