
  • 网络fund market;Mutual Fund Market
  1. 第二节从我国金融信托业的发展、REITs的投资主体、我国房地产基金市场、外资不断涌入等方面对我国发展REITs的可行性进行论证。

    Section 2 demonstrates the feasibility of China 's based on the development of China 's financial and trust section , investment principal part of our country 's REITs , Real Estate Funds market of China , and increasing of foreign capitals .

  2. 中国证券投资基金市场:现状、问题与对策

    China 's Investment Funds Market : Situation , Problems and Suggestions

  3. 基于GARCH模型的中国证券投资基金市场风险实证研究

    A GARCH Model-based Empirical Study of VaR of China 's Securities Investment Fund

  4. 基于极值理论和Copula函数的中国基金市场投资组合VaR研究

    The Research of Chinese Fund Market Based on Extreme Value Theory and Copula Function of Portfolio VaR

  5. 将我国基金市场的制度性因素纳入其中,我们构造了用于我国基金时机选择研究的C4模型。

    Taking into account the systematic factors , we create C4 model for the timing study of Chinese funds .

  6. 本文首先回顾了开放式基金市场波动性研究的方法,详细讨论了GARCH类模型。

    In the thesis , the methods of volatility research on open-end fund market are introduced firstly and GARCH models are well discussed .

  7. 在如何衡量风险,即选取什么样的指标来度量风险方面,论文首先通过决定系数R2考察了系统风险占总风险的比例,研究发现我国基金市场的系统风险较高;

    We do series of theoretical and positive study for finding the suitable risk measurement index . We use determining coefficient R 2 to examine the proportion of funds ' system risk ;

  8. 他说:展望未来,我们认为韩国市场有更大的发展空间。截至今年5月,ETF仅占股票型共同基金市场的14%。

    Looking forward , we see more room for growth in the Korean market as ETFs account for only 14 per cent of the equity mutual fund market as of May 2012 , says Mr Seo .

  9. 咨询公司普华永道(PwC)日前发布了一份关于中国基金市场的报告。接受普华永道采访的基金经理表示,由于外资资产管理公司的总体市场份额停滞不前,预计未来几年实力较弱的公司将撤离中国。

    Weaker foreign players are expected to leave China in the next few years as foreign managers ' overall market share stagnates , according to fund managers interviewed by PwC , the consultancy , for a recent report on fund management in China .

  10. 深圳股票市场与基金市场互动关系的计量分析

    Interaction between Shenzhen stock market and fund market : an econometrical analysis

  11. 证券投资基金市场监管政策的光滑性、平稳性、科学性;

    The smooth , steady and scientific of supervisory policies in SIFs markets ;

  12. 对冲基金市场功能研究

    A Study of Market Function of Hedge Fund

  13. 我国投资基金市场运行与发展问题研究

    The Research of Market of the Investment Funds Runs and Development Problems of China

  14. 美国税收政策在美国投资基金市场的发展中发挥了重要作用。

    American tax policy plays an important role in the development of investment fund market .

  15. 2006年基金市场风云回顾

    Turns and Twists in 2006 Fund Market

  16. 2007年基金市场投资策略&专访国金证券研究所高级基金研究员张剑辉

    Investment Strategy in 2007 Fund Market

  17. 然而,尽管有成功的案例,但搜索基金市场的扩张好似小火慢烧。

    Yet despite the success stories , expansion of the search fund market looks like a slow-burn activity .

  18. 最后,为进一步促进我国基金市场的健康发展,本文给出了一定的政策建议。

    Finally , the article provides certain suggestion for the sake of enhancing our funds market healthy development .

  19. 基金市场新的竞争因素&私募基金及其规范化。

    And attaching importance to and standardizing the private-raised fund , a new competition factor in the fund market .

  20. 最近十多年来,我国学者对我国的股票市场,基金市场等也做了不少实证研究。

    In the last decade , Chinese researchers have done some empirical study on our stock or fund market .

  21. 另外,为顺应入世潮流,应依法鼓励外国资本进入中国投资基金市场。

    Lastly , the article also argues that foreign investors should be encouraged to enter Chinese investment fund market .

  22. 通过对产品本质的认识来确定其市场的定义及规模,并提出了细分开放式基金市场的两个变量:购买力和投资需求。

    Then , we put forward two gist of segmenting market : demand of investment and ability of purchasing .

  23. 事实上,基金市场近年来发展迅速,已经成为金融市场的重要组成部分。

    In fact , the fund market has developed quickly recent years , becoming an important part of financial market .

  24. 银行间基金市场陷入停滞,许多信誉卓越的公司和金融机构不得不支付惩罚性的利率。

    The interbank-funds market has seized up and even the most creditworthy corporate and financial firms are paying punitive rates .

  25. 由于中国散户基金市场不景气,一些新建基金公司难以存活。

    Due to the stagnant retail fund market in China , some newly launched fund companies are struggling to survive .

  26. 本文还分析了我国投资基金市场的风险,并应用监管理论和资本资产理论,提出了宏观监管和微观控制的防范措施。

    With the help of supervised theory and capital assets theory , precautionary measures characterized by macro-supervision and micro-control are put forward .

  27. 为克服市场先天性缺陷,确保基金市场的有序、良性运行,对市场进行合理监管很有必要。

    In order to overcome market congenital defect and ensure that the market orderly operate , the reasonable market regulation is necessary .

  28. 投资者是基金市场产生与发展的基础,保护投资者利益应当成为基金立法的宗旨。

    The fund holders are the basis of the investment fund market , protecting them should be the purpose of the fund legislation .

  29. 然而,无论是美国还是欧洲的对冲基金市场都不能与亚洲对冲基金行业近年的迅速崛起相媲美。

    However , neither the US nor European hedge fund markets can match the meteoric rise of the Asian industry in recent years .

  30. 同时,保护投资者利益,培育良好的金融环境,发展资本市场的要求,使得国家对投资基金市场的监管必不可少。

    Moreover , to protect the interest of investors , foster a favorable financial environment , and develop capital market also need supervision .