
  • 网络facilities plan;Facility Planning;Facilities Scheduling
  1. 作为配套,本项目目前正在试点编制12项参与式省级农村基础设施计划。

    Accordingly , the program is currently piloting the preparation of12 Participatory Provincial Rural Infrastructure Plans .

  2. 基础设施计划是基于差异分析和项目预算的。

    The infrastructure plan is based on the results of the gap analysis and on the project budget .

  3. 基础设施计划,在这个计划中,项目指定和部署了许多其它项目可以使用的支持性技术,从而导致标准的共享

    Infrastructure programs , in which projects define and deploy supporting technology used by many other projects , resulting in shared standards

  4. 数据仓库基础设施计划描述了软件、硬件、数据网络以及其他支持数据仓库的元素。

    The data warehouse infrastructure plan describes the software , hardware , data network , and other elements that will support the data warehouse .

  5. 德国可能拥有世界上最雄心勃勃的氢气基础设施计划。该国一个企业财团打算在未来5年投资最高20亿欧元(合26亿美元),建设1000个加氢站。

    In Germany , the country with perhaps the most ambitious hydrogen-infrastructure plans , a consortium of companies aims to build 1,000 hydrogen stations in the next five years at a cost of up to € 2bn ( $ 2.6bn ) .

  6. NⅡ在行动&世界部分国家信息基础设施行动计划

    NII in Action & Project of NII in Some Countries

  7. 随着上海迪士尼开园的临近,香港迪士尼去年10月份推出了建设“铁甲奇侠”(IronMan,又称:钢铁侠)游乐设施的计划,这将是钢铁侠人物首次出现在迪士尼主题公园里。

    As the opening of Shanghai 's park looms , Disney in October unveiled plans to build an Iron Man attraction , the first-ever for a Marvel-based character at a Disney park .

  8. 此外,美国前财政部部长拉里萨默斯(LarrySummers)等其他人正在为新的基础设施改善计划造势。

    Others , such as Larry Summers , the former Treasury secretary , are also campaigning for a new drive to improve infrastructure .

  9. TreasuryWine一直在寻求扩大在华销售,今年3月公布了在华开设葡萄酒吧或饭店娱乐设施的计划,以便让中国消费者饮用高档葡萄酒,而不是仅仅将葡萄酒用于送礼。

    Treasury Wine has been seeking to increase sales in China , announcing plans in March to open wine bars or restaurant-and-entertainment outlets in a bid to get the country 's consumers to drink luxury wines , rather than simply give bottles as gifts .

  10. 制定核设施应急计划需要注意的若干问题

    Some issues on establishment of emergency plan in nuclear facilities

  11. 有一项改善本地区娱乐设施的计划正在进行。

    There is a scheme afoot to improve recreational facilities in the area .

  12. 在威尼斯度假村附近修建多酒店综合设施的计划正在等待澳门政府批准。

    Plans for a multi-hotel complex in the neighbourhood of the Venetian await government approval .

  13. 国家信息基础设施(计划)

    NII ( National Information Infrastructure )

  14. 几发火箭击中了机场的停机坪,战斗使开放机场设施的计划一再延宕。

    Several rockets hit the airport tarmac and the fighting delayed plans to re-open the facility .

  15. 腐败削弱了基础设施建设计划,尽管古吉拉特等邦在不断改进。

    Corruption corrodes infrastructure plans , though some states , such as Gujarat , are improving .

  16. 文娱设施的计划方案

    Cultural facilities plan and programme

  17. 在接下来的几周数月内,我将概述其它重建美国基础设施的计划,

    In the coming weeks and months , I will outline additional projects to rebuild American infrastructure ,

  18. 灾害恢复是当严重事故发生后,恢复系统和设施的计划措施。

    Disaster recovery is the the act of planning for the restoration of systems and facilities after a major incident .

  19. 今年较早时,我们在征询公众意见后,制定了一套改善私人楼宇消防安全设施的计划。

    Following public consultation earlier this year , we have drawn up a programme to improve fire safety in private buildings .

  20. 北京方面正致力于扭转过度依赖政府主导型投资推动经济增长的局面,建造大型基础设施的计划与这种努力背道而驰。

    The infrastructure plans run counter to Beijing 's commitment to reduce its heavy reliance on government-led investment to fuel growth .

  21. 因此,我们于今天宣布了一项总规模为550亿美元的基础设施投资计划,并将于本周六正式启动这项计划。

    This is why we have today announced a $ 55 billion infrastructure initiative which will be formally launched on Saturday .

  22. 非洲联盟宣布,将于明年启动非洲基础设施发展计划的第二阶段。

    The African Union has announced it will the second phase of the Program for Infrastructure Development in Africa next year .

  23. 阿卜杜拉表示,将通过政府节俭运动以及推迟部分基础设施项目计划为上述措施筹措资金。

    Mr Abdullah said the measures would be financed by a government austerity campaign and by delaying plans for some infrastructure projects .

  24. 制定一项不受国会约束的国家基础设施建设计划,可以将重点放在用通行费提供资金的大型州际项目上。

    A national infrastructure plan , independent from Congress , can focus on large-scale interstate programmes paid for over time by tolls .

  25. 原计划改成一个社区交谊中心有一项改善本地区娱乐设施的计划正在进行。

    Was supposed to be made into a community center There is a scheme afoot to improve recreational facilities in the area .

  26. 本文论述了启动城市空间数据基础设施建设计划的必要性,并就有关问题提出了一些初步看法。

    The article expounds the necessity of initiating urban spatial statistics infrastructure and raises some tentative opinions on the essential problems concerned .

  27. 事务委员会同意成立小组委员会,负责跟进两个前市政局遗留下来的康乐及文化设施工程计划。

    The panel agreed to set up a subcommittee to follow up the outstanding leisure and cultural services projects of the former municipal councils .

  28. 只有大约30%的政府四万亿元($5850亿)基础设施一揽子计划由政府专款支持。

    Only about 30 % of the government 's 4 trillion yuan ( $ 585 billion ) infrastructure package is being funded by the government .

  29. “如果你认为,中国会执行已宣布的基础设施投资计划,原材料股票的表现应该也会很好,”他补充称。

    " If you think China will deliver on its announced infrastructure spending plans then material stocks should also do well , " he adds .

  30. 布什政府反对禁制令,也反对收紧国家基金,因为这两项都会严重危害已就位的国家级安全计划和基础设施维护计划。

    The administration opposes sanctions and withholding state funds , both of which would jeopardize important state-level safety programs and infrastructure maintenance programs already in place .